"Popular" Douban 9.0 score: Behind the "puppy love", there is a profound educational significance

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'Popular' Douban 9.0 score: Behind the 'puppy love', there is a profound educational significance - Lujuba

"Pumping Heart" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Wendelin van Della Annan and directed by the famous American director Rob Reiner. It was released in the United States on August 6, 2010, although it is a niche movie , But it has received rave reviews since its release. Director

uses a rare narrative method, using the perspective of the male and female protagonists as the film perspective, telling the story of the hero and heroine who fell in love at first sight since they were young, interspersed with a series of contradictions and problems caused by their respective family conditions.

They met from the age of seven until the end of the film, but they were only in middle school. This "puppy love" movie is not so much a romance or a drama, but a classic educational film.

Of course, excellent educational films, such as "The Spring of the Cow Herding Class" and "Mind Catcher", are still different from it. After all, the first two are about the genius type, and the "Heartbeat" is even more Stay close to life.

This kind of seemingly warm, passionate and inspirational movies are actually silently conveying an educational philosophy: the problems of parents and family will not cut off all the possibilities for children to grow into a kind and honest person. The original family of

'Popular' Douban 9.0 score: Behind the 'puppy love', there is a profound educational significance - Lujuba

is a topic that everyone pays great attention to. Among them, I think the best sentence to describe its impact on children is: "When I grow up, I will become you." If a family is happy and harmonious Parents are affectionate and kind, and will naturally play a very good role model for children; but if parents often quarrel, or even verbally or swear, when facing a problem, the first reaction is not to understand it The truth is that it is easy to give a conclusion with solid thinking and past cognition, which will also cause a very bad influence on the child. In the

movie, the heroine Julie’s family is very harmonious and happy. When Julie encounters confusion and helplessness, his father will give comfort and guidance in time. He knows how to protect the beauty in his daughter's heart, even if it is an outsider. It seems ridiculous. In the

community, there is a sycamore tree that Julie likes very much. She often climbs to a high place to overlook the distant scenery. Her father once told her that when looking at problems, she should learn to see the whole through the details. So the plane tree became Julie's "teacher" when he was young, and it brought Julie a different experience and insight.

'Popular' Douban 9.0 score: Behind the 'puppy love', there is a profound educational significance - Lujuba

But the good times did not last long. The local department later fell the plane tree. Sad Julie tried to stop it but failed. She was sad for a long time. Her father did not comfort her, but gave her a painting. It is the plane tree that is of special significance to my daughter.

Julie opened the knot, and she finally realized that when the good things pass away, they can also exist in another form, not only in the heart, but also on the canvas.

In such a family atmosphere and education, Julie has become a lover of work, awe of life, understanding and consideration, and also learned to think and explore.

She participated in the science exhibition, hatched a few chicks, and got the first place; she raised the chicks, cleaned the chicken coop every day, and exchanged eggs for pocket money and neighbors’ favorites; she and Chaite transformed together She planted a garden, planted a lawn, and repaired a fence. She went to see her uncle Daniel, who was mentally disabled because of the umbilical cord around her neck. Seeing the uncontrollable and helpless uncle when he became ill, she was not afraid, but thanked her father even more for taking her to see his uncle.

Julie is undoubtedly a girl who knows how to think independently.

Looking at the actor Bryce, his family situation is almost completely opposite to Julie's. His father Rosky is a violent, suspicious, arrogant and selfish person.

Luoski does not respect his wife and father-in-law, his sons and daughters, and everyone around him. One of his most frequent sayings is: "I don't allow you to talk to me like this, no one can do it!"

In any case, it is said that Julie’s two elder brothers spent playing music on the cover of stealing the car, and the daughter angrily said that he was a "jerk", he raised his hand and slapped him; he said Julie sent it. Eggs are unhygienic, there are salmonella bacteria, and they will eat bad people. When he learned that Julie's father had a mentally retarded brother, he didn't have the slightest sympathy and understanding, but kept ridiculing and sarcasm. In the

movie, Roski combined the character shortcomings and personality defects of "paranoid personality" and "inferiority personality" almost perfectly. He brought anxiety and anxiety to his wife, and also caused inferiority and cowardice of children. .

Under such influence, Bryce became a habit of covering up, lying, and running away.A cowardly disposition to avoid and shirk.

He always has countless excuses: he has a cramped foot, has a rash, has something to do, the bicycle is broken...

Facing his father’s distorted remarks, he dare not say his own opinion; facing a friend maliciously Presumably, he didn't refute; he didn't even dare to admit that he liked Julie.

He confirmed the words of Osamu Dazai in "Disqualification in the World": Cowardly people are afraid of happiness. The

film uses a gentle and neutral perspective to depict the impact of two completely different families on children. In the process of watching the movie, we can not only feel the positive impact of an optimistic and happy family on the children, but also have a distinctive and The extreme negative teaching materials support this argument of the film.

Extreme people like Losky are not uncommon in our lives. The most direct cause of this result is pessimism, ignorance and inferiority, as well as the resulting arrogance and prejudice.

Bryce knew this was wrong, but when he was young, he seemed to have no other choice but to believe and identify with his father.

