Currently, the realism-themed film "Wild Child" directed by "My Sister" director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off

entertainment 8865℃

Currently, the realism-themed film " Wild Child " directed by My Sister director Yin Ruoxin and Wang Junkai starring is currently being screened. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box office list.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

The film is based on the real incident of "The Wandering Brothers" and focuses on the group of "children in social difficulties", which aroused the emotional resonance of many viewers. Recently, director Yin Ruoxin accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Red Star News and revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the filming of the film.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Director Yin Ruoxin

looks at the experiences of the two brothers from a companionship perspective

The story of "Wild Child" is not complicated: the "thief" brother Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) meets the "orphan" brother Xuan who has no one to take care of him. Xuan (played by Guan Zixie), two abandoned "wild children" warmed each other and built their own warm little home in the wind and rain.

Director Yin Ruoxin continues the humanistic care of little people after "My Sister", focusing on the living conditions of marginalized minors and exploring the social topic of "birth and maintenance". Some viewers said that the film was so delicate and touching that it made them cry.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Speaking of the original intention of filming the film, director Yin Ruoxin revealed that as early as 2019, she was attracted by the news about the "Wandering Brothers" reported by CCTV's "Today's Statement". The brother in the news report was named Ma Liang. His mother left home when she was 3 years old. He ran away and never came back. His father was busy with business, so Ma Liang was left unattended. After dropping out of junior high school, Ma Liang began to steal and wander around, and met another "orphan" Xuan Xuan who had the same problem as him. Xuanxuan's parents were pregnant before marriage, her mother ran away, and her father worked outside. The only ones left at home are my grandfather, who makes a living by picking up garbage, and my grandmother, who is paralyzed in bed.

Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan met, and the two reached a "cooperative" relationship: Ma Liang went to steal, and Xuan Xuan sold the stolen goods as a child - Ma Liang used the money gained from the theft to buy clothes, snacks, and toys for Xuan Xuan. The two gradually developed a brotherly feeling.

In the end, Ma Liang was arrested. He covered his face and cried, saying that he didn't want to see his brother. But at the same time, he said that he could not forget his younger brother. This scene made countless netizens cry.

director Yin Ruoxin said that she was very moved when she saw the news. The brothers had been in trouble for a long time, and the relationship between them interested her. "The links between strange relationships between people made me interested." I think it's amazing. What's the story behind these two children? How do they share their lives together..."

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

The story of the movie "Wild Children" is basically consistent with the news reports, even the two protagonists Ma Liang and Xuanxuan's name has not changed. Referring to the relationship between artistry and authenticity in the film, Yin Ruoxin bluntly said that through the relationship between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan, a group portrait was outlined, extending to characters such as Uncle Wen (Pan Binlong), Da Mao (Chen Yongsheng), etc., telling a story The story of a small criminal gang is an innovation in the narrative of the film. In terms of authenticity,

looks at the brothers’ experiences from a companionship and head-up perspective, hoping to show the inner colors and emotional needs of the characters, “when they are happy, when they walk into the sunshine, when they They are happy when they share delicious food and build their own little home. Then when they enter danger or a cramped dark corner, and end up without a home, everything becomes cold and dark, and violence will be involved. They make them feel in danger."

Wang Junkai has a strong ability to shape characters.

Wang Junkai's performance of Ma Liang impressed the audience. Not only did he have a subversive appearance, but he also had a lot of psychological drama.

"Ma Liang himself had been caught in the rain and hoped to hold an umbrella for Xuan Xuan." Wang Junkai interpreted Ma Liang's feelings for Xuan Xuan in this way, "When Ma Liang decided to live with his younger brother, he made the lives of the two people perfect. "Very clean and decent, he hopes Xuan Xuan has a decent childhood." Wang Junkai once said that he incorporated his own thoughts on the character after reading a lot of information, communicating with the crew and observing the characters in the early stage.Before filming, the director will share with Wang Junkai some movies and books related to the film. This will not only deepen their understanding of each other, but also allow them to understand the characters in the film in a targeted manner.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Some viewers said that Wang Junkai is very suitable for the role of Ma Liang. "He will make people believe that someone will not really become bad even if they are in the quagmire." In Yin Ruoxin's view, Ma Liang has a piece of his heart deep inside. A clear and pure place, this place is the most kind, the sunniest, and the place where we most hope to have a sense of order and stability in our lives. Xuan Xuan pried open this part of Ma Liang's body bit by bit. Ma Liang would not let Xuan Xuan steal things. When he and Xuan Xuan were together, he would smile and have very happy moments. Yin Ruoxin said that Wang Junkai not only has the characteristics of a sunny boy, but also shows the struggle and depression of the character Ma Liang in a criminal situation. His multi-faceted nature can be perceived by the audience when portraying the character of Ma Liang.

