When live broadcasting begins to enter the deep water area, especially when the ceiling of traffic is getting closer and closer, even the top Internet celebrities also feel the unknown pressure. We can get a clue of this from events such as Luo Yonghao starting a new entrepreneur

entertainment 2811℃
When live broadcasting begins to enter the deep water area, especially when the ceiling of traffic is getting closer and closer, even the top Internet celebrities also feel the unknown pressure. We can get a clue of this from events such as Luo Yonghao starting a new entrepreneur - Lujuba

When live streaming begins to enter the deep water area, especially when the ceiling of traffic is getting closer and closer, even Internet celebrities who are at the top are feeling the unknown pressure.

We can get a clue from events such as Luo Yonghao starting a new entrepreneurial project and Xiao Yang’s landing in Hong Kong.

However, the incident did not end there.

Recently, Simba once again questioned Brother Yang in the live broadcast room.

It is obvious that even if they are the top Internet celebrities, the competition between them has still entered a fierce stage.

Through the incident of Simba tearing up Brother Yang with his hands, it is foreseeable that there will be more such incidents in the live streaming industry in the future.

Therefore, Simba tearing up Brother Yang is not just a case. What it shows us is that the live broadcast industry is undergoing profound changes.

When Simba tore Brother Yang to pieces, we should not just focus on the incident itself, but should see the deeper internal logic behind this incident.

Only in this way can we have a relatively complete and clear understanding of Simba tearing up Little Yang with his hands.

The sound of shuffling live broadcast goods has actually appeared a long time ago.

However, even in the context of the emergence of such a voice, we still see the development of the live streaming industry.

One of the important reasons why this is so is that in the live streaming industry, new traffic entities represented by Internet celebrity anchors are constantly emerging.

When they still have support for live streaming, the so-called reshuffle of live streaming will be self-defeating.

Despite this, live streaming has not escaped the essence that it is a new form of traffic acquisition. Its emergence is just like the short videos and live broadcasts we have seen in the past.

However, live streaming has found a new model for traffic monetization, but short videos and live broadcasts have not performed satisfactorily in this aspect.

This characteristic of live streaming determines that if it wants to achieve new development, it will inevitably need new traffic supply and the emergence of new traffic entities.

However, the development history of the Internet industry tells us that traffic is not inexhaustible.

When the ceiling of traffic is approaching, especially when traffic no longer has dividends, even if it is a re-innovated business model, it will still face new difficulties and challenges.

The past PC Internet era and mobile Internet era have already proven this for us.

The same is true for live streaming.

Although both e-commerce platforms and short video platforms still promote live streaming to bring goods, we cannot deny that the development of the live streaming industry has entered a reshuffle period.

Whether it is for Simba or Xiao Yang, how to break out of the development model with traffic as the lifeline and find more new development breakthroughs may be the key to truly achieving new development.

However, for many live streaming players, following the past development model and constantly finding new traffic is undoubtedly the safest approach.

It is precisely because of this that we saw Brother Yang landing in Hong Kong.

It can be said that landing in Hong Kong can be seen as the beginning of Brother Yang's search for a new traffic entrance.

If we summarize and define this incident, we can completely regard it as the live broadcast represented by Brother Yang going overseas along the development path of the e-commerce industry.

Starting with Brother Yang, in the future we will see more live streaming players begin to choose to follow the footsteps of e-commerce and go overseas to find new fertile ground for traffic.

Through this point, we can also see that live streaming is still the reality of a new e-commerce model.

Based on this, if we regard Simba and Xiao Yang as the "two poles" of live streaming, the "chaotic war" between them will be more like the previous "chaotic war" between Alibaba and JD.com ”.

In the end, the focus of the competition between Simba and Brother Yang is still the traffic itself.

When the traffic peaks, more and more live streaming players have already felt the coolness in advance.

We can see a clue from Luo Yonghao’s withdrawal from the “Make a Friend” live broadcast room;

In the final analysis, the traffic-led development model of live streaming has come to an end.

In order for live streaming to achieve new development, it is necessary to break out of the traditional traffic model and look for new models.

Oriental Selection does not want to be a simple live broadcast player, but wants to be a brand new e-commerce platform.

