After the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was released in 1994, it became an immortal classic in film history. On the evening of May 17, the Chinese version of the drama "The Shawshank Redemption" met with the audience at the Chengdu High-tech Center Performing Arts Theater. 11

After the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was released in 1994, it became an immortal classic in film history. On the evening of May 17, the Chinese version of the drama "The Shawshank Redemption" met with the audience at the Chengdu High-tech Center Performing Arts Theater. 11 foreign actors from 8 countries around the world gave the audience a wonderful performance in fluent Chinese. , interpreting the classic charm.

The play is jointly produced by Longma Society, a well-known drama original organization, and Shanghai Chinese Dream Culture Development Co., Ltd., with Chengdu Media Group as the media support unit.

The drama "The Shawshank Redemption" tells a story about the "Light of Hope". The protagonist Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and sent to Shawshank Prison, a prison for serious offenders. In this independent space where good and evil face each other, the struggle for rights and interests, the yearning for freedom and hope... are taking place in every corner.

Red Star News reporters saw at the performance that many audiences came to the theater very early. When the barbed wire curtain slowly rises, a gloomy and imprisoned Shawshank prison appears in front of the audience. The huge cage is full of oppression. As the plot progresses, Andy brings the "fire of hope" into the cell. The water vapor rising in the laundry room, the clean sheets fluttering in the wind, and the warm sunshine falling on the roof all allow the audience to see the "vitality" and echo the The profound theme of the play is "Don't forget the light in the dark place".

In the original novel, Red is the narrator of the story. In the Chinese version of "The Shawshank Redemption", Rhett also leads the audience into the story and experiences it all from Rhett's perspective. Director Zhang Guoli focused on the clue of establishing trust and friendship between Rhett and Andy. Whether it is the scene design or the performance of the two, the audience can feel the friendship between the two people that slowly grows in a desperate situation.

"Let's ride on the donkey and read the songbook, and we'll see." The lines of the play incorporate many oriental elements, which are both humorous and philosophical. Canadian actor Dashan, who is well-known to the audience, plays Red. Regarding the dialogue part of his performance, he believes: "We are definitely not selling the concept of foreigners acting in Chinese dramas. We have carefully arranged a high-quality drama."

entered the crew, language is the minimum threshold. During the rehearsal process, actors need to constantly challenge themselves and break through language and cultural differences. After unremitting efforts, the actors not only conveyed the emotions of the characters in fluent Chinese, but also showed the inner conflicts and growth of the characters through good acting skills.

At the end of the performance, the audience continued to applaud, and all the actors came on stage to thank the Chengdu audience. Some viewers said they came here for director Zhang Guoli and starring actors such as Dashan, and were not disappointed after watching the show. Both the actors' performance and the stage lighting effects exceeded expectations. "This drama is adapted from a classic IP. Director Zhang Guoli creatively used foreign actors to act. All dialogues are in Chinese, and the on-site effect is very good." Mr. Li, an audience member, said that his favorite scene is the scene where everyone drinks beer on the rooftop of Shawshank Prison. The actor The performance is contagious, and after watching the whole play, I felt a heart-warming power.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Zeng Qi