Wei Ya sells movie tickets live, does "announcement" help the movie box office?

movie 1118℃

On November 5th, two "new" faces came to Wei Ya's live broadcast room.

They are the two leading actors of the movie "The Beneficiary", Dapeng and Liu Yan. Although the two are familiar faces in the entertainment industry, they are "primary school students" in the "cargo industry".

The goods they want to bring are movie tickets for "The Beneficiary".

sat next to the "Taobao No. 1 Female Anchor", and they looked at Wei Ya's amazing delivery speed stupidly.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The five beeps countdown ended, and the movie ticket link was officially launched in Via's live broadcast room. This night, 8 million netizens walked into the live broadcast room. With Wei Ya's strong ability to carry goods, tens of thousands of movie tickets were sold out instantly.

Dapeng covered his mouth in surprise. He never thought that movie tickets could be sold out in such a short time. "This is a very meaningful moment for a Chinese movie. This is the first time to sell movie tickets in this way. I am very happy." 13 days after the movie was released, the box office was 190 million. This number does not count. As the back end of the entire film industry chain,

is the closest link to the market, and it is also a crucial link. The clear positioning of publicity and distribution can make a movie famous, and if the positioning is biased, it may ruin a good movie.

However, the tastes of Chinese audiences are becoming more and more unpredictable. In the summer vacation of 2019, although "Little Nezha" alone had a box office of more than 4.9 billion, there were still 65 movies with a box office of less than 1 million, accounting for 48% of the total. How can

make more good movies without losing money? Does “publication” help the movie box office?

is in the first phase of Maoyan Research Institute “Master Class” (hereinafter referred to as “Master Class”), from the United Senior filmmakers from companies such as Rui Films, Huayi Brothers, Guangxi Caitiaowu, and Bole Marketing, together with students from all over the country, discussed these topics that are deep in the soul of film practitioners.

What is "movie announcement"?

, under the brainwashing melody of "My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment", the movie "My Motherland and Me" "extrudes heavily" in the chaos of the National Day file and won With a total box office of 2.861 billion, it rushed to the fourth place in the 2019 box office and third place in the domestic movie box office. The result of

is something that many people did not expect.

Wei Ya sells movie tickets live, does 'announcement' help the movie box office? - Lujuba

Compared with the same period of "Chinese Captain" and "The Climber", "My Motherland and Me" is not a typical commercial movie theme. 7 directors, 7 stories, this unconventional film structure also has a great market risk.

Many netizens believe that "My Motherland and Me" won the "public announcement". The theme song "Out of the Circle" sung by Faye Wong in the early stage, multi-platform propaganda materials, coupled with the high patriotism of the National Day file, allowed the audience to deeply engrave the six words "me and my motherland". In my mind.

However, the "movie announcement" is more than that. To put it simply, movie announcements are not only the release of materials that are visible to the audience, but also the production of films in theaters. Film promotion and distribution have a common purpose, which is to promote more target audiences to enter the theater and help the film get a higher box office in the early stage.

Maoyan Entertainment COO Kangli said, “Whether it is publicity or distribution, it is essentially communication. Publicity is more of communication to the audience, and distribution is the communication of the industry. "

Wei Ya sells movie tickets live, does 'announcement' help the movie box office? - Lujuba

In the early stage of the film’s release, the audience’s communication should be" "Fine" should not be "wide".

"We originally said that successful marketing was to get more people into the movie theater, but now we want people who like this film to enter the movie theater first, to generate a positive reputation and drive more audiences." Marketing CEO Zhang Wenbo said.

Wei Ya sells movie tickets live, does 'announcement' help the movie box office? - Lujuba

The Chinese film market is breaking away from the "star effect era" and entering the "word-of-mouth effect era". Compared with actors and IPs, Chinese audiences are more likely to be driven by the reputation of a movie and enter the cinema. According to data from

Maoyan Research Institute, from 2016 to 2018, the proportion of high-quality movies with 9 points and above at the box office has increased year by year, and high-quality content is becoming the core driving force of the market. The percentage of box office in other segments has declined to varying degrees. In 2018, the box office below 8 points fell to 10.0%.