Yin Ruoxin said bluntly that Wang Junkai has strong character shaping ability, "When I communicated with him about this character, I felt that Xiaokai was a very smart and calm actor. When he was doing the preparation work before the performance, he was very interested in this character. The character will think a lot and make full preparations, including experiencing life and observing various people on the street. When this part of his rational analysis is exposed in the performance, it will help him to be measured and measured in an orderly manner. ”

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

In the movie, Wang Junkai has many scenes opposite the young actor Guan Zixie. Yin Ruoxin revealed that when the young actors are filming, Wang Junkai will always be with them and will observe how everyone communicates with the young actors.

There is a detail that Ma Liang taught his younger brother to tie his shoelaces. At the end, Ma Liang's own shoelaces were loosened. After Ma Liang found that his shoelaces were loosened, he not only did not tie his shoelaces, but even loosened them with his hands. Removed the already loose shoelaces. The director revealed that this idea was proposed by Wang Junkai himself. Wang Junkai explained that he felt that Ma Liang had habitually escaped from the beginning, but this time he stopped escaping and used the loose shoelaces to materialize his inner feelings. He finally stopped in the sunshine, implying that he hoped to welcome the light. In Yin Ruoxin's view, the role of Ma Liang has already grown on Wang Junkai.

Currently, the realism-themed film " Wild Child " directed by My Sister director Yin Ruoxin and Wang Junkai starring is currently being screened. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box office list.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

The film is based on the real incident of "The Wandering Brothers" and focuses on the group of "children in social difficulties", which aroused the emotional resonance of many viewers. Recently, director Yin Ruoxin accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Red Star News and revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the filming of the film.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Director Yin Ruoxin

looks at the experiences of the two brothers from a companionship perspective

The story of "Wild Child" is not complicated: the "thief" brother Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) meets the "orphan" brother Xuan who has no one to take care of him. Xuan (played by Guan Zixie), two abandoned "wild children" warmed each other and built their own warm little home in the wind and rain.

Director Yin Ruoxin continues the humanistic care of little people after "My Sister", focusing on the living conditions of marginalized minors and exploring the social topic of "birth and maintenance". Some viewers said that the film was so delicate and touching that it made them cry.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Speaking of the original intention of filming the film, director Yin Ruoxin revealed that as early as 2019, she was attracted by the news about the "Wandering Brothers" reported by CCTV's "Today's Statement". The brother in the news report was named Ma Liang. His mother left home when she was 3 years old. He ran away and never came back. His father was busy with business, so Ma Liang was left unattended. After dropping out of junior high school, Ma Liang began to steal and wander around, and met another "orphan" Xuan Xuan who had the same problem as him. Xuanxuan's parents were pregnant before marriage, her mother ran away, and her father worked outside. The only ones left at home are my grandfather, who makes a living by picking up garbage, and my grandmother, who is paralyzed in bed.

Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan met, and the two reached a "cooperative" relationship: Ma Liang went to steal, and Xuan Xuan sold the stolen goods as a child - Ma Liang used the money gained from the theft to buy clothes, snacks, and toys for Xuan Xuan. The two gradually developed a brotherly feeling.

In the end, Ma Liang was arrested. He covered his face and cried, saying that he didn't want to see his brother. But at the same time, he said that he could not forget his younger brother. This scene made countless netizens cry.

director Yin Ruoxin said that she was very moved when she saw the news. The brothers had been in trouble for a long time, and the relationship between them interested her. "The links between strange relationships between people made me interested." I think it's amazing. What's the story behind these two children? How do they share their lives together..."

