This Friday, July 12th, the mainland’s summer season will see four new films. Unfortunately, except for "Despicable Me 4", which performed well, the remaining three new films were extremely bleak. And this Saturday, Shen Teng's 300 million-dollar "Catch Me" will be released. I'm

This Friday, July 12th, the mainland’s summer season will usher in 4 new films.

Unfortunately, except for " Despicable Me 4", which performed well, the remaining three new films were extremely bleak. And this Saturday, Shen Teng 's " Catch a Baby ", which cost 300 million, will be released. I'm afraid the whole The summer season is about to be shaken. On the 10th day after

was released, " " lost the championship, and "Despicable Me 4" had a box office of over 12.5 million in 9 hours.

As of 9:00 on July 12, the top three single-day box office hits in the Mainland are "Despicable Me 4", "Silent Kill" and " Legend ".

The box office of "Despicable Me 4" exceeded 12.5 million in the first nine hours of its release, accounting for 25.2% of the scheduled films and over 45.7% of the box office. This year's summer blockbuster has hardly won the daily box office championship in the mainland market. Just watch this one Can family cartoons help Hollywood recover from its predicament? However, "Silent Kill" is not a vegetarian, and "Catch a Baby" is also eyeing it.

The mainland box office of "Despicable Me 4" is a bit worrying.

This series has been introduced to the mainland market since 2014. The mainland box office of "Despicable Me 2" was 323 million. By 2017, the box office of "Despicable Me 3" soared to 1.037 billion. It can be said that this series has appeal to mainland audiences. , "Despicable Me 4" has already premiered in overseas markets, and the global box office exceeded 257 million.

It depends on whether the mainland market can be the icing on the cake this time.

"Despicable Me" finally lost the championship after 10 days of release. The single-day box office exceeded 8.86 million. However, the film schedule accounted for more than 33.5%, which means that the movie is very likely to rely on the advantage of the show. Although "Despicable Me 4" was kicked out champion, but the movie had previously held the title for 10 consecutive days, with a cumulative box office of over 642 million, which was already far beyond expectations.

According to this trend, even if "Catch a Baby" is released, the film will not be affected too much due to its suspense theme.

The final box office of the optimistic movie hit the 1.6 billion mark.

"Legend" is a bit miserable.

's single-day box office dropped to 1.25 million, accounting for 12.8% of the scheduled films. It has not declined, but the movie's reputation has been overwhelmingly negative. The box office ratio of the scheduled films in the three days after the release was upside down, and the attendance rate was at the bottom every day. It can be said that Jackie Chan is this The new action movie is a complete failure.

At present, the cumulative box office of the movie is only 50.96 million. Note that this is not the box office of three days, but also the results of the screening for almost a week starting from July 5.

With the release of "Catch a Baby", it is inevitable that the number of screenings of "Legend" will be slashed. Whether the final box office can exceed 100 million is a question. It will set a new box office low for Jackie Chan starring movies in recent years. The King of Kung Fu seems to be He was just abandoned by the audience.

3 new films failed miserably, and Shen Teng's "Catch a Baby" is coming.

In addition to "Despicable Me 4", there will be three new films premiering on July 12th: " ", "Cha Fist" and "Love in Plum Creek".

"Down to Earth" only had a box office of RMB 1.02 million within 9 hours of its release. This Chinese-style cartoon has no resistance against Hollywood's super blockbusters. In fact, "Down to Earth" is of good quality. It is adapted from a classic legend and tells the adventures of the descendants of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. story.

hopes that we can counterattack by word of mouth in the future.

As for "Cha Quan Feng Yun" and "Love in Plum Creek", no such films were found.

Two low-cost productions, the theater chain did not arrange any screenings at all, and the box office on the first day was zero. I can only lament the cruelty of the summer season. There are too many new movies, and the theater chain naturally does not pay attention to such movies that no one pays attention to. .

Of course, no matter how hard this week's new films struggle, Shen Teng's "Catch a Baby" is undoubtedly the blockbuster that will end everything.

The performance of the mainland market this summer is indeed not good. The summer season is almost halfway through, and there is still no blockbuster with a box office of 1 billion. The highly anticipated " Customs Front " and "Legend" are all underperforming. Although the market is hot I was inspired by "Silent Kill", but it's not on the same level as in previous years.

"Catch a Baby" has been updated and screened in advance since July 18th, and it is finally confirmed to be released to the audience on July 13th.

came to the rescue to a large extent. The current pre-sale box office of the movie has exceeded 23.78 million, which is the highest pure pre-sale box office this summer. There is no superimposed screening results. It can be seen that the audience has high regard for the combination of Shen Teng and Ma Li . Expectation.

If nothing unexpected happens, it is predicted that the box office of "Catch a Baby" will be over 3 billion, and the summer championship is guaranteed.