Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation. Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha

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Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer . When I was a child, I saw many of his excellent works, which are also memories of our generation.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a country with a large population of esophageal cancer. Firstly, it has a large population, and secondly, its incidence rate is also high. Currently, esophageal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in my country.

Among them, the incidence of esophageal cancer is mainly among people living in the Taihang Mountains area at the junction of Henan, Hebei and Shanxi provinces, such as Linzhou in Henan, Yangcheng in Shanxi, and Cixian in Hebei; Huai'an City in Jiangsu Province and Yanting City in Sichuan Province. The rate is higher. [1-4]

What living habits increase the risk of esophageal cancer?

These foods or eating habits are very common in our country, but they are actually risk factors for esophageal cancer.

1. Eat while it's hot

html When two people eat, the comfortable temperature is around 10-40℃, with the highest temperature being 50-60℃.

If you eat very hot food, the temperature is already around 65°C, which is actually dangerous.

People who often eat hot foods do not feel hot even when the temperature is very high; but in fact, your delicate oral and esophageal mucosa will be slightly burned at this time, and the injured mucosal surface will fall off, renew, and then proliferate, In addition, cells are prone to mutate during this process, causing esophageal cancer.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

2. Insufficient intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and animal protein, but high intake of pickled foods.

Daily diet contains pickled, moldy and other foods containing nitrosamines, nitrates and nitrites, and mycotoxins. The incidence of esophageal cancer increases with foods such as kimchi and cured meat.

3. Reluctance to throw away some moldy things

Many studies have shown that moldy food contains a large amount of carcinogens and is a high-risk factor for cancer.

4. Smoking and drinking.

Carcinogens in tobacco may be swallowed into the esophagus with saliva or food or absorbed, and act on the esophagus to cause cancer.

Smoking and heavy drinking have been proven to be important causes of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Studies show that the incidence of esophageal cancer increases 3-8 times for smokers and 7-50 times for drinkers.

How can esophageal cancer be detected?

Most early-stage esophageal cancer and precancerous lesions can be cured through minimally invasive endoscopic treatment, with a 5-year survival rate of over 95%. Mid- and late-stage esophageal cancer is very disastrous, with low quality of life and poor overall 5-year survival rate. to 20%.

Most patients find out when they go to the doctor due to symptoms such as dysphagia. However, in fact, they are already in the middle and late stages at this time, and the treatment effect is very poor.

Therefore, early detection of esophageal cancer is very important. Unfortunately, early esophageal cancer does not cause any discomfort. The person looks like a normal person and is generally difficult to detect.

Most people don’t need to panic, but these two types of people should pay attention.

The first type, if you have these symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up.

  • Can't swallow, difficulty in swallowing

  • Extremely thin

  • Chest pain, or feeling of pressure in the chest

  • Indigestion is not good, or feeling of heartburn

  • Always coughing

Many diseases may have this symptom, it does not mean that these symptoms are caused by Esophageal cancer. But if you have these symptoms for unknown reasons, it is still recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

Second, the target group for esophageal cancer screening (that is, the risk of suffering from esophageal cancer is relatively high) should be screened regularly to detect possible esophageal cancer in time.

According to the "Expert Consensus Opinion on Screening for Early Esophageal Cancer and Precancerous Lesions in China", it is recommended that 40 years old be the starting age for esophageal cancer screening, and screening should be terminated when the age of 75 or life expectancy is less than 5 years.

For people of screening age, it is recommended that people with any of the following risk factors be the target group for screening:

(1) born or living in an area with a high incidence of esophageal cancer for a long time;
(2) first-degree relatives with a history of esophageal cancer;
(3) I suffer from esophageal precancerous disease or precancerous lesions;
(4) I have a history of head and neck cancer;
(5) Combined with other high-risk factors for esophageal cancer: hot eating and drinking (≥15 g/d) , smoking, eating too fast, indoor air pollution, missing teeth, etc.

Also, if you have other esophageal diseases, you must actively treat them. Prolonged chronic disease is an important cause of esophageal cancer.

When various digestive tract diseases occur, they should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Do not ignore minor illnesses.

is suitable for precancerous lesions and other disease factors such as chronic esophageal inflammation, esophageal epithelial hyperplasia, esophageal mucosal injury, plummer-vinton syndrome, esophageal diverticulum, esophageal ulcer, esophageal leukoplakia, esophageal scar stenosis, hiatal hernia, achalasia, etc. You should seek medical treatment actively and promptly.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer . When I was a child, I saw many of his excellent works, which are also memories of our generation.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a country with a large population of esophageal cancer. Firstly, it has a large population, and secondly, its incidence rate is also high. Currently, esophageal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in my country.

Among them, the incidence of esophageal cancer is mainly among people living in the Taihang Mountains area at the junction of Henan, Hebei and Shanxi provinces, such as Linzhou in Henan, Yangcheng in Shanxi, and Cixian in Hebei; Huai'an City in Jiangsu Province and Yanting City in Sichuan Province. The rate is higher. [1-4]

What living habits increase the risk of esophageal cancer?

