Big IP movies such as "Wandering Earth" and "Incorruptible Government" are plagued by infringement cases, the reason is...

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Big IP movies such as 'Wandering Earth' and 'Incorruptible Government' are plagued by infringement cases, the reason is... - Lujuba

Under the call of the country this year, many of us have begun to realize the importance of intellectual property rights. For example, to listen to Jay Chou’s songs online, you have to buy copyrights, and to watch movies online you have to buy movie tickets, and so on. In detail, these "little things" have spawned a group of "wishful people" who have focused on popular movies such as "The Wandering Earth" and "Integrity".

From July 2017 to March 2019, the "wishful person" Chen was entrusted by foreign personnel to recruit 7 associates such as Lin and Lai to manage the "Fastest Resources Network" through remote control and division of labor in the QQ chat group. Illegal websites such as "131 Resources Net", "156 Resources Net", and "Extreme Cloud Collection Net" jointly download and disseminate a large number of pirated film and television works, and add overseas gambling advertisements to the video links for profit. The illegal business amount is as high as 12.5 million yuan. .

In this incident, domestic and foreign personnel colluded and rented large-capacity servers to form a complete pirated industry chain of offline production sources and online dissemination networks, involving more than 20,000 pirated film and television works, including "Wandering Earth" and other Spring Festival files Hot movies involve the distribution of copyright holders in many parts of the world, causing bad social impact, infringing on the legal rights of copyright holders, and seriously damaging the reputation of the development of my country's film and television industry and intellectual property protection.

The case of eight lawbreakers Chen, Lin, Lai and others infringing copyright was heard in Shanghai Third Intermediate People’s Court on the 20th. The case involved movies such as "The Wandering Earth" and "Incorruptible Government", and the illegal behavior caused a bad influence on the society. After the trial, the court made a judgment in court and 8 people were sentenced. In the end, the procuratorate suggested that Chen should be sentenced to four years and six months in prison for copyright infringement and a fine of 500,000 yuan. At the same time, his colleagues Lin and Lai should be sentenced to two years and ten months in prison. And fines ranging from 170,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan.

Don’t try to challenge the law. Speculation is not a long-term solution. Don’t make a small loss of big money and gain your heart. You must not do things that violate the law or discipline. From the light to the bankruptcy, the other is to go to jail. Good years, bronze walls and iron walls, years of cold windows. , The next life will continue.

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