From this perspective, we can understand why Oriental Selection will build its own supply chain, why Oriental Selection or build its own app, and why Oriental Selection will eventually part ways with Dong Yuhui.

In the final analysis, Oriental Selection still does not want to be just a live streaming company in a simple sense to bring goods to players.

When Simba starts tearing up Brother Yang, what we need to see is that the traditional live streaming model has come to an end.

If you want to have new development and find a new breakthrough for development, live streaming must bid farewell to the development model that is just dominated by live streaming and selling goods, and instead build a new one covering the entire supply chain and the entire industry chain. mode.

From this point of view, Simba’s hand tearing of Xiao Yang shows us more that the live streaming model in the traditional sense is unsustainable, and even the traditional e-commerce model is unsustainable.

Whether it is for players who sell goods through live broadcasts or for e-commerce players, only by finding new breakthroughs can they make gains in the new stage of development.

Similarly, when it comes to benchmarking e-commerce, we see a brand new development taking place.

Whether it is Alibaba’s full embrace of AI e-commerce, or JD.com’s beginning to add Liu Qiangdong’s digital human elements to JD.com’s live broadcast room of procurement and sales, we can all see that a brand new evolution is taking place in the e-commerce industry. With.

For live streaming, such a change also needs to occur.

In the final analysis, the reason why Simba is tearing Xiao Yang apart is that the Internet-based live broadcast delivery model has begun to reach the end of its dividends, and it is just blindly rolling up prices, just blindly harvesting leeks, and starting are increasingly challenged.

Using e-commerce as a model, finding a new development model for live streaming and evolving new ways is the key to preventing Simba from tearing Xiao Yang to pieces from happening again.

If the peak of traffic and the transformation of the e-commerce model have made it inevitable for Simba to tear up Xiao Yang, then live streaming only plays the role of matchmaking and intermediary, but it does not Failure to truly participate in the upstream and downstream of the industry is the deeper reason why its development has begun to reach a dead end.

When the curtain of the Internet began to slowly fall, we saw the transformation and upgrading of many Internet players.

If we summarize and define the transformation and upgrading of these Internet players, they are no longer just a platform, no longer just a matchmaker and intermediary, but more involved in the process of the industry. Even becoming a part of the development of the industry is becoming a trend and trend.

In this regard, we can see a clue from the popularity of the integration of data and reality; in this regard, we can see a clue from the continuous implementation of the integration of virtual and real.

The same is true for live streaming.

If it is just a matching and intermediary platform, if it is just a transfer station for traffic, and has not really found a way to deeply integrate itself with the upstream supply chain and downstream consumers, then live streaming to bring goods It is bound to go against the current development trend.

It is true that live streaming can still achieve certain development by continuing the previous development model. However, when the only remaining dividends from live streaming are exhausted, it will still have to achieve real results. Fusion, on the road to virtual integration.

In the final analysis, live streaming is not just a platform and intermediary in a simple sense, but needs to actively participate in the upstream industrial chain, supply chain and the actual experience process of downstream consumers.

Only in this way can live broadcasting be able to join the trend of Internet transformation and gain new development dividends.

From such a perspective, we can understand why Oriental Selection joined in when the live streaming industry has entered a reshuffle period; Parted ways;

From this perspective, we can understand why Yu Minhong said that such incidents will not happen again in the future of Oriental Selection.


When the incident of Simba tearing Xiao Yang to pieces happened, it showed us more that the competition for traffic in the live streaming industry has entered a fierce and cruel reality.

After all, live streaming is following the old path of e-commerce.

Through Simba tearing up Little Yang, we don’t just want to see the grudges between the two, but we need to see more of the new business signs it projects for us.

It can be said that the development of live streaming has reached an inevitable stage.

is no longer just about traffic,

is no longer just about matchmaking and intermediary,

is no longer just about matching and intermediary. It is just a platform and center,

, but it gives live streaming more goods. New concepts and connotations can truly bring the development of live streaming to a new stage.

When the live broadcast of goods took the initiative to integrate into the tide of change in the Internet industry,

When the live broadcast of goods took the initiative to start a deep evolution from the inside out,

Live streaming has found resonance with the development of e-commerce. Only by using methods and methods

can the incident of Simba tearing up Little Yang be avoided, and the development of live streaming products truly enter a new cycle.

When live broadcasting begins to enter the deep water area, especially when the ceiling of traffic is getting closer and closer, even the top Internet celebrities also feel the unknown pressure. We can get a clue of this from events such as Luo Yonghao starting a new entrepreneur - Lujuba

When live streaming begins to enter the deep water area, especially when the ceiling of traffic is getting closer and closer, even Internet celebrities who are at the top are feeling the unknown pressure.

We can get a clue from events such as Luo Yonghao starting a new entrepreneurial project and Xiao Yang’s landing in Hong Kong.

However, the incident did not end there.

Recently, Simba once again questioned Brother Yang in the live broadcast room.

It is obvious that even if they are the top Internet celebrities, the competition between them has still entered a fierce stage.

Through the incident of Simba tearing up Brother Yang with his hands, it is foreseeable that there will be more such incidents in the live streaming industry in the future.

Therefore, Simba tearing up Brother Yang is not just a case. What it shows us is that the live broadcast industry is undergoing profound changes.

When Simba tore Brother Yang to pieces, we should not just focus on the incident itself, but should see the deeper internal logic behind this incident.

Only in this way can we have a relatively complete and clear understanding of Simba tearing up Little Yang with his hands.

The sound of shuffling live broadcast goods has actually appeared a long time ago.

However, even in the context of the emergence of such a voice, we still see the development of the live streaming industry.

One of the important reasons why this is so is that in the live streaming industry, new traffic entities represented by Internet celebrity anchors are constantly emerging.

When they still have support for live streaming, the so-called reshuffle of live streaming will be self-defeating.

Despite this, live streaming has not escaped the essence that it is a new form of traffic acquisition. Its emergence is just like the short videos and live broadcasts we have seen in the past.

However, live streaming has found a new model for traffic monetization, but short videos and live broadcasts have not performed satisfactorily in this aspect.

This characteristic of live streaming determines that if it wants to achieve new development, it will inevitably need new traffic supply and the emergence of new traffic entities.

However, the development history of the Internet industry tells us that traffic is not inexhaustible.

When the ceiling of traffic is approaching, especially when traffic no longer has dividends, even if it is a re-innovated business model, it will still face new difficulties and challenges.

The past PC Internet era and mobile Internet era have already proven this for us.

The same is true for live streaming.

Although both e-commerce platforms and short video platforms still promote live streaming to bring goods, we cannot deny that the development of the live streaming industry has entered a reshuffle period.

Whether it is for Simba or Xiao Yang, how to break out of the development model with traffic as the lifeline and find more new development breakthroughs may be the key to truly achieving new development.

However, for many live streaming players, following the past development model and constantly finding new traffic is undoubtedly the safest approach.

It is precisely because of this that we saw Brother Yang landing in Hong Kong.

It can be said that landing in Hong Kong can be seen as the beginning of Brother Yang's search for a new traffic entrance.

If we summarize and define this incident, we can completely regard it as the live broadcast represented by Brother Yang going overseas along the development path of the e-commerce industry.

Starting with Brother Yang, in the future we will see more live streaming players begin to choose to follow the footsteps of e-commerce and go overseas to find new fertile ground for traffic.

Through this point, we can also see that live streaming is still the reality of a new e-commerce model.

Based on this, if we regard Simba and Xiao Yang as the "two poles" of live streaming, the "chaotic war" between them will be more like the previous "chaotic war" between Alibaba and JD.com ”.

In the end, the focus of the competition between Simba and Brother Yang is still the traffic itself.

When the traffic peaks, more and more live streaming players have already felt the coolness in advance.

We can see a clue from Luo Yonghao’s withdrawal from the “Make a Friend” live broadcast room;

In the final analysis, the traffic-led development model of live streaming has come to an end.

In order for live streaming to achieve new development, it is necessary to break out of the traditional traffic model and look for new models.

Oriental Selection does not want to be a simple live broadcast player, but wants to be a brand new e-commerce platform.

From this perspective, we can understand why Oriental Selection will build its own supply chain, why Oriental Selection or build its own app, and why Oriental Selection will eventually part ways with Dong Yuhui.

