21 years later, "The Pianist on the Sea" was restored and re-screened, an irony of the current state of the film market

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From 1997 to 1998, two films about big ships were born in the world's film history, one is "Titanic", which won the global box office and won 11 Oscars that year. The other is "The Pianist at Sea", which has become a classic in movie history with sea legends and romantic feelings. It has won 22 global awards such as the American Golden Globe Award. It has been treasured by many literary and artistic youths and film lovers.

Following the release of the 3D version of "Titanic" in China in 2012, recently, the 4k restored version of "Sea Pianist" also ushered in a highlight moment of re-screening.

21 years later, 'The Pianist on the Sea' was restored and re-screened, an irony of the current state of the film market - Lujuba

movie restoration is a big project. The restoration time of a movie can be as short as a few days, and the length can be calculated in years, and the cost is still very high, mainly including technical cost, hardware cost and labor cost, of which the highest proportion is manpower Cost, manpower mainly comes from the three links of physical cleaning, "coating number" collection, and digital repair. On average, it takes 20-30 people to spend more than 4 months to complete it. First, it takes 5-10 people to physically clean the film itself in a week. After repairing, 2-3 people are required to digitally collect the pictures on the film with a telecine transfer device. Repairing an old film will cost more than 100,000 labor costs. This is not even the technical cost and hardware cost. Because of this, only a few classic films can get the chance to be restored and reborn, and because commercial returns are difficult to cover the huge cost, repairing old films is often only a kind of feeling.

"The Pianist on the Sea" was restored and re-released, not only because the shocking performances in the play are unforgettable, but also because of the legendary story behind the film, the director bound the personal emotions of the decline of jazz with the times and society. Together, bid farewell to the once prosperous traditional European civilization through details. The

movie tells of a baby who was abandoned on the giant cruise ship Virginia in 1900. People named him 1900. Who ever thought that this abandoned child who had never touched a piano was a musical genius, he had no education. Can play beautiful music. This extraordinary musical talent made him a famous pianist on this ship, and he was praised and applauded by people from all walks of life from all over the world. But all of this happened at sea, because 1900 lived on a ship all his life and never landed on land. In the

film, whether it is the beginning of the legendary life in 1900, or the setting of the film, it is related to the giant cruise ship Virginia. In

, the people on the cruise ship repeatedly go back and forth. They seem to be ordinary passengers, but they actually show the changing process of European civilization.

The beginning of the 20th century was an era of rapid change. The world's economic and cultural center moved from Western Europe to the United States and developed rapidly. The two world wars severely destroyed European civilization from material to psychological. Traditional European literati and philosophers either went into exile or died of depression.

The film hero was also born in such an era. 1900 represents not only the era and name, but also the glorious period of Europe. In the movie, the narrator repeatedly emphasizes that the Virginia is a ship connecting Europe and the United States, and this ship has also witnessed the development of Europe for half a century. Before the trumpeter boarded the ship, it was the childhood and adolescence of the sea pianist. This was also the time when the "First World War" broke out in Europe. The outbreak of World War I directly led to a large number of Europeans emigrating to the United States.

​​The sea pianist and trumpet player were met in their youth, that is, during the 1920s and 1930s. This was the period of the Great Depression in the United States, which can also be said to be the beginning of the American dream. The prosperous rest of Europe can be spied on from the movie. In the movie, 1900’s friend Max enters 1900’s room. The sea pianist is lying on the bed in the cabin bedroom. The wall next to the bed is covered with him and many great men. There are Chamberlain, Einstein, Freud, etc. in the photos of, which shows that these great men have been in search of ships, and it also confirms that the civilization of the prosperous period is passing away.

and the classic piano fight. Although it was a competition, 1900 had a clear attitude. He didn't care about winning or losing the game, but just wanted to use advanced classical music to satirize the influx of jazz. However, no matter how elegant and high-end aristocratic civilization is, it will be destroyed in a war. People can still wear dresses and dance to the music of 1900 to feel the atmosphere of European aristocratic culture. Rush to the American Empire in the next secondIn his arms, only 1900 and his music are left. The ship

Virginia carried people who experienced the turbulent period of the 20th century, but because of the two worlds on board and on land, on board the ship, the old prosperous warmth still exists, and at the same time, you can feel the glimmer of a new civilization.

Secondly, the contrast between the trumpeter and the pianist also shows two different states of realism and idealism. 1900 has been living on a ship since his birth. He has not experienced land wars, social turmoil, including economics. Decline, have been living in his own noble art world. The trumpeter has experienced all these turmoil. For people in the stage of survival, how to talk about the spiritual world and the illusory art world, the real experience of the two complements reality.

At the end of the film, 1900 originally wanted to leave the ship and go ashore to start a new life, but when he was approaching the land, he suddenly regretted it when he saw the scene of flying birds in high-rise buildings. Many viewers who have watched the movie will also have this question: Why did the pianist refuse to disembark in the end? The ship

was the place where he lived since he was a child in 1900. Here, he opened his own musical world, gained recognition, and also gained glory. This is the harbor where his spirit is sued, giving him a sense of belonging and security. On the contrary, the land is a big ship that he cannot see the future. He is afraid of it. Although in the eyes of outsiders, he has always been a lonely existence on the ship, but he can live at ease because there are his friends. With the music he loves, he can live easily, so he finally chooses to live in his comfort zone.

On the other side, the trumpeter came to the United States he was thinking of, but whoever thought that the dream of music would stop at being with 1900. When the ideal was defeated by reality, he could only sell his beloved trumpet, and he also had the dream of music. Only missed.

These are all like us in reality. We want to see a wider world, have been timid in the face of new challenges, and choose to stay in our comfort zone because of the fear of the unknown. I will struggle because of my ideals, but when I bring my ideals into reality, I cannot realize it because of various difficulties, and I finally have to compromise with life.

Director Giuseppe Tonadore is a romantic. The film "The Pianist on the Sea" is still a classic work in the eyes of many people for so many years, and it is not only the strong artistic expression of this film. It is more that the stories presented behind the art can make many people find resonance in themselves, the weakness of human nature, the impact of reality and ideals, and so on. The soundtrack of the film is also excellent. The Italian music master Yanniou Moriknai perfectly conveys the current mood and scenes of the film characters through music. Every time you watch it, you will have a different feeling. All these excellent links Created a classic film. As the lead actor Tim Rose said, "The Pianist on the Sea" is a blind antidote, it can make you think from childhood to adulthood.

It is reported that "The Pianist on the Sea" originally had 4 different length versions, namely 165 minutes, 120 minutes, 169 minutes and 125 minutes. The director Giuseppe Tonadore originally wanted to make the story fully presented. The distributor Fine Line wanted to make the story more dramatic and forced to edit it into a 125-minute version. For this reason, Giuseppe Tonadore has been playing games with the distributor and eventually missed the Berlin Film Festival screening and the main Cannes competition. Invitation.

When "The Pianist on the Sea" was first released, some people believed that it was neither passionate nor inspirational enough compared with "Forrest Gump" and "Shawshank's Salvation", and to a certain extent questioned and denied the American dream. It represents the mainstream value orientation, but this does not prevent "Sea Pianist" from becoming a classic. Today, this movie is once again on the big screen. As a literary film, it does not cover the commercial elements that the public loves to hear today, but it continues to attract more people to the theater with a box office record of over 90 million in seven days. The denial of "Sea Pianist", which runs counter to the mainstream market, happens to be a powerful irony of the current state of the film market: in the face of high-quality content, all conventional market laws are not worth mentioning.

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