Having said that, I think of the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky’s novel "Childhood". When Alyosha, the protagonist of "Childhood" was 3 years old, his father died and his mother lodged him with his grandfather's house. Due to the decline of his family business, Become violent and domineering; Alyosha's mother became depressed due to the pressure and torture of life, and her personality was uncertain, plus her mother's remarriage later, it seemed that everything was pushing Alyosha toward the abyss.

However, Alyosha was not affected by his grandfather, mother, and growth environment. Later, he became brave, optimistic, confident, not succumbing to the powerful and distinguished between good and evil. All this is due to the fact that Alyosha has a close friend "Little Cigang" and a knowledgeable spiritual tutor "Tenant".

Judging from the "Twenty-eight Law", everything in the world has leeway. No matter how much the impact of parents and families on their children, it will not exceed 80%. The remaining 20% ​​is just one A child's self-awareness, which is the most important sign of being an individual, cannot be concealed.

So, at this moment, Bryce’s grandfather Chait and Julie are extremely important. When a confused person faces a problem, his attitude will change with the thoughts of those around him. At this time, if there is someone he trusts People who can stand up and guide them to think and face problems with a positive and honest attitude, may lead to a completely different life.

Bryce's grandfather is just like the "tenant" in "Childhood". For Bryce, in addition to his close grandparent relationship, he is also Bryce's spiritual mentor. In the

family, grandfather Chait is the only person who can "save" Bryce. Chait's most important role is not to teach Bryce, but to guide, using love as the starting point to guide Bryce to think. Introspection.

Chait is an amiable old man. After his wife died, his daughter took him over to live with him. He always sat in front of the window and looked out the window quietly and straight. Bryce did not understand his grandfather’s actions. His mother told him that this was because grandpa missed grandma again. The words

brought a great impact to Bryce. This may be the first time he felt such deep, longing love from another person.

Every time his parents had a conflict, Bryce always dared not speak, and stayed aside blankly. Grandpa came over and patted his shoulder gently, telling him that everything would be okay. This is for Bryce. It is not only comfort, but also a kind of inheritance of faith, which comes from the faith of ancestors.

Chait told Bryce that he was born with an umbilical cord around his neck, but his fate was different from that of Uncle Julie, because he was healthy. These words led Bryce to rethink his father’s idea of ​​" He realized for the first time that his father’s view was wrong.

During a family dinner, Julie said that because Bryce did not refute her friend's view that "mental disability can be inherited", he said he was a coward. Combining

with the furious slap and confusion in his eyes after his sister collided with his father, Bryce once again "doubt" his father's words.

Christopher’s "Intimate Relationship-Unfettered Relationships" has an expression of misjudgment: "Anything I hate is bad, everything I like is good; everything that threatens me is bad Yes, everything that gives me comfort is good." The reason for the judgment of

is obvious.Although it is "self-centered", Bryce's father is obviously such a person. He doesn't understand, but he has to pretend to understand, and he has to use a set of rhetoric to prove himself, the purpose is to protect himself. authority".

Therefore, what Bryce has to face is to overthrow his father's point of view, admit that he has a "problem", and accept a conclusion he can't believe that his father also has a "problem."

We all know that to solve a problem, we must first find the crux of the problem, and Bryce’s problem is precisely the long-term influence of his father’s "fallacy".

The most important thing for a confused person is to establish beliefs, and the establishment of beliefs is based on taking the first step to break through. Only with the first step can you have the second and third steps, and can gradually strengthen your beliefs. Build up your own self-confidence.

Bryce finally stopped resisting his own heart and took the initiative to show love to Julie; he overturned his father's view that "the sycamore tree is ugly" and planted a sycamore tree for Julie himself. The

sycamore tree is not only the first step for Bryce to make a breakthrough and make Julie back together, it is also the first step for him to plant the seeds of faith and make the faith grow stronger.

education should never be purely teaching experience, but should guide them to think independently, guide them to experience it firsthand, and take love as the starting point.

educator Suhomlinski said: Without love, there is no education.

Bryce’s family conditions are better than Julie. Julie does not have a nice garden or beautiful clothes, but his father still uses limited conditions to raise an excellent daughter. Although

Roski has a superior economic foundation, his son's arbitrariness has caused serious character defects.

It can be seen that the economic status of a family is not directly related to the growth of the child.

In summary, we can easily find that Julie's parents are optimistic about life, while Bryce's parents are pessimistic.

In the movie "Life Is Beautiful", even though Guido and his son are in prison, he still takes his son to experience a real "reality show" competition from a different perspective, making him likely to become a son. The experience of childhood nightmares has become a rare treasure in life.

Guido is optimistic. What's more commendable is that he passed on this optimistic attitude towards life to his son.

Taiwanese writer Roland once said: I don’t know if anyone else gets more from my father. I use my father's open-mindedness to deal with changes in the environment, use my father's optimism to create my own future, use his father's encouragement and tolerance to teach students and children, and use his father's love of nature to cultivate my own temperament.

It can be seen that every optimistic father is a wealth of spiritual wealth for his children.

In the end, the movie ends with the picture of Bryce and Julie planting plane trees together, leaving behind infinitely beautiful conjectures. Although Bryce has an incompetent father, he has a positive and optimistic "good friend". "Julie, there is also an optimistic and kind-hearted grandpa, and his future must be bright. The movie

is worth watching for everyone who is a parent.

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