"The bright moon rises over the bay, and in this Milky Way on earth, how many hearts are together and how much we cherish..." At the closing ceremony of the 2024 Guangzhou Federation of Overseas Chinese Overseas Youth Leaders Training Program held recently, "Overseas Chinese Lead

"The bright moon rises in the bay, in this Milky Way on earth, how many hearts are together, how much we cherish..." At the closing ceremony of the "Overseas Chinese Leading the Bay Area· Marching towards the New" 2024 Guangzhou Federation of Overseas Chinese Overseas Youth Leaders Training Activity held recently, Guangzhou Representatives of the overseas Chinese youth sang a beautiful song "The Bay" affectionately in Cantonese to express their reluctance to leave.

“The five-day training activities passed by in a flash, but the fulfilling and happy scenes of learning together every day are still vivid in my mind.” Li Zhiqiang, President of the British Lingnan Cultural and Commercial Association, spoke as a representative of the students, “It is an honor to meet with young overseas Chinese from all over the world. Let’s meet at CUHK and make more efforts for the development of Sino-British cultural exchanges in the future.” Yin Qi, President of the Sun Yat-sen University Alumni Association in Vancouver, Canada, combined his experience studying at CUHK and his deep understanding of this training activity! Feelings, an impromptu poem "I Met You at CUHK" was composed on the spot and affectionately presented to the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation and all students, pushing the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax.

Overseas youth leaders and trainees spoke highly of the training activities and left messages expressing their excitement and sincere gratitude. They unanimously stated that this training activity improved their abilities, broadened their horizons, promoted exchanges, and further enhanced their feelings for their family and country.

Bian Yong, Party Secretary and Chairman of the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, sent three lines of ancient poems to the young overseas Chinese leaders: "Young and young disciples are lingering in my heart, but for the sake of you, I have been pondering them to this day." Broad, the wind is blowing and the sail is hanging." He hoped that young overseas Chinese leaders would accumulate strength from this training activity, seize opportunities, work together to make new achievements, and achieve greater success.

At the graduation ceremony, representatives from the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation presented "Overseas Chinese Heart Connection" cups to the representatives of the first batch of overseas Chinese groups who established "Guangzhou Tea House" overseas. The "Heart-to-Heart Connection" cup was designed by Mr. Xu Jiegen, a senior arts and crafts artist, master of arts and crafts in Guangdong Province, and the first national intangible cultural heritage craftsman of traditional crafts. It is composed of three works: "Connecting Overseas Chinese Hearts" and "Connecting Overseas Chinese Hearts" dedicated to connecting overseas Chinese by the Overseas Chinese Federation. Relying on the warm, jade-like, simple and elegant characteristics of Ru Kiln, combined with the heart-to-heart elements of the Overseas Chinese Federation badge, it fully embodies the overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese at home and abroad have a deep love for each other. The Overseas Chinese Federation organizes the idea of ​​"roots, souls and dreams" to demonstrate Guangdong's pioneering, innovative and open spirit in minimalist design.

"The bright moon rises in the bay, in this Milky Way on earth, how many hearts are together, how much we cherish..." At the closing ceremony of the "Overseas Chinese Leading the Bay Area· Marching towards the New" 2024 Guangzhou Federation of Overseas Chinese Overseas Youth Leaders Training Activity held recently, Guangzhou Representatives of the overseas Chinese youth sang a beautiful song "The Bay" affectionately in Cantonese to express their reluctance to leave.

“The five-day training activities passed by in a flash, but the fulfilling and happy scenes of learning together every day are still vivid in my mind.” Li Zhiqiang, President of the British Lingnan Cultural and Commercial Association, spoke as a representative of the students, “It is an honor to meet with young overseas Chinese from all over the world. Let’s meet at CUHK and make more efforts for the development of Sino-British cultural exchanges in the future.” Yin Qi, President of the Sun Yat-sen University Alumni Association in Vancouver, Canada, combined his experience studying at CUHK and his deep understanding of this training activity! Feelings, an impromptu poem "I Met You at CUHK" was composed on the spot and affectionately presented to the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation and all students, pushing the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax.

Overseas youth leaders and trainees spoke highly of the training activities and left messages expressing their excitement and sincere gratitude. They unanimously stated that this training activity improved their abilities, broadened their horizons, promoted exchanges, and further enhanced their feelings for their family and country.

Bian Yong, Party Secretary and Chairman of the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, sent three lines of ancient poems to the young overseas Chinese leaders: "Young and young disciples are lingering in my heart, but for the sake of you, I have been pondering them to this day." Broad, the wind is blowing and the sail is hanging." He hoped that young overseas Chinese leaders would accumulate strength from this training activity, seize opportunities, work together to make new achievements, and achieve greater success.

At the graduation ceremony, representatives from the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation presented "Overseas Chinese Heart Connection" cups to the representatives of the first batch of overseas Chinese groups who established "Guangzhou Tea House" overseas. The "Heart-to-Heart Connection" cup was designed by Mr. Xu Jiegen, a senior arts and crafts artist, master of arts and crafts in Guangdong Province, and the first national intangible cultural heritage craftsman of traditional crafts. It is composed of three works: "Connecting Overseas Chinese Hearts" and "Connecting Overseas Chinese Hearts" dedicated to connecting overseas Chinese by the Overseas Chinese Federation. Relying on the warm, jade-like, simple and elegant characteristics of Ru Kiln, combined with the heart-to-heart elements of the Overseas Chinese Federation badge, it fully embodies the overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese at home and abroad have a deep love for each other. The Overseas Chinese Federation organizes the idea of ​​"roots, souls and dreams" to demonstrate Guangdong's pioneering, innovative and open spirit in minimalist design.

Text|Reporter Tan ZhengCorrespondent Sui Qiaoxuan Picture|Provided by the event organizer