Ming Dao exposed that he wanted to transform but didn't know what to do

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Ming Dao exposed that he wanted to transform but didn't know what to do - LujubaMing Dao exposed that he wanted to transform but didn't know what to do - LujubaMing Dao exposed that he wanted to transform but didn't know what to do - Lujuba

A friend told Ming Dao that you might not be able to play the male number one again.

39 years old, 15 years of acting experience, Ming Dao, known as "Idol Drama Brother" and "The Originator of Overbearing CEOs", starred in the 7-minute "Ice Breaker" clip in the variety show "Actors Please Get In", which he performed this year The first scene.

Mingdao appeared on the scene of a director casting reality show, and netizens swiped "long time no see" in the barrage.

Indeed, he has not aired a new drama for two years. After moving to the movie market, he starred in a 20-minute science fiction short film and took it to foreign film festivals.

He originally didn't want to participate in "Actors please take their place". In his opinion, acting is his own "guy who eats", not trivial, "I don't like to make fun of the guy who eats, I feel very shameless."

But he still came and added his favorite Director Chen Kaige's team, in the first competition, he lost to the 14-year-old rookie actor and entered the pending seat.

"to be determined" means to be selected, suspended, or even denied to some extent. But sitting at the poker table must follow the rules of the game. "I'm not that optimistic, I feel uncomfortable. I haven't done anything successfully in the past few years, and I look down on myself a little bit." After

became a hit with "The Prince Becomes a Frog" in 2005, Mingdao still accompanies his mother to the vegetable market to set up a stall when he is free. That was the golden age of Taiwan’s idol dramas. This idol drama that combined the elements of strong men and weak women, domineering CEOs falling in love with me, amnesia, car accidents, and wealthy fighting elements, became popular throughout Asia. The summer file of the following year, Anhui Satellite TV introduced " "The Prince Turns into a Frog" once drove the entire day's viewership share to exceed 2%.

"The Prince Turns into a Frog" made Ming Dao the most popular idol actor in Taiwan overnight, completing the transformation of the frog into a prince. He is no longer the young Lin Chaozhang who sells vegetables in the vegetable market, and he does not have to worry that the whole family will have no food the next day.

Ming Dao felt that he was rich for the first time because he had NT$150,000 (about RMB 30,000) in his account. He felt at ease. He also invited 7 friends to eat barbecue for 50 yuan per person. Don't worry, you can fill it up. When

stood at a high position in Vanity Fair, he never avoided his origin. From the age of 12, he set up a stall selling sweet potatoes, dried fish, and clams in the vegetable market, constantly screaming, weighing, and collecting money. The vegetable market made him feel at ease, squatting on the ground, watching people coming and going, listening to the uncle selling pears at the stall next to him chanting "My pears are sweet enough to sing", thinking in his heart, as long as he finds a way to sell these goods, one day The income is predictable.

Mingdao bid farewell to childhood and break into the adult world. After school and during winter and summer vacations, Ming Dao sells dried fish at the vegetable market to supplement his household. He doesn't have a fixed booth, and he sells goods at different markets close to his mother and brother, and his father is responsible for the transportation. He smiled and interacted with the aunt who came to buy dried fish. If he encounters a client who seems to be in need, he will boldly catch a lot of small dried fish, collect some money symbolically, and feel like a knight walking the rivers and lakes, helping the poor.

Someone once asked him, would a child feel unhappy when he went to the vegetable market to sell vegetables? In his concept, selling vegetables at the vegetable market is his way of life. He felt very happy at the time, because there would be children selling vegetables at the stall next to him, and he would not think he was special. Now recalling his childhood experiences, he feels very proud. The years in the vegetable market laid the foundation for him to get along with people and see the world in the future. There is only one exception for


One weekend morning when he was 17 years old, Ming Dao rode his bike to the vegetable market. Suddenly, he noticed that many motorcycles appeared, all of them were teenagers who were going to socialize. The bus was also carrying a shy female classmate. Ming Dao deliberately slowed down and rode his bike among them, imagining that he was one of them and could have the same happy time as them.

reached the fork in the road, Mingdao had to turn, he had to go back to the vegetable market to sell vegetables. He stopped for a long time and watched these teenagers go away one by one. "It is more meaningful to set up a stall than to go out to play. This is my choice." He quickly returned to reason.

adventure king

became Ming Dao, an adventure of young Lin Chaozhang. At the age of 22,

faced the first major choice in his life, whether to enter the entertainment industry.