The 2019 Spring Festival file shows a strong word-of-mouth effect. During the pre-sale stage and the first day of the screening, Han Han’s "Flying Life", Ning Hao’s "Crazy Alien" and Zhou Xingchi’s "New Comedy""The King", are the first to enter the "first echelon of the Spring Festival file".

Gradually, the "second echelon" science fiction movie "Wandering Earth" began to cause a strong reversal due to its high reputation.

​​After the third day of the first lunar month, the box office of "Wandering Earth" surpassed the previous "Big Three" in one fell swoop and continued to dominate the box office, becoming the box office champion of the Spring Festival in 2019. In the case of excellent film quality, "Wandering Earth" follows a steady and steady "word of mouth" route.

However, marketing strategies are not static and need to be "reviewed in time". Before most films are released, regular project marketing meetings are held. In addition to observing market feedback, it is also necessary to discuss whether to adjust marketing strategies.

Generally, the selling point of a movie will change, especially after the trailer is released. Under such a big move, the audience's interest in the film will change rapidly, which is also the "touchstone" to verify the effectiveness of the announcement materials. When the

movie "Monster Hunt 2" was released, the first selling point was the "star lineup" composed of stars such as Jing Boran and Bai Baihe. But in the publicity process, the "Stars" strategy did not get the expected results. As a result, "Monster Hunt 2" quickly adjusted its "selling point" to "Leung Tow Wai". The consideration for this adjustment of

is that although Tony Leung is not a so-called "traffic star", he has considerable box office appeal. After the film was released, the Maoyan Research Institute analyzed audience comments and found that Tony Leung had the highest amount of discussion.

However, marketing is not the most critical factor in determining the success of a movie at the box office.

"If the success of a movie puts marketing in the first place, it is actually a very sad and very irregular thing." Zhang Wenbo believes that marketing and publicity are essentially a kind of content" Icing on the cake".

The success of all movies must be the success of the content.

The "Schedule Civilization" of Chinese Movies

If "Nezha's Devil Boy" and "Wandering Earth" are released on the same schedule, will "Nezha" still have 4.9 billion? "Nezha's Devil Boy" Producer Wei Yunyun gave a negative answer. "Probably not, it may be 400 million, it may be 500 million." In the "Master Class", the lecturer team broke through the cognitive misunderstanding of "ignoring schedules to watch the box office". The box office of movies in different periods may show tremendous flexibility.

Kangli believes that in China's time schedule civilization, there are only two time slots, namely "Spring Festival" and "Non-Spring Festival".

"There is a lot of time in the schedule, the market is active, and the consumption power is strong. In the movie, it is the Spring Festival, because China only has a significant increase in consumption during the Spring Festival." Conley analyzed. Although the

"Spring Festival stall" has a large plate, it also means that the competition will be the cruelest. According to data from

Maoyan Research Institute, the combined box office of the Spring Festival stalls in 2019 exceeded 5.8 billion yuan, an increase of 1.4% year-on-year, setting a new record for the box office of the Spring Festival stalls. At the same time, 8 films were released during the Spring Festival in 2019, the largest number of films released in the past three years.

However, there are obvious box office differences between the eight films. "Wandering Earth" was postponed to May due to its high reputation, and ranked third in the domestic box office with a total box office of 4.654 billion. "Crazy Aliens" and "Flying Life" also scored 2.201 billion and 1.716 billion at the box office, winning a share in the Spring Festival stall.

Jackie Chan's "Detective Pu Songling" only earned 152 million box office, and "Infernal Affairs" director Mak Siu-fai's new work "Incorruptible Government" has a mediocre performance at the box office during the Spring Festival, not as good as the animated film "Little Pig Page" with a cat's eye rating of 5.9 Chinese New Year.

​​In the highly competitive "hot" period, audiences have more choices. Once word of mouth is at a disadvantage, it will be quickly abandoned by the market.

"If the marketing is strong and the film quality is not that strong, it is not recommended to go to the hottest schedule, it is recommended to go to the second hot schedule." Conley said. Liu Ge, deputy general manager of Huayi Brothers Film Company, believes that schedule determines fate. In the "Master Class", he chatted with the students about an unforgettable publishing experience in his career.

At 11 p.m. on October 4, the producer of the movie "Find You" gave Liu Ge a voice call. On the other end of the phone, the producer said to Liu Ge very excitedly that this time a year ago, it was one hour before "Find You" was released.

2018In March, after the Huayi Publicity Team watched the samples of "Find You", they felt that the film was very good, and the direction of the film was basically determined in the National Day file.

However, the 2018 National Day files already have films such as "Shadow", "Li Cha's Aunt", "Warriors", "Fatty Action Team" and other films "eyes on the eye", plus two animated films "Gearing Hands"; as a female theme film , "Find You" faces greater challenges and risks in terms of type and budget.

In the end, "Find You" chose October 5th, a somewhat "strange" schedule.

Liu Ge uses a "halfway attack" strategy. In the early days of the National Day file, they competed head-to-head with the above-mentioned films, and the odds of winning were not great. But in the mid-to-late National Day archives, if there are individual films that lack stamina, "Find You" will be used for word-of-mouth marketing through the pre-screening, accumulating the index of wanting to see, and "struck halfway" will achieve unexpected results. The same is true for


In the fierce competition in the National Day file, the box office of "Find You" still reached 18.31 million on the first day. With the excellent acting skills of the two major female protagonists and high-quality content and reputation, the box office has maintained a steady upward trend in the next few days, and finally ended successfully with a box office score of 285 million.

"Release is about making the right decision at the right time and at the critical moment." Liu Ge said. The mission of

Maoyan Research Institute

During the three-day "master class", many practitioners have found the "key" to break through their boundaries.

A student who has been engaged in the publicity industry for three years said that he came with professional bottlenecks and self-confidence. "After listening, I solved 50% on the first day and 80% of the confusion after listening to it in three days. The remaining 20% ​​is actually solved, but I still need to go home and think and settle down."

He is in class The post summary wrote, “The road ahead is still long. I’m on the road. As long as the road is right, I’m not afraid of the long road.”

“We hope to make the industry more standardized, standardized, and industrialized. By holding a “master class”, we I also export my own methods so that more good content can be incubated and developed so that the audience can see it." Liu Peng, dean of the Maoyan Research Institute, told the Hedgehog Commune (ID: ciweigongshe).

This is the original intention and purpose of this master class held by Maoyan Research Institute.

On the evening of November 8, after the first day of the "Master Class", Liu Peng took all the students to the small theater in Maoyan Company and started a special "pull film class".

The general drawing class is about how to make a film, and this drawing class is about how to change the film.

In the preliminary audience screening, Maoyan Research Institute designed a detailed user research system, and based on the results of the questionnaire, proposed optimization suggestions for the movie, from the ending of the story, the editing rhythm, to the relationship between the characters and the plot logic.

"As a brand side, I have distinguished the difference between marketing, publicity, and distribution, and understood the thinking mode of transposition with the film marketing side. Knowing the role of big data research, the last hurdle of film editing is the feedback of the target audience." After training and pulling films, the trainees working at Tencent Microvision are even more convinced that only content can save the box office.

Liu Peng told Hedgehog Commune that there are three logics in pushing Maoyan Research Institute to do a "master class".

First of all, the industry chain of the film industry is very long, but the domestic film industry is not standardized enough and industrialized. Secondly, the film industry has high risks, and there are many projects that lose money, which also hinders the development of the industry itself. The reason why

is doing it now is because the demographic dividend of the Chinese film market has passed, and a stage of producing good content through meticulous work is coming. After

wanted to understand these things, Maoyan Research Institute decided that it was time to do this.

In Liu Peng's "User Research and Data Propaganda" course handouts, there are densely packed analysis models and data cases, like a graduation defense report for data-related majors. What makes

different from other data analysis teams is that every analyst at the Maoyan Research Institute is a movie fan.

During the interview, they need to have basic reading requirements. After dinner, they watched movies, talked about movies, and analyzed movies.

Relying on the data-based and meticulous model and the genes behind the collaboration of Maoyan, the business volume of Maoyan Research Institute has almost doubledThe rate of rapid growth. "This year we have participated in more than 100 film projects, which is the sum of the previous years. Maybe more next year."

's rigorous data and love for movies keep everyone in the team together. These Internet filmmakers believe that more miracles will be born in Chinese films.

Tags: movie