He was once a world-famous African comedy superstar. He was paid only 300 yuan when he became famous. He died at the age of 59. A movie that is still classic.

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Pippi Movie / A wonderful movie recommendation every day

On October 12th, in the "Ineos 1:59" Marathon Challenge held in Vienna, Austria, Kenyan star Erud Kipchoge took 1 hour 59 minutes 40 seconds His results crossed the finish line and became the first runner in human history to run a two-hour marathon.

Although this achievement was not recognized by the IAAF, he also created the current world record of 2 hours, 01 minutes and 39 seconds for the marathon.

He was once a world-famous African comedy superstar. He was paid only 300 yuan when he became famous. He died at the age of 59. A movie that is still classic. - Lujuba

Pigeon is also a marathon enthusiast, and his understanding of Africans has always been in the areas of strong running, high athletic ability, and big advantages in track and field events.

knows very little about African-American film stars. The only thing that impresses him is Lisu, a Bushman wilderness farmer from Namibia.

He was once a world-famous African comedy superstar. He was paid only 300 yuan when he became famous. He died at the age of 59. A movie that is still classic. - Lujuba

Li Su actually only made 5 movies in his life, but once became popular all over the world.

He attracted attention when he appeared in the documentary "Cute Animals" directed by Kami Uyce in 1974, and then starred in "God Is Crazy" and the sequel directed by Kami Uyce in 1980 and 1989. , These two films made him quickly get the attention of the whole world.

He was once a world-famous African comedy superstar. He was paid only 300 yuan when he became famous. He died at the age of 59. A movie that is still classic. - Lujuba

The Hong Kong film company, which was in its heyday, naturally quickly sensed the business opportunity. The filming started by Yongsheng Films, written by Huang Bingyao, and directed by Chen Huiyi, "African Monk" was soon launched and released in 1991. The

movie assembled a strong lineup of Lin Zhengying, Zhou Xingchi, and Wu Mengda, and Chen Huiyi also asked his brother Chen Long to star in the zombie. The movie

tells a British overseas Chinese named Dunson (played by Chen Shanhe) who photographed a zombie from the Qing Dynasty at an auction held in London, England.

It turned out that the zombie was the remains of Deng Sen's ancestor. He wanted to transport it back to his motherland for burial, so he asked Maoshan Taoist Lin Zhengying to help.

On the return plane, because they lost their way and ran out of gasoline, the two had to parachute.

​​Lin Daochang and Dunson shared a parachute and landed on a tree.

and the zombie ancestor fell into a tribe of African natives. At this time, Susan, a foreign woman, was helping a group to kidnap several African women to sell.

The zombie ancestor fell down, hit and missed the bad guys and rescued these women, so they were respected as gods by the natives.

The woman named Susan accidentally discovered that the stone axes used by the natives contained diamonds.

So she left the native village with the stone axe, planning to gather more people to grab the diamonds.

Lin Daochang and Deng Sen fell into this pristine prairie, like earthworms falling into the chicken coop, being preyed by various beasts, hiding in a panic.

After getting rid of animals such as lions, rhinos and apes, they also came to the native village and met Lisu.

Because Lin Daochang helped the natives catch snakes, Lisu and the others regarded Lin Daochang as a very powerful person, and they treated both Lin Daochang and Deng Sen with hospitality.

Lin Daochang also gradually fell in love with the carefree and free life in Africa and was reluctant to think about it. He even planned to live here forever.

At the strong request of Dunson, Lin Daochang took out the magic weapon, and quickly determined the location of the zombie ancestor and found it.

Lin Daochang took a lot of effort to convince the natives that the zombie ancestors were not their gods. Finally, they finally harvested their luggage and left the tribe with the zombie ancestors, and Li Su also took the initiative to lead the way and send them a ride.

At this time, Susan brought more people and African wizards to grab the diamonds. They surrounded the entire tribe and controlled all the natives, asking the natives to hand over all the diamonds.

Li Su also quickly learned the situation from the signal sent by the natives. Lin Daochang knew that something was wrong, and decided to take the zombie ancestor and Li Su back to the tribe to rescue people.

Lin Daochang is riding an ostrich, Lisu is riding a zombie ancestor, and the two are galloping on the grassland. This picture is really beautiful.

When rushed to the tribe, Susan was prepared this timeThen, she unexpectedly released a big African zombie to have a big battle with the zombie ancestors. The

zombie ancestor was very timid, but he encountered an African zombie one size bigger than it.

​​Encouraged by the natives and Dunson, the zombie ancestor finally regained self-confidence and fought hard with African zombies, and finally beat the African zombies.

Li Su, Lin Daochang and Deng Sen also fought the bad guys.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness, Lin Daogong cast a spell to let Bruce Lee go on Lisu's body, causing Lisu's combat effectiveness to burst instantly, and quickly drove the bad guys away. The

movie ended in a happy ending. Lin Daochang gave Lisu his robes and the official uniforms of the zombie ancestors, in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

Since then, the native tribes of Lisu have always regarded the zombie ancestor as a god. They made a straw man out of straw, put it on official clothes and dressed it as a zombie ancestor for sacrifice.

never saw Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda from the beginning of the movie, because they were responsible for the Cantonese narration and did not appear on the scene.

Even so, the film is still enhanced by the two of them.

Lisu, who lives on the African savanna, is actually a very simple and simple person.

It is said that when he first met the director Jiamei Youyis, the latter paid him 300 US dollars. He had no idea about money and lost it in a flash. After the film became popular, he just had the simple idea of ​​earning as much money as possible to subsidize his family.

However, as the heat passed, Li Su quickly disappeared after participating in "Hong Kong Is Crazy" and "African Superman".

Until July 2003, there was a sudden bad news. Lisu, who was only 59 years old, died suddenly on the grassland when he was out looking for wood. The cause of death was multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

Lin Zhengying, whom we have always missed, passed away on November 8, 1997.

​​Pi Ge saw a scene of Lin Daochang teaching soda kung fu in the sunset. The two figures are accompanied by melodious music, which makes people feel nostalgia, as if they are back to the best of the 90s Time. The charm of

movies is here! Even people who have passed away for a long time can use images to restore their appearance when they were alive, so that we can see their voices and smiles.

Whether people or things, in fact, nothing in this world can last forever.

Text/Pippi Film Editor: Passionate Blood

Tags: movie