These foods or eating habits are very common in our country, but they are actually risk factors for esophageal cancer.

1. Eat while it's hot

html When two people eat, the comfortable temperature is around 10-40℃, with the highest temperature being 50-60℃.

If you eat very hot food, the temperature is already around 65°C, which is actually dangerous.

People who often eat hot foods do not feel hot even when the temperature is very high; but in fact, your delicate oral and esophageal mucosa will be slightly burned at this time, and the injured mucosal surface will fall off, renew, and then proliferate, In addition, cells are prone to mutate during this process, causing esophageal cancer.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

2. Insufficient intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and animal protein, but high intake of pickled foods.

Daily diet contains pickled, moldy and other foods containing nitrosamines, nitrates and nitrites, and mycotoxins. The incidence of esophageal cancer increases with foods such as kimchi and cured meat.

3. Reluctance to throw away some moldy things

Many studies have shown that moldy food contains a large amount of carcinogens and is a high-risk factor for cancer.

4. Smoking and drinking.

Carcinogens in tobacco may be swallowed into the esophagus with saliva or food or absorbed, and act on the esophagus to cause cancer.

Smoking and heavy drinking have been proven to be important causes of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Studies show that the incidence of esophageal cancer increases 3-8 times for smokers and 7-50 times for drinkers.

How can esophageal cancer be detected?

Most early-stage esophageal cancer and precancerous lesions can be cured through minimally invasive endoscopic treatment, with a 5-year survival rate of over 95%. Mid- and late-stage esophageal cancer is very disastrous, with low quality of life and poor overall 5-year survival rate. to 20%.

Most patients find out when they go to the doctor due to symptoms such as dysphagia. However, in fact, they are already in the middle and late stages at this time, and the treatment effect is very poor.

Therefore, early detection of esophageal cancer is very important. Unfortunately, early esophageal cancer does not cause any discomfort. The person looks like a normal person and is generally difficult to detect.

Most people don’t need to panic, but these two types of people should pay attention.

The first type, if you have these symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up.

  • Can't swallow, difficulty in swallowing

  • Extremely thin

  • Chest pain, or feeling of pressure in the chest

  • Indigestion is not good, or feeling of heartburn

  • Always coughing

Many diseases may have this symptom, it does not mean that these symptoms are caused by Esophageal cancer. But if you have these symptoms for unknown reasons, it is still recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Recently, the famous martial arts actor Xu Shaoqiang passed away from esophageal cancer. I watched many of his excellent works when I was a child, which are also memories of our generation.      Esophageal cancer is a common cancer in China. my country is a big country for esopha - Lujuba

Second, the target group for esophageal cancer screening (that is, the risk of suffering from esophageal cancer is relatively high) should be screened regularly to detect possible esophageal cancer in time.

According to the "Expert Consensus Opinion on Screening for Early Esophageal Cancer and Precancerous Lesions in China", it is recommended that 40 years old be the starting age for esophageal cancer screening, and screening should be terminated when the age of 75 or life expectancy is less than 5 years.

For people of screening age, it is recommended that people with any of the following risk factors be the target group for screening:

(1) born or living in an area with a high incidence of esophageal cancer for a long time;
(2) first-degree relatives with a history of esophageal cancer;
(3) I suffer from esophageal precancerous disease or precancerous lesions;
(4) I have a history of head and neck cancer;
(5) Combined with other high-risk factors for esophageal cancer: hot eating and drinking (≥15 g/d) , smoking, eating too fast, indoor air pollution, missing teeth, etc.

Also, if you have other esophageal diseases, you must actively treat them. Prolonged chronic disease is an important cause of esophageal cancer.

When various digestive tract diseases occur, they should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Do not ignore minor illnesses.

is suitable for precancerous lesions and other disease factors such as chronic esophageal inflammation, esophageal epithelial hyperplasia, esophageal mucosal injury, plummer-vinton syndrome, esophageal diverticulum, esophageal ulcer, esophageal leukoplakia, esophageal scar stenosis, hiatal hernia, achalasia, etc. You should seek medical treatment actively and promptly.


[1] shan bg.hebei province registry annual report,2015[m].beijing:military medical science press,2015:43-45.[Shan Baoguo, 2015 Hebei province tumor registration annual report[m]. Beijing: Military Medical Science Press, 2015: 43-45.]

[2] wang cz.henan province registry annual report, 2015[m].beijing: military medical science press, 2015: 66-70.[Wang Chengzeng, 2015 Henan Province Cancer Registration Annual Report[m].Beijing: Military Medical Science Press, 2015:66-70.]

[3]zhang sw,chen wq,kong lz,et analysis of cancer incidence and mortality from 30 cancer registries in china,1998-2002[j].china cancer,2006,15(7):356-365.

[4] Zhang Siwei, Chen Wanqing, Kong Lingzhi, et al. Malignant tumors in some cities and counties in China from 1998 to 2002 Morbidity and Mortality[j]. Chinese Oncology, 2006,15(7):356-365.

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