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

The story of the movie "Wild Children" is basically consistent with the news reports, even the two protagonists Ma Liang and Xuanxuan's name has not changed. Referring to the relationship between artistry and authenticity in the film, Yin Ruoxin bluntly said that through the relationship between Ma Liang and Xuan Xuan, a group portrait was outlined, extending to characters such as Uncle Wen (Pan Binlong), Da Mao (Chen Yongsheng), etc., telling a story The story of a small criminal gang is an innovation in the narrative of the film. In terms of authenticity,

looks at the brothers’ experiences from a companionship and head-up perspective, hoping to show the inner colors and emotional needs of the characters, “when they are happy, when they walk into the sunshine, when they They are happy when they share delicious food and build their own little home. Then when they enter danger or a cramped dark corner, and end up without a home, everything becomes cold and dark, and violence will be involved. They make them feel in danger."

Wang Junkai has a strong ability to shape characters.

Wang Junkai's performance of Ma Liang impressed the audience. Not only did he have a subversive appearance, but he also had a lot of psychological drama.

"Ma Liang himself had been caught in the rain and hoped to hold an umbrella for Xuan Xuan." Wang Junkai interpreted Ma Liang's feelings for Xuan Xuan in this way, "When Ma Liang decided to live with his younger brother, he made the lives of the two people perfect. "Very clean and decent, he hopes Xuan Xuan has a decent childhood." Wang Junkai once said that he incorporated his own thoughts on the character after reading a lot of information, communicating with the crew and observing the characters in the early stage.Before filming, the director will share with Wang Junkai some movies and books related to the film. This will not only deepen their understanding of each other, but also allow them to understand the characters in the film in a targeted manner.

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

Some viewers said that Wang Junkai is very suitable for the role of Ma Liang. "He will make people believe that someone will not really become bad even if they are in the quagmire." In Yin Ruoxin's view, Ma Liang has a piece of his heart deep inside. A clear and pure place, this place is the most kind, the sunniest, and the place where we most hope to have a sense of order and stability in our lives. Xuan Xuan pried open this part of Ma Liang's body bit by bit. Ma Liang would not let Xuan Xuan steal things. When he and Xuan Xuan were together, he would smile and have very happy moments. Yin Ruoxin said that Wang Junkai not only has the characteristics of a sunny boy, but also shows the struggle and depression of the character Ma Liang in a criminal situation. His multi-faceted nature can be perceived by the audience when portraying the character of Ma Liang.

Yin Ruoxin said bluntly that Wang Junkai has strong character shaping ability, "When I communicated with him about this character, I felt that Xiaokai was a very smart and calm actor. When he was doing the preparation work before the performance, he was very interested in this character. The character will think a lot and make full preparations, including experiencing life and observing various people on the street. When this part of his rational analysis is exposed in the performance, it will help him to be measured and measured in an orderly manner. ”

Currently, the realism-themed film 'Wild Child' directed by 'My Sister' director Yin Ruoxin and starring Wang Junkai is currently in theaters. As of 15:00 on September 17, the film's box office has exceeded 140 million, temporarily ranking first in the Mid-Autumn Festival box off - Lujuba

In the movie, Wang Junkai has many scenes opposite the young actor Guan Zixie. Yin Ruoxin revealed that when the young actors are filming, Wang Junkai will always be with them and will observe how everyone communicates with the young actors.

There is a detail that Ma Liang taught his younger brother to tie his shoelaces. At the end, Ma Liang's own shoelaces were loosened. After Ma Liang found that his shoelaces were loosened, he not only did not tie his shoelaces, but even loosened them with his hands. Removed the already loose shoelaces. The director revealed that this idea was proposed by Wang Junkai himself. Wang Junkai explained that he felt that Ma Liang had habitually escaped from the beginning, but this time he stopped escaping and used the loose shoelaces to materialize his inner feelings. He finally stopped in the sunshine, implying that he hoped to welcome the light. In Yin Ruoxin's view, the role of Ma Liang has already grown on Wang Junkai.

Source: Red Star News

Tags: entertainment