Telegram: "Joker" sequel news, space film "Interstellar Exploration" scheduled for mainland China

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Telegram on November 21, "Joker" sequel news; Golden Rooster Award announced that it will be selected once a year; space movie "Interstellar Exploration" mainland officials announced the file; American drama "Lord of the Rings" directly renewed the second season .

Telegram: 'Joker' sequel news, space film 'Interstellar Exploration' scheduled for mainland China - Lujuba

① "Joker" sequel officially launched?

recently reported by the "Hollywood Reporter" that after officially surpassing the $1 billion box office mark, the sequel to the Golden Lion Award winning film "Joker" has been officially launched. Director Todd Phillips will return, he also said that "Joker" may be developed into a trilogy. Warner is also ready to invite Jacques Phoenix to continue to play the leading actor.

but! The latest report from Deadline, another authoritative media of

, stated that although the sequel of such a lucrative movie is a normal operation, currently has no plans to advance the sequel, and neither has any communication with the director or screenwriter about the sequel.

Deadline also included two points to give his own "rumoring":

first, "Joker" a week after the release, Phillips had a meeting with Warner Film boss Toby Emmerich, and proposed to develop a series of DC Original character-this sentence is completely fake news.

Second, Martin Scorsese never had the intention of directing "Joker" . He just wanted to be a producer before and then quit.

The two most important media in the Hollywood film industry gave diametrically opposite reports, so to tell the truth, you can only wait for Warner’s official news.

Telegram: 'Joker' sequel news, space film 'Interstellar Exploration' scheduled for mainland China - Lujuba

②The defendant for spreading pirated "Wandering Earth" has been sentenced, and the sequel will have to wait 4 years.

This year’s Spring Festival file, some pirated film and television websites have used "Wandering Earth" and other 8 popular movies and many other film and television dramas for illegal gains. Through technical means, it can be broadcast on its pirated film and television resource website, which infringes the copyright owner's right to spread the work. On the morning of November 20, the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate Court opened a court session to hear this copyright infringement case.

made a first-instance verdict in court against the eight defendants involved in copyright infringement. Among them, the principal offender Chen was sentenced to four and six months imprisonment and a fine of RMB 550,000. The other defendants were sentenced to two years and ten months imprisonment and ten months imprisonment, with corresponding fines.

"Wandering Earth" director Guo Fan talked about the progress of the sequel at the Golden Rooster Forum.

He said that the sequel of "The Wandering Earth" will start shooting at least four years later, and he is still sorting out the story and the audience survey results. He revealed that the sequel will take 3-4 years to write the script, build the world view and conceptual design, the story focuses more on emotional description, and the special effects are more refined. Guo Fan feels that "Wandering Earth" has just passed in the world science fiction sequence, and hopes that the sequel can reach 70 points.

Guo Fan said that the production level of "The Wandering Earth" is 25-30 years away from the Hollywood industry. When he was watching Hollywood documentaries in the 1990s, he found that the situation he encountered was very similar to that of Hollywood back then. But the special effects of "Wandering Earth" are still close to the level of Hollywood special effects, 10-15 years away.

Telegram: 'Joker' sequel news, space film 'Interstellar Exploration' scheduled for mainland China - Lujuba

③The Golden Rooster Award is selected once a year.

On November 19, the 28th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival officially opened in Xiamen. Filmmakers gathered to share the "Golden Rooster Moment" of Chinese films. The opening ceremony also announced that starting from this year, the Golden Rooster Award will be selected once a year.

The Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award and the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award will be awarded alternately every other year since 2005. The Golden Rooster Award will be awarded in odd-numbered years, and the Hundred Flower Award in even-numbered years will be awarded by audience voting. Starting this year, the Golden Rooster Awards will make changes.

There are many popular movies on the nomination list of the Golden Rooster Awards. Among them, among the best feature film nominations, "I am not a medicine god", "Wandering Earth", "Later Us", and "Red Sea Operation" were nominated.

The shortlist for the best actor includes "I am not a medicine god" 's Xu Zheng, "Blizzard is coming" 's Duan Yihong, "Long Tianchang" 's Wang Jingchun, and "Old Beast" 's Tumen, "Into the Capital" 's rich dragon, "Passing Zhaoguan"Yang Taiyi of . These five actors have previously won awards in many prestigious international and domestic film festivals. And Ma Yili, Yongmei, Yao Chen and others will compete for the best actress award.

At the same time, many filmmakers from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, China were shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Awards. Among them, Hong Kong director Lin Chaoxian was shortlisted for best director with "Operation Red Sea" ; Taiwanese filmmaker Liu Ruoying was shortlisted for best director debut and best screenwriter with "After Us" , and Taiwanese editor Liao Qingsong named " "Puppy Bottle" and Wu Fang were also shortlisted for the Best Editing Award. (News and pictures from 1905 Movie Network)

④ "Interstellar Exploration" Mainland officials announced the file

The space science fiction film "Interstellar Exploration" starring Brad Pitt is officially set on December 6th, and the Mainland fixed posters exposure.

The film was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Venice Film Festival. The media evaluation of the film is extremely excellent. The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is 83%, but the audience praise rate is only 45%, and the reputation is extremely polarized.

"Interstellar Exploration" originally had a budget of US$80 million. After the remake, the total cost has swelled to about US$100 million. The film has been in theaters around the world since September 20. At present, the cumulative box office in North America has just passed 50 million U.S. dollars, and the global gross box office is 127 million U.S. dollars. The agency expects the issuer Fox to lose 30 million US dollars.

is determined to introduce China this time. The most critical factor for whether it can be a Jedi counterattack in the domestic Lunar New Year stalls is undoubtedly luck.

⑤The American drama "The Lord of the Rings" directly renews the second season

Amazon recently announced the renewal of the second season of the magical epic series "The Lord of the Rings" . This American drama based on Tolkien's original work of the same name is currently in its first season in New Zealand. Preparations. You can get the renewal of the second season before the shooting of the first season, and the copyright fees of hundreds of millions can not be wasted. The

series will tell the story that took place 3000 years ago in the movie plot of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, unfolding the world of the "second era" in the world view of Thor King’s Middle-earth, which includes Sauron’s Supreme Lord of the Rings. Many rings inside, when they came to this world.

, director Juan Antonio Bayana with experience in special effects blockbusters such as "Jurassic World 2" and "When Monsters Knock on the Door" will direct the first two episodes of the show and serve as executive producer. Australian actress Macla Cavina and British actor Will Poulter have announced their participation in the first season of the show.

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