Scared but can't help but peek, why is it hard to resist the temptation of horror movies?

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covered his eyes with both hands, and couldn't help peeking through his fingers. Is this scene particularly familiar? Does it look like you when watching a horror movie?

Scared but can't help but peek, why is it hard to resist the temptation of horror movies? - LujubaScared but can't help but peek, why is it hard to resist the temptation of horror movies? - Lujuba

Then why do some people like to watch horror movies? Why can't you stop it when you are afraid?

If you click on Baidu, you may get this answer: The reason why people love watching horror movies is because they like the pleasure of being able to return to reality after being frightened and enjoy the relief! The explanation of

seems to make sense, but it was mercilessly dissed!

University of Florida professor Joel Cohen thinks that this logic is equivalent to saying: A person likes to hit a wall because he wants to enjoy the sense of relief after hitting it?

Scared but can't help but peek, why is it hard to resist the temptation of horror movies? - Lujuba

Professor Joel Cohen found through experiments that people who like to watch horror movies do not pursue the so-called relief of pleasure, but because they are really happy when watching movies! ! !

Joel Cohen and another professor find a group of students and divide them into two groups according to their personalities:

group likes to actively seek fear; the other group deliberately avoids fear.

They asked two groups of students to watch the same movie clips and recorded the emotional changes of the students.

found that no matter whether the film is horrible or not, the fear of the two groups of students is not much different! The real difference lies in how happy they feel.

When watching the horror clips, the students who "avoid fear" are not happy and excited at all, while the students who "seek fear" must feel thrilled in their hearts!

So, whether a person is afraid or happy when watching a horror movie are two different things.

People who love to watch horror movies can experience both fear and happiness at the same time. Even if he was scared to death, it would not delay him from watching horror movies! This phenomenon is called "co-activation".

But apart from the psychological level, the physical level also laid the foundation for watching horror movies.

Fear to feel the innervation of the amygdala in your brain; and happy to feel the influence of the prefrontal cortex in your brain.

Professor Rafi Adolf believes that: in certain specific situations, when the human brain processes fear emotions, it connects and activates the amygdala and prefrontal cortex to realize complex iterative processing of information.

is a bit simpler: the amygdala says "Ah! I'm afraid I don't want it", and the prefrontal cortex says "It's okay, look at the thief to stimulate." The two of them collude, and you will have this "fear and happy" emotional experience! It's the result of their interaction.

So why didn't everyone like horror movies on a psychological and physical level?

Now we have to ask about genes. Your guts are greatly affected by genes. Some people are born tigers!

Of course, in addition to genetic differences, the acquired growth environment is also very important! You have experienced the shadow of childhood more or less, saying that the shadow of childhood is nothing more than Conan and Bao Qingtian!

But as the years grow and experience enriches, everyone can still overcome these fears!

Tags: movie