After thinking about it for a week, he decided to take over the job of the outdoor travel reality show "Adventure King" and become the location host. "This is the first major decision in my life. I didn't love watches since I was youngActing, the reason I entered the industry was that I needed a job at that time and I wanted to make money. Before

went abroad to record the show, the former agent hurriedly gave him a new name-"Ming Dao." This agent who has successfully created a series of idol artists believes that his original name Lin Chaozhang is too much for the market. It won’t be red when you hear it. Mingdao means a bright road, with good meaning, and it’s loud when you scream. The first time

speaks to the camera, he needs to introduce himself to the audience, "Hello everyone, I am Mingdao. The location is in Bangkok, Thailand! At the time, it was difficult for Ming Dao to find a more accurate vocabulary to describe his embarrassment and panic than "embarrassment". Even the blink of an eye would feel that he had done something wrong and was inconsistent from head to toe. This passage was recorded 12 times. One of them even said "Hello everyone, I am Bangkok, Thailand!" "

recorded "Adventure King" for two years, Ming Dao went to more than 30 countries, he collected all the boarding passes, from the first stop in Bangkok, Thailand to the last stop in New Zealand, he had dinner with the king and also with refugees. After eating, staying in a six-star hotel, and staying in a temple in the wild, the most dangerous one was in Alaska. Mingdao was sitting on a truck transporting ice blocks. The car braked suddenly and the 3 and a half tons of ice slipped down. Almost pressed Ming Dao under the ice.

"I will never forget this journey, because he will change my destiny from then on. "This is Ming Dao's lines in "The King of Adventure" and a portrayal of his real life. ""The King of Adventure" is the root of my whole person, and the source of all my thoughts, experiences, feelings, and abilities. "Ming Dao said, "Because of the growth environment, I am used to seeing the world from a low angle. Standing at the bottom and looking up, every time I stand down, the world I see is bigger and there are a little more people inside. There are nobles, commoners, some who live in villas, and some who live in thatched houses. They let me see what I couldn't see, what I didn't. Through every pair of eyes that met me, I saw countless worlds. "

In Ming Dao's chess game of life, "The Prince Turns into a Frog" is a play that cannot be bypassed. Ming Dao's Shan Junhao is considered by netizens to be one of the most classic images of a domineering president. This play 2005 It was premiered in Taiwan in June 2006, with an average rating of 7.09% and the highest rating of 8.05%, breaking the record of 6.43% of the highest rating maintained by "Meteor Garden". The most popular episode of

fans was Shan Junhao's first In the long shot of the second appearance, he walked out of the car in a black suit and sunglasses, walked through the door of the hotel, and strode to the front desk. The employees stood in a row and bowed to say hello. Some netizens said that other domineering presidents were in front of Ming Dao. Mostly a department manager.

recalls filming this scene, Ming Dao is still impressed, Shan Junhao’s appearance is very important for shaping this person’s image, he must be very aura to walk, he strode all afternoon, finally The picture that the audience sees now. The movie

that made him popular was actually not intended to use him as the leading male character. After the success of "The Prince Turns into a Frog", the director told him that because his skin was too dark, Acting as a rich man is very unconvincing, "In that era, which nobleman have you seen with dark skin? "

"The Prince Turns into a Frog" has become a youthful memory in the hearts of a generation of viewers, especially when Shan Junhao and the heroine Ye Tianyu fell into a pit and waited for rescue. Shan Junhao said to Ye Tianyu that if you don't give up in a critical juncture, despair will change. It is hopeful. Ming Dao later heard many fans say that this sentence gave him strength.

Ming Dao didn't have much acting experience at the time, "When you don't know anything, you will show real things to others. "He believes that whether the actors are sincere or not can be felt by the audience.

However, the audience's aesthetic fatigue is always faster than the theme innovation of the TV series. The glorious moment of the Taiwan idol drama created by the hit "Meteor Garden" in 2001, and It did not last long. After 2008, more and more Taiwanese artists chose to go northward to find development opportunities in the mainland.

In 2007, Ming Dao moved to the mainland. The Republic of China drama "Dream Paradise" was his first collaboration with the mainland crew. The TV series is the same team as "The Family of the Golden Noodles", but failed to replicate the good results of "The Family of the Golden Noodles". Later, he also tried to act in 3 costume dramas, and the response was also very few.

