Introduction to Episode 8 of Korean Drama SF8 Finale (8 episodes in total)

Korean drama SF8 episode 8 diversity plot introduction (grand finale)

Jiahuiluo suspects that his son's brain was killed, Kim Young-in hopes his mother will not give up

Jiahuiluo is a mother who lost her beloved son. A few years ago, her son Jin Yongren was almost killed in a car accident. It was the medical team who managed to keep part of Jin Yongren’s brain and put an artificial intelligence into Jin Yongren’s body. coexist. Jia Huiluo felt that his son, Jin Yongren, had never left her. But from a certain day, she felt that her son's eyes were hollow when she saw her. From the mother's intuition, she thought that artificial intelligence killed her son Jin Yongren's body, and now Jin Yongren is not her son at all. Jiahuiluo sued his son for this.

   After a series of inspections, the lawyer also persuaded Jin Yongren to tell the truth whether he killed Jin Yongren in his brain. Jin Yongren always denied it. The lawyer said that during the inspection, it was found that the circuit connected to Jin Yongren's brain was completely blocked, and now Jin Yongren has to be suspected. Jin Yongren argued that he had not changed at all, and Jin Yongren had not disappeared. But the lawyer didn't believe it at all, nor did Jia Huiluo.

   Jia Huiluo decided to talk to Kim Young-in alone. With a sad expression, Jin Yongren asked Jiahuiluo why he thought so and why he doubted that his brain was killed. Jin Yongren said that Jiahuiluo did not give up when he died in a car accident, and he hopes that Jiahuiluo will not give up on himself now. Jia Huiluo waved a little at Jin Yongren's sad expression. Jiahuiluo talked to the lawyer about her opinion, and she doubted whether the inspection result was wrong. The lawyer felt that she was a little irrational.

   Kim Young-in’s attorney hopes that Kim Young-in can tell the truth. Jin Yongren said sadly that he heard in his brain that Jin Yongren told himself that he was in pain and that he wanted to help kill him. Jin Yongren also said to himself that even if he is gone, he can still live on for himself. At that time, I refused, because I couldn't predict what it would be like in the future. The last thing I did was to execute Jin Yongren's orders.

   On the day of the trial, Jiahuiluo told her the pain of losing her son. She tried her best to resurrect her son, as well as her worries about losing her son again. She said that until one day she found her son in front of her with empty eyes. She said that she gave maternal love to a machine every day, and she missed the moment of mourning the death of her son. This was unacceptable to her. She is not prosecuting now to ask guilt, but she cannot accept these. Jin Yongren’s defense lawyer defended him. Although Jiahuiluo suffered, she did not consider the pain of artificial intelligence. He still played her son in front of Jiahuiluo every day, and he still carried out Jin Yongren’s orders.

   While the defense lawyer was still defending, the artificial intelligence suddenly said that he killed Jin Yongren, because Jin Yongren had said in the past that he was not alive at all, and he was not a living individual originally, so his existence is meaningless. The defense lawyer saw that the artificial intelligence himself said something unfavorable to him, so he quickly interrupted him and said that his procedures were in chaos. The artificial intelligence says that he has his own judgment, and why he cannot have his own will and decision.

   Jia Huiluo faced the death of her son, and she set up a mourning hall at home. Her friends and her son's friends came to worship. Through the windows, these friends seemed to see the artificial intelligence hovering under the trees outside the house. In the evening, Jiahuiluo went to her yard to think alone. She also saw the artificial intelligence wandering on the hillside not far away. The artificial intelligence watched Jiahuiluo apologize to her, and Jiahuiluo accused him of being too selfish. The artificial intelligence asked if she would choose that if she went back to the beginning, Jiahuiluo was silent.

   When the AI ​​was released from the detention center, Jiahuiluo came to pick him up. The artificial intelligence is very entangled. He said that he didn't know what expression to use to face Jiahuiluo, and he asked Jiahuiluo what he wanted to do. Jiahuiluo remained silent, and she didn't know what to do. This artificial intelligence who has the same body as her son but has a completely different mindset, she really doesn't know how to choose, and she even regrets exposing the identity of artificial intelligence.

The artificial intelligence cried and said that Jin Yongren told himself at that time that he was living in a very painful life and he wanted to end his life to get relief, but Jiahuiluo resurrected him, so that his pain could not be ended, and he could experience peace again. Face terror and pain. But Jiahuiluo paranoidly believes that everything she did for her son was right, and she never thought about her son's thoughts.

   Jia Huiluo thought of reshaping his appearance for artificial intelligence, and then deleting some of his memories. She said that she could face him and face him. But in the end she didn't do that, because her son could not be deleted from her memory. She accepted the current artificial intelligence instead of a brand new artificial intelligence with no intersection at all.

   (end of the play)

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission