Indian movie "How Home is Home": Children who are brave and fearless on the outside are usually vulnerable on the inside

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First of all, the eyes of the protagonist boy Zane in the movie are full of growing pains and melancholy. Zane was arranged by the family to act as a cheap labor force and looked at the envy and silence of his peers on the school bus who laughed and laughed. Zane entered unexpectedly. Other people's homes feel the motherly love of other people's homes and are responsible for other people's children, and finally realized that to leave their parents and this disappointing country, this is the growth path of the 11-year-old Zane. Zane gave us a glimpse of a child who was detached from his peers and was forced to precociously. He did not compromise like his parents and grew up to be like his own parents. The union of his parents was the birth of a tragedy.

Indian movie 'How Home is Home': Children who are brave and fearless on the outside are usually vulnerable on the inside - Lujuba

It was not until Zane was completely disappointed with his parents that he stood up in court and spoke out the complaint against them, calling on the society to reduce this situation. Secondly, the warmth of every part of the film is thought to be an inevitable reversal. The next second of each conflict is whether the stabbing event will happen. Because the results are known, all warmths are filled with sadness, and all conflicts are hanging in the air. The director not only used this method in one place, but after telling Lahill to ask Zane to take care of Jonas, he returned to the court. The fact that Jonas was abducted was revealed.

Indian movie 'How Home is Home': Children who are brave and fearless on the outside are usually vulnerable on the inside - Lujuba

​​made the following story even more intolerable and anxious, worrying about when Zane was tricked into getting Jonas to be abducted, and when to stabbing someone. In the film, the younger sister Sarah has menarche, and the older brother Zane is like an old mother. He teaches Sara how to deal with this matter. Don't let her parents know that she is pregnant. Precocious Zane has seen Sara's friends come. In the scene where the girl after menarche was sold by her parents and separated from her family since then, he worried that Sarah would be sold by her parents after she had menarche, and helped Sara wash her bloody pants.

Indian movie 'How Home is Home': Children who are brave and fearless on the outside are usually vulnerable on the inside - Lujuba

then tried to buy a ticket and wanted to take Sara to escape the house, but he did not expect that he was a step slower than his parents. Assad and his father had already arrived at the house and planned to take Sara away. Although he was hysterical, all kinds of obstruction could not change this fact. Finally he ran away from home in despair. I have been paying attention to Zane’s eyes throughout the movie. His acting skills and his appropriate explosive power also make it hard for you to imagine that this is something a twelve-year-old child can control. It is not until the end that he understands the plot of the movie. His personal experience, he is not acting in a movie, but just showing his experience to everyone. There is no exaggeration and no groaning. No wonder those actions seem so skillful.

In addition, the plot of the film is interlinked before and after, and it often echoes the title (not home, wandering, not being recognized by the society without identification, etc.). Because it is adapted from a real story, it is also More shocking and so on. In addition, this film does not mention war throughout (only mentions the background of the war at the end of the film). It only uses a very real life but strongly shows the cruelty of war. On the contrary, it stimulates me more deeply. This is also me. The most pleasing point.

Finally, the most intense contradiction in the movie is not the survival problem caused by poverty, but the ignorance caused by poverty. After comparing with the shogunate in the movie, thinking about my parents, I feel happy. The childhood of friends or peers I know may not have a good parent. A few parents can handle the relationship with their children correctly, and the children of a few families can feel happy.

Tags: movie