In the final analysis, Oriental Selection still does not want to be just a live streaming company in a simple sense to bring goods to players.

When Simba starts tearing up Brother Yang, what we need to see is that the traditional live streaming model has come to an end.

If you want to have new development and find a new breakthrough for development, live streaming must bid farewell to the development model that is just dominated by live streaming and selling goods, and instead build a new one covering the entire supply chain and the entire industry chain. mode.

From this point of view, Simba’s hand tearing of Xiao Yang shows us more that the live streaming model in the traditional sense is unsustainable, and even the traditional e-commerce model is unsustainable.

Whether it is for players who sell goods through live broadcasts or for e-commerce players, only by finding new breakthroughs can they make gains in the new stage of development.

Similarly, when it comes to benchmarking e-commerce, we see a brand new development taking place.

Whether it is Alibaba’s full embrace of AI e-commerce, or JD.com’s beginning to add Liu Qiangdong’s digital human elements to JD.com’s live broadcast room of procurement and sales, we can all see that a brand new evolution is taking place in the e-commerce industry. With.

For live streaming, such a change also needs to occur.

In the final analysis, the reason why Simba is tearing Xiao Yang apart is that the Internet-based live broadcast delivery model has begun to reach the end of its dividends, and it is just blindly rolling up prices, just blindly harvesting leeks, and starting are increasingly challenged.

Using e-commerce as a model, finding a new development model for live streaming and evolving new ways is the key to preventing Simba from tearing Xiao Yang to pieces from happening again.

If the peak of traffic and the transformation of the e-commerce model have made it inevitable for Simba to tear up Xiao Yang, then live streaming only plays the role of matchmaking and intermediary, but it does not Failure to truly participate in the upstream and downstream of the industry is the deeper reason why its development has begun to reach a dead end.

When the curtain of the Internet began to slowly fall, we saw the transformation and upgrading of many Internet players.

If we summarize and define the transformation and upgrading of these Internet players, they are no longer just a platform, no longer just a matchmaker and intermediary, but more involved in the process of the industry. Even becoming a part of the development of the industry is becoming a trend and trend.

In this regard, we can see a clue from the popularity of the integration of data and reality; in this regard, we can see a clue from the continuous implementation of the integration of virtual and real.

The same is true for live streaming.

If it is just a matching and intermediary platform, if it is just a transfer station for traffic, and has not really found a way to deeply integrate itself with the upstream supply chain and downstream consumers, then live streaming to bring goods It is bound to go against the current development trend.

It is true that live streaming can still achieve certain development by continuing the previous development model. However, when the only remaining dividends from live streaming are exhausted, it will still have to achieve real results. Fusion, on the road to virtual integration.

In the final analysis, live streaming is not just a platform and intermediary in a simple sense, but needs to actively participate in the upstream industrial chain, supply chain and the actual experience process of downstream consumers.

Only in this way can live broadcasting be able to join the trend of Internet transformation and gain new development dividends.

From such a perspective, we can understand why Oriental Selection joined in when the live streaming industry has entered a reshuffle period; Parted ways;

From this perspective, we can understand why Yu Minhong said that such incidents will not happen again in the future of Oriental Selection.


When the incident of Simba tearing Xiao Yang to pieces happened, it showed us more that the competition for traffic in the live streaming industry has entered a fierce and cruel reality.

After all, live streaming is following the old path of e-commerce.

Through Simba tearing up Little Yang, we don’t just want to see the grudges between the two, but we need to see more of the new business signs it projects for us.

It can be said that the development of live streaming has reached an inevitable stage.

is no longer just about traffic,

is no longer just about matchmaking and intermediary,

is no longer just about matching and intermediary. It is just a platform and center,

, but it gives live streaming more goods. New concepts and connotations can truly bring the development of live streaming to a new stage.

When the live broadcast of goods took the initiative to integrate into the tide of change in the Internet industry,

When the live broadcast of goods took the initiative to start a deep evolution from the inside out,

Live streaming has found resonance with the development of e-commerce. Only by using methods and methods

can the incident of Simba tearing up Little Yang be avoided, and the development of live streaming products truly enter a new cycle.


Tags: entertainment