"The Prince Turns into a Frog" director Chen Mingzhang Zeng To the media, "Back then (everyone) thought idol dramas were very foreign, but now idol dramas are derogatory terms. (Everyone) I feel (in the idol drama) a group of people who can't act. "Ming Dao said frankly, "There are many things that are not bad, but veryMany people do it badly, so this thing has become bad, I admit it. "

Mingdao opposed using simple labels to define people," but the public likes to be classified, I don't like it very much. "When he was playing Shan Junho, he didn't have the concept of overbearing president at all in his mind. He was just acting on many aspects of a person. "I was annoying for a while, where am I overbearing?" No, although I am happy to use this method to make it easier for everyone to understand, I still hope to convey more detailed ideas to you. "When

was recording "The King of Adventure", Ming Dao once interviewed the king of India. At that time, he was standing on the observation deck of the Indian castle. The king said to him, although I have no power now, I am still rich. The place where the eyes can see and the sun can get is mine. "As long as I copy the appearance of that person, I will be the overbearing president. The overbearing president we play is smaller than this, just in a company. "Ming Dao told China News Weekly.


We saw him at the scene where Ming Dao took photos for the magazine. He was wearing a suit and posing with different looks for the photographer. Today, his identity is diverse and he is both an actor. He also set up his own studio, successively signed several young actors, and added a new boss status. His male artist Xu Kaicheng has acted in many idol dramas and has gradually become popular.

Xu Kaicheng described to China News Weekly, Ming Dao in his eyes has three key words: "serious, manly, and veteran". When filming before, as long as Ming Dao had time, he would teach Xu Kaicheng how to perform. Now he has slowly let go. Ming Dao remembers that he once opened the media At the meeting, he stood with the actor from the same company, and he was the shortest. "I will face this matter with the boss's mentality, very, very good. In the

talk show, Ming Dao revealed that there are only 10 numbers in his mobile phone, "Frankly speaking, I can't get up to most people. "The mode of getting along between people he yearns for is like in martial arts dramas. The friends in adversity are separated. After more than ten years, the old friend suddenly has difficulties. I immediately rushed to save you. "I have that kind of in my heart. Feelings, but I found that in this world, it seems that I am the only person with such feelings. "

Huang Zhiwei and Ming Dao became friends because of the filming of "Sakurano 3+1", but they didn't meet often. In his eyes, Ming Dao was always "on schedule, not impulsive, but thinking about it and knowing what he was doing." "

, his long-time friend An Yixuan said that Ming Dao lives in a 60-year-old man in his heart. Ming Dao laughed and said if he had to say this, "My soul may be a thousand years old." "Chen Qiaoen also thinks that Ming Dao is a person who can speak with confidence. He can listen very well and has a very good memory.

has a good memory. Director Liu Guoquan feels the same way. Ming Dao never read the script on the scene. He had already put his lines before coming. Very familiar.

"Do you believe in idol dramas? "This is the curiosity in my heart.

" I believe that my life is. I was shopping at the vegetable market. After half a year, I was the most popular idol drama actor in Taiwan. Isn't this an idol drama? "Ming Dao said.

But the rules of survival in the entertainment industry are realistic and cruel. There are no splashes in a few dramas, and no popular and popular movies. There is a constant influx of fresh blood on the market, which inevitably comes from the audience’s vision.

Ming Dao clearly knows his current predicament. There are two kinds of impressions of him in the industry. Some people think he is still acting in idol dramas, while others think Ming Dao is old, but he thinks, "Now This is my best age as an actor, and I remind everyone that I am still here. "

he realized that he must make changes and must transform, but "I am not sure what to do and where to go. This thing makes me very anxious." In the process of trying to transform

, he led the company's team He shot a 20-minute short film "Program Lover" in which he played the role of the male number one, a designer designing the future city. He infused his thoughts on the current society into the film, whether smart people will be Is a legal identity integrated into human society? How does the interaction of human society evaluate each other? Ming Dao hopes that someone can be interested in this story and work together to make a feature-length movie. He added, "I will not make a single-proprietorship Movies, this is too risky. "

This is the first film produced by the Mingdao team. Before that, his team had produced idol dramas "The Price of Victory" and "If I Love You".Ming Dao of more than 10 idol dramas still believes in idol dramas. "My experience is like idol dramas. I live my life with the mentality of idol dramas." Perhaps the change of Ming Dao has already happened, subtly and unconsciously, Or maybe nothing has changed.

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