Secret Forest 2 Episode 4 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

Secret Forest 2 Episode 4 Diversity Plot Introduction

Police pick up the two sides tit-for-tat, Ruzhen accidentally joined the investigation

On the day of the

   conference, Minister Yu and Huang Shimu were sitting in a car, and Jin Sixian was chasing after them. Jin Sixian drove the car over the line from time to time, just like a child playing a game of chasing me. Upon arriving at the Supervisory Yuan, Minister Yu and Jin Sixian said that they had to meet with the Supervisory Supervisor first and let Huang Shimu go in first. Huang Shimu came to the meeting room. There was no one here, only two groups of separate seats. Huang Shimu took a seat on the side and took out his phone to check today's news.

   The news is about the chief prosecutor of the Eastern District. Just as Huang Shimu was thinking about it, a representative from the police came in. Huang Shimu saw Han Ruzhen following at a glance. The two sides greeted each other briefly, Han Ruzhen accidentally looked at Team Leader Cui Bing, and the smile on her mouth could not help but pull down. After the arrival of the two parties, the prosecutors and police began to discuss the power of investigation. At the beginning of a few words, the two sides began to face each other tit-for-tat. The police moved out of the "Constitution" and said that the police have absolute investigative power, but Jin Sixian believes that this is not only a flaw in the law, but also a flaw in history. They clamored and mentioned the sensational "516 coup d'état", which was an incident ten years ago, about the prosecutor's shelter. The atmosphere suddenly became extremely cold. In the end, Minister Yu broke the deadlock and mocked the police for talking about the past. Police Constable Zhang Jian sat aside and listened quietly. After hearing Minister Yu's words, he couldn't help but speak. He said that just a few days ago, someone called the police for being cheated of rent.


  , the team leader came to the house of the deceived woman and told her that the police had found clues to the fake landlord, but the money might not be returned. Hearing this, the woman couldn't help crying. The money was her savings for most of her life. At that time, she also carefully signed a contract with the landlord. Not only did she find an agent to testify, she also met the landlord in person to confirm his The contract was signed after the ID card. The landlord was still very concerned about himself and said that he would install a new door lock for himself. The woman thought she had met a lot of landlords and was very grateful, but she didn't expect to be deceived to be penniless. When Han Ruzhen came to the police station to look for Zhang Jian, they happened to get clues from the fake landlord. Before they could eat two bites, they hurried out to stay. After arriving at the destination, the four people waited for a long time and did not wait for the goal. Zhang Jian had to get out of the car to check, and finally found the fake landlord. After confirmation, everyone began to arrest, and Zhang Jian still sprained his foot during the chase. At a critical time, the prosecutor even called to ask them to help transport the suspect.

   Zhang Jian told everyone that they stayed up all night and finally caught the fake landlord, but the writ was not issued for a long time. The Western District Inspection had no idea to ask them to conduct additional investigations, so fake ID cards, household registration books and victim statements After all the materials were resubmitted, the detention order was still not issued. Perhaps for everyone here, the rent cheated by the victim is not a great money, but for the victim, it is their savings for most of their lives. If the detention order has not been issued and he has to be released in the early morning, all efforts will fall short, and the victims have not received due compensation and apologies. Cui Bing seized Zhang Jian's remarks and mocked the prosecution's unfavorable work and low efficiency.

   Regarding this, Jin Sixian and Minister Yu explained that no matter how unconvinced at the time, the law stipulates that the police are obliged to obey the prosecutor unconditionally. The two sides couldn't help but stand up. Huang Shimu couldn't help but join the discussion, but in the end he failed to get the discussion back on track, and the two sides broke up unhappy. Out of the meeting room, Minister Yu and Jin Sixian quickly discussed how to solve the problem just mentioned by Zhang Jian. Now if the detention order is not issued, the prosecution’s work is really unfavorable, but if it is issued, it will not mean conceding to the other party. Minister Yu didn't think about what to do for a while.

   originally planned to go to the prison to visit Police Officer Sogok after the meeting to investigate the truth about the death of Superintendent Song Ki-hyun, but Xu Dongzai suddenly said that there was something he could not come, and Huang Shimu was inconvenient to come forward alone, so Minister Yu had to let him slow down. , Make plans later. But in fact, Xu Dongzai didn't have any important matters either, he was just in favor of Li Yan, the widow of the former chief Li Changjun. Li Yan was also a mud bodhisattva who crossed the river by herself. Just after the warning from the Eastern Police Department to the "Sengwen Daily", she learned that Kim Byung-hyun, the daily president of the Lee Sung-jae-pai, had been acquiring shares in the Han Qiao Group branch the year before. , CurrentlyIs the third largest shareholder. And their purpose is to get Li Yan to step down.

   The National Taxation Department is asking Li Yan for a shortfall of 300 billion yuan, but she can't turn around the funds for a while, so she has to ask for help from her father, Li Yunfan, who is on the reprieve. However, under the instigation of Li Sung-jae, Li Yun-fan determined that his daughter had colluded with her husband to seize the management right from him. Li Yan was turned away and determined to sever ties with her father after learning of her father's ideas. She then thought of Huang Shimu and persuaded him to refute the report of Chengwen Daily. But Huang Shimu insisted on going through legal procedures, which would take months or even years, and Li Yan didn't have the time to wait. It just so happened that Xu Dongzai wanted to flatter her all the time, but in desperation, she had to meet someone who might be able to help her tide over the difficulties. As soon as they met, Xu Dongjae told about Park Guangxiu. Park Guangxiu once boasted that he had found a job in the Han Qiao Group, and his appointment was signed privately with Lee Sung Jae. According to the Civil Service Regulations, this is illegal, but Li Yan used this strategy to hire Wu Zhushan herself, and she is not very interested in Xu Dongzai's self-righteous revelation. In fact, there is another purpose of her trip, which is to let Xu Dongzai pass the letter to her father for herself. Xu Dongzai got the task and went quickly, but was also denied access. But he didn't stop there. Instead, he found some labels in the yard, which was finally appreciated by Li Yanzai.


   Xu Dongzai finally remembered the prison visit, but Jin Xiuhang, the patrol officer who was convicted that year, has been released from prison and his whereabouts are unknown. Xu Dongzai was anxious for a while and couldn't help asking the prison for news, but he also let the matter leak to Cui Bing's ears. Cui Bing hurriedly asked Han Ruzhen to contact Bai Zhongji to find out the situation. It suddenly occurred to Han Ruzhen that Huang Shimu had mentioned the Hosotani police station before. Bai Zhongji temporarily asked for leave, and Han Ruzhen had to call out the dossier and find Patrol Gao Changlong. Although Gao Changlong was also a member of the police force at the time, he happened to be not in Bai Zhongji's group, so he did not provide any valuable clues. But he vaguely remembered that other members of the police squad were very hostile to the downgraded Superintendent Song Ki-hyun and often bullied in partnership. Kim Soo-hang also threatened Song Ki-hyun, and he happened to be the first witness to Song Ki-hyun’s death.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission