Secret Forest 2 episode 14 diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

Secret Forest 2 Episode 14 Diversity Plot Introduction

Students suffer from long-term bullying and kill Xu Dongjae

   Han Ruzhen opened the secret room, but did not find Xu Dongzai, she hurried forward to chase after Jin Houzheng. It turned out that the two students came to Jin Houzheng and asked him to do this and that, and they also abused him in every possible way. Jin Houzheng made up his mind to solve the two people, and carefully planned an accidental drowning case. Han Ruzhen and Huang Shimu grabbed Jin Houzheng, took him back to the garage, and questioned him about Xu Dongzai's trail. But the other party didn't want to speak, making Han Ruzhen jump up with anger.

   The police came to the garage to investigate. The room was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant water, and blood stains were found in the room and in the trunk of the vehicle. Neighbors in the neighbourhood said that Jin Houzheng had only rented here for a month or two. He also said that there was mold in the garage room and he needed to spray bleach. In the early hours of yesterday morning, the neighbors did smell the bleach, but they didn't care too much.

   After being arrested, Jin Hou was sitting in the interrogation room, bowing his head without speaking. Han Ruzhen yelled with anger, but the other party still said nothing. Jin Houzheng's father rushed to the police station with the prosecutor's office badge on his chest. He refused to believe that his son who had always been well-behaved and sensible would do such things. He asked his son to speak out, and he would fight for him to dismiss the arrest warrant. He was standing by his side as Jin Houzheng's lawyer. At this time, Jin Houzheng finally uttered a few words slowly, insisting that it was only friends who drowned and there was no bullying. Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen also had recordings of visits by other classmates. In the second grade, Jin Houzheng reported to the teacher that he had been bullied by the two, but the teacher finally arranged the three to sit together. Promote classmates' feelings. But the result was counterproductive, and the bullying became worse. But even with these evidences, because of lawyer Jin Houzheng's father, the entire questioning had no valid information.

   As for the blood stains in the room and in the trunk, Jin Houzheng said it was only left by a stray dog ​​on the road. Due to the bleached book, the police could not detect whether the bleeding was human blood or dog blood. Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen had to shift their focus to the place where the body was thrown. The driving recorder showed that Jin Hou was present near Shengguang Cave at 3 o'clock in the morning yesterday. Seonggwangdong is close to the Han River, and there are dense forests nearby. Finding someone is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. Huang Shimu noticed the pungent smell of bleach from the clothing donation box near the parking place, and found blood-stained clothing from the inside. However, the bleaching book was seriously damaged and it was very difficult to detect.

   After investigating the computer of Jin Houzheng, everyone encouraged the witnesses to provide clues to the police after the witness's message appeared. Only Jin Houzheng left a message questioning the witness's gaining attention. Therefore, only when Jin Houzheng knows the truth can he conclude that the witness does not exist. Han Ruzhen became angry and anxious, regardless of Jin Houzheng's father's efforts to stop him, he was arrested and taken to the police detention center. On the way to the police detention center, Jin Houzheng finally collapsed, crying about the bullying he had experienced. I thought that you would be able to get rid of bullying by going to high school, but I didn't expect that the two of them would still be lingering. After they sold Jin Houzheng's beloved instrument, Jin Houzheng couldn't bear to kill him.

   Kim Hoo-jung offered to go to the beach to play. When he arrived at Tongyeong Beach Hotel, Kim Ho-jung went out to buy wine and hid clean clothes in the grass. When the two were drunk, they clamored to go to the beach. Jin Houzheng took the two to the beach and pushed them into the sea. Then he changed into the clean clothes hidden in the grass beforehand, went back to the hotel to wash it, and then returned to the beach pretending to cry and dialed the alarm call.

   originally thought that this incident would end with an accidental drowning, but I didn't expect Xu Dongzai to take care of it. Called every other time to ask about the case. Jin Houzheng finally admitted that he kidnapped Xu Dongzai and threw him off the cliff. With vague impressions, Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen came to the cliff. The search and rescue team searched the nearby area all night, and many media came to follow up the report. In the end, Xu Dongzai was found, but he suffered from hypothermia and shock due to excessive blood loss, and was accompanied by multiple injuries such as fractures and internal bleeding. Fortunately, he still had a slight breath. In the ambulance, the medical staff gave Xu Dongzai emergency treatment, and Han Ruzhen also helped. She was surprised to find that Xu Dongzai's tie was completely tied to her hand, which did not match the photo. So where did the tie in the photo come from? Cui Bing had to suspect that Tian Jihe was the cause of it.

   Sure enough, in Tian Jihe’s home, I found theThe floor style is exactly the same, and there is also a glass coffee table where the photos are placed when shooting. But Tian Jihe is a habitual offender, much more difficult to deal with than Jin Houzheng. He fabricated various reasons to resist the police interrogation, insisting that he was only receiving instructions from others for money. Huang Shimu noticed the abnormality, dismissed Team Leader Cui, turned off the monitoring equipment, and stared at Tian Jihe solemnly. He said that after exposing Tian Jihe's tricks last time, he received a mysterious call that made Tian Jihe mistakenly believe that he was under pressure from the prosecutor's office. Tian Jihe, who was eager to get away, believed Huang Shimu's words, his heart began to shake, hesitating whether to tell the power behind him.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission