China News Service, Chongqing, September 13 (Liang Qinqing) Open the car door, sit on the seat, press the brake, and the door automatically closes. Lai Yueqian, a well-known Taiwanese current affairs commentator, experienced a new energy car produced in mainland China. "The seats

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China News Service, Chongqing, September 13 (Liang Qinqing) Open the car door, sit on the seat, press the brake, and the door automatically closes. Lai Yueqian, a well-known Taiwanese current affairs commentator, experienced a new energy vehicle produced in mainland China. "The seat of this car is... The chair is ergonomic and does not feel any pressure when you sit down. It is very comfortable.”

More than 20 media reporters from both sides of the Taiwan Strait recently visited Chongqing to