For more exciting content, please click on the blue text above to follow us! On the evening of September 21, the 28th TV Literature and Art "Starlight Awards" held an award ceremony at the Xiamen Strait Grand Theater. CCTV-1's comprehensive channel "Home Between Mountains and Riv

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On the evening of September 21, the 28th TV Literature and Art "Starlight Awards" held an awards ceremony at the Xiamen Strait Grand Theater. CCTV-1's comprehensive channel "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" won the Outstanding TV Literary Column Award. It is worth mentioning that the third season of "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" visited Azheke Village, Yuanyang County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, promoting Azheke Village's era of strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and prosperous farmers. .

For more exciting content, please click on the blue text above to follow us! On the evening of September 21, the 28th TV Literature and Art 'Starlight Awards' held an award ceremony at the Xiamen Strait Grand Theater. CCTV-1's comprehensive channel 'Home Between Mountains and Riv - Lujuba

▲ "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" won the 28th TV Literature and Art "Starlight Award" Outstanding TV Literature and Art Column Award

Today, we once again walked into "small bridges and flowing water, flowers blooming on the terraces of the sea of ​​clouds; a world heritage, a hometown in dreams" - Ah Zheke Village. ↓↓↓

For more exciting content, please click on the blue text above to follow us! On the evening of September 21, the 28th TV Literature and Art 'Starlight Awards' held an award ceremony at the Xiamen Strait Grand Theater. CCTV-1's comprehensive channel 'Home Between Mountains and Riv - Lujuba

▲The third season of "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" went into Azheke Village, Yuanyang County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province

Extending from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain nearly 3,000 meters above sea level, the number of terraces can reach up to 3,700 There are many levels, as if they are built all the way to the clouds; deep in the white clouds, there is a lot of traffic and a few families hidden.

This is the world heritage Honghe Hani Rice Terraces cultural landscape located in Yuanyang County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The unique "four elements isomorphic" ecosystem model of forests, villages, terraces, and water systems is a symbol of the local people's respect for nature. It is an outstanding example of adapting to nature and protecting nature. It can be called a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and a "living fossil" of human farming civilization.

At present, in Azheke Village, the core area of ​​Yuanyang of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces, the terraces are about to be harvested, and from time to time, the sound of villagers sharpening sickles can be heard at home. When I was tired, someone improvised an ancient Hani song.

Scenes like this happen year after year in Azheke, just like eating and drinking. Ma Youde, a Hani boy, didn't think it was anything strange at first, but it was this inconspicuous daily life in the village that fascinated many foreign tourists.

Nowadays, after busy farming, Ma Youde works as a tourist receptionist at home, leading groups of tourists to harvest rice, catch ducks, taste authentic farm food, and appreciate the nostalgia.

Azheke, which means "the land of slippery bamboos" in Hani language, is a typical local traditional village of the Hani people. Before the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces were successfully applied for World Heritage status in 2013, few people knew about the beautiful scenery here. The relatively closed traffic location and traditional inefficient rice farming methods have restricted the economic development of Azheke. Half of the labor force in the village has gone out to work, and the hollowing out of the village has become obvious.

Pu Zicheng, secretary of the Party branch of Azheke Village, said that in the past, for some farmers, terraced fields were both wealth and a constraint. This is because the surrounding mountains and slopes of the village are dangerous, the terrain is rugged, and there is a lack of large flat land. It is difficult for large-scale modern farming equipment to farm here. The yield and profit of terraced fields are low, making it difficult for villagers to increase their income. Gradually, not many people are willing to farm, and heritage protection faces challenges.

solved the problem thanks to a "plan". In January 2018, Sun Yat-sen University Professor Bao Jigang’s team was invited by the Yuanyang County Government to conduct research. On the basis of following the own laws of heritage protection, the “Azheke Plan” was tailor-made for the local area. Based on "houses, people and fields", 65 households of villagers have invested in traditional houses, terraced fields, residences, household registrations, etc., and through dividends, villagers are encouraged to protect traditional houses, cultivate terraced fields, and retain village registration.

In late July this year, Azheke Village once again ushered in the Rural Tourism Development Dividend Conference. The villagers lined up in a long line with great expectations, signed and fingerprinted one by one to receive their ecological dividends.

"My family has distributed 10,000 yuan, and together with the previous 9 distributions, the total has been more than 30,000 yuan." The old house of villager Ma Xiaofen's family is well preserved, and they have always insisted on farming at home, and every time they receive dividends, they are "big households".

Resources turn into assets, villagers turn into shareholders, every family has income and can receive dividends every year. Long Yutong, a resident team member of Sun Yat-sen University, introduced that Azheke Village has transformed the comprehensive benefits of high-quality cultural heritage into a sustainable driving force for high-quality development by implementing an endogenous village collective-led tourism development model, and has embarked on a path of heritage protection, culture A green and sustainable development path that benefits inheritance, economic development, and the masses.

The changes in my hometown also inspire young people outside.In 2022, Ma Youde, one year after graduating from university, returned to his hometown from Kunming and actively participated in the development of rural tourism, becoming the first college student in the village to return home. “We used to run outside, but now people from outside the area flock to our place,” he said. According to data from

, since the operation of the scenic spot in 2019, Azheke Village has received 187,000 domestic and foreign tourists, with a total dividend of 2.3325 million yuan, and an average dividend of 35,886 yuan per household.

Azheke Village is a vivid practice of the "Two Mountains" theory in a world heritage site. In recent years, Yuanyang County has also vigorously promoted the "rice, fish and duck" comprehensive planting and breeding model, explored the establishment of a "company + base + cooperative + farmer + Internet" planting and production management model, continuously improved the comprehensive income of terraces, and achieved "one water and three uses" "One field yields more", and the comprehensive output value per mu of terraced fields increased from more than 2,000 yuan to more than 8,000 yuan.

The popularity and reputation of local green premium products such as terraced red rice, rice field fish, and duck eggs are constantly increasing. The development of the industry has allowed the world heritage brand to benefit the local people.

According to the Honghe Hani Terraces World Cultural Heritage Management Bureau, with the efforts of many parties, the forest coverage rate of the heritage site has been continuously improved, farmland water conservancy facilities have been gradually improved, and the "four-element isomorphism" ecosystem has been effectively maintained, maintaining the history of the world heritage. Authenticity, stylistic integrity and cultural continuity. Through the development of rural characteristic industries according to local conditions, the ecological dividends of heritage areas have initially appeared, people's lives have become richer, and the per capita disposable income of farmers has increased from 3,928 yuan in 2013 to 14,736 yuan in 2023. The "lucid waters and green mountains" that people have protected for generations have been transformed into "supporters of happiness".

Source: Colorful Cloud

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