This film of Wang Zuxian’s early years can be called the Taiwanese version of "Rashomon"

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This film of Wang Zuxian’s early years can be called the Taiwanese version of 'Rashomon' - Lujuba

There is a famous director in Japan, he has made a famous film, this famous film has been affirmed by many people. We usually use him to describe different aspects of the same thing. Therefore, this film is sometimes used as an adjective, and he is "Rashomon". When different people look at the same thing from different angles, they will tell bystanders different conclusions, but there is only one fact. Sometimes, we can sort it out clearly, and sometimes we can be confused.

This film of Wang Zuxian’s early years can be called the Taiwanese version of 'Rashomon' - Lujuba

Coincidentally, there is also a movie in Taiwan. His overall style of story is biased towards "Rashomon". But it is not a complete tribute. Starting from my own point of view, it gives the audience a different look, whether it is from the story, or from the overall photography style, or the shape of the characters. This film is unique. "Rashomon" is just an introduction. What really unfolds this story is the shackles of repressed desire and morality. These two traditional words are destined to make this film unique.

This film of Wang Zuxian’s early years can be called the Taiwanese version of 'Rashomon' - Lujuba

"Aying" is a thriller starring Wang Zuxian, which is also called "The Desire of the Saint". From a literal point of view, this is indeed different. Two opposing words will definitely produce a different spark, and this spark is the main thread of the film. When you finish watching it, you will find that the original "Rashomon" story logic is not the point. The point is just like the title of the film, the collision of morality and desire.

county grandfather's daughter, A Ying, is married to Wu Ju people. Wu Ju people are obsessed with martial arts and are very cold about A Ying. Once when they were out together, A Ying was insulted by a flower picker during a break. Wuju people rose up to resist, but they didn't expect to be no match for Caihua Thief. He was tied to a tree and witnessed A Ying being insulted. A few days later, people learned from the shopkeeper that Wu Juren was killed and A Ying was humiliated.

Yamen's head catcher has liked A Ying since he was a child, so it's hard to get it. Later, after learning the news, A Ying was found in a pigpen. A Ying insisted that she was not insulted, and the prostitute was later caught. Under forced questioning, he also admitted that he had insulted A Ying, but he did not admit that he had killed the martial artist. Just as the county grandfather was at a loss, the prostitute and the merchandiser both died suddenly, and the helpless county grandfather could only find Taoist priests to inspire souls to investigate the truth. Taoist priests brought in the souls of prostitutes, merchandisers, and martial artists, but the county grandfather who learned the truth was speechless.

On the surface, the film revolves around a "Rashomon" story. In fact, this is just a small introduction. The core of the film is still discussing morality and desire. Why did Aying lie repeatedly in this film? At the beginning, it was clear that Aying's mother was sentenced to riding a wooden donkey because of an affair with others. This left a psychological shadow on A Ying since she was a child.

In areas where the feudal system was strict, people overemphasized the shackles of morality and did not respect the desires of human nature. Such long-term repression will only cause one result, and that is endless lies. When A Ying faced the opportunity to break the shackles, she indulged without thinking. On the surface, it seems to indulge one's own desires, but in fact it is for Wu Ju people. For my own mate, I can't touch my heart with all kinds of gentleness, which is a very failure for a woman.

Wuju people consciously or unconsciously set up such an image for themselves also to reflect the strictness of the feudal system. But all this was broken by the flower picker and the trader. From the shopkeeper's mouth, we can know that it is precisely because of the majestic image that Wuju people have established for themselves that A Ying can be fascinated and unable to extricate herself. But is the heart of Wuju people really bright and majestic? Obviously not, the story that happened later has given the answer.

Aying struggled to live in a world full of lies and deceit built by him. After being penetrated by others, she completely released her inner desires. It looks ugly, but it is very real. Ironically, the real faces in this film are all very ugly images without exception. Prostitutes and merchandisers, men and women who have afflicted affair, disregard the shackles of morality, and instead use their own ways to fight against them. Although this is to shame morality, it is also a form of resistance.

Those who hold themselves upright as gentlemen are actually very dirty deep in their hearts. After seeing his wife being violated, Wu Juren immediately thought of not revenge, but aroused his own desire; the same is true for A Ying's head catching since he was a child. After interrogating the criminal and knowing the truth, the firstTime did not think of punishing the criminal, but entangled why A Ying could be with the criminal and not with him; while the county grandfather was deceived by a Taoist priest, and the mantra he uttered was full of sour smell. Do not pursue the cause of the truth, but get entangled in a certain morality.

Compared with the discussion of "Rashomon", the core of this film about "morality and desire" is worthy of our discussion. When the moral yoke traps everyone, someone will eventually break it with desire as a vent. Severe penalties can certainly have the effect of killing a hundred people, but if the kind of restlessness in the heart cannot be relieved, it will eventually be released more wantonly, and it will not only hurt one person.

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