Not afraid of 10,000 people blocking it, but afraid of surrendering yourself, "Unforgettable Big Dream" is like a bowl of "Energetic Soup"

movie 664℃

movie "Unforgettable Big Dream" is China’s first film based on the National People’s Congress system. The film is based on the quarterly meeting system of the township people’s congress in Nanchuan District, Chongqing. It tells the story of the new party secretary Zeng Ziqiang as the representative of the township cadres and deputies. In the course of reform and innovation, the explorations and efforts put into it also allow us to see the flowers of struggle bloomed by democracy through the film. The film is like the "energy soup" mentioned in the film. , Full of energy and energy.

Not afraid of 10,000 people blocking it, but afraid of surrendering yourself, 'Unforgettable Big Dream' is like a bowl of 'Energetic Soup' - Lujuba

The story of "Unforgettable Big Dreams" begins at the moment when Secretary Zeng Ziqiang first took office. It can be described as a difficult time. Not only is the Heping Town under its jurisdiction, it is a "mess" with various problems, but also in the progress of the work. , Has also encountered resistance and obstruction, overt or covert, from members of the leadership team, and even deliberately framed up. But it is also under such complex and difficult circumstances that it is easier to see the sincerity and passion of leading cadres who are dedicated to the country and the people. Although the film has a high intention, the story is very grounded. We were able to follow in the footsteps of Secretary Zeng and traveled to every corner of Heping Town, doing our best for the prosperity and strength here.

Not afraid of 10,000 people blocking it, but afraid of surrendering yourself, 'Unforgettable Big Dream' is like a bowl of 'Energetic Soup' - Lujuba

is particularly impressed by the line of Secretary Zeng in the film: "I am not afraid of 10,000 people blocking, I am afraid of surrendering." Although administrative work faces thousands of problems, the biggest enemy is, in the final analysis, Whether you can stick to your original intention and act vigorously is a powerful test of your will and perseverance. Secretary Zeng did agree with his words and deeds. He was never discouraged. He went to Xingwang Village to explore the issue of compensation, and he caught up with the shady farmer’s market rectification, changed the annual People’s Congress to a quarterly meeting, and changed the bimonthly reporting system. The anonymous evaluation link was introduced into the quarterly meeting of the National People's Congress... It was implemented in place and handled properly, and gradually established the prestige of the leadership of Heping Town among the masses. The huge changes in the villages and towns caused by this are impressive. When the secretary

Not afraid of 10,000 people blocking it, but afraid of surrendering yourself, 'Unforgettable Big Dream' is like a bowl of 'Energetic Soup' - Lujuba

first took office, he formulated the flag-raising ceremony on Monday. Although many people were puzzled, his explanation was loud and loud: "The flag-raising on Monday is not only for collecting your heart and enhancing the sense of ceremony, but also for raising standards. In my heart, a banner has been raised!" Looking back at the whole film, such thinking pathways abound. Indeed, whether it is to correct chaos, to eradicate evil, whether it is targeted poverty alleviation, or common prosperity, everyone needs to be twisted together for a better future. The strength of unity and democratic supervision complement each other and benefit each other.

The whole story of "Big Dreams Unforgettable" has tortuous experiences and touching plots. It also presents us with a colorful picture of human beings. There is no tall preaching in the film, but it is better at applying many principles and programs. , In the most peaceful and simple way, as Secretary Zeng explained to the mayor Xiong Dongcai: Improve democratic literacy, let everyone take responsibility, everyone is indifferent, when the leader is exhausted, To no avail, this is the value of democracy. This sentence, whether it is for leading cadres or for corporate management, actually has quite practical significance. This is the value core of "Unforgettable Big Dream".

Generally speaking, "Unforgettable Big Dream" is a very exquisite work. Although there are not many big stars and scenes, it is better than the story is grounded and the characters are vivid enough. After reading it, whether it is for our People's Congress The superiority and advancement of the system will leave a deep impression on the beautiful scenery of Nanchuan District, Chongqing City presented in the film. In addition, there is another good news, that is: "Before January 23, 2020, with the movie "Unforgettable Dream" movie ticket stub and online ticket purchase information, you can enter the Chongqing Jinfo Mountain Scenic Area for free of 70 yuan or stay in Holiday Inn Jinfo Mountain Top Two Rivers deducts 300 yuan for room charges, or deducts 30 yuan for admission to Tianxing International Hot Spring City. "So, after watching the movie, you must keep the ticket stub, and you can plan to go to the place where the story of the movie takes place. "Journey.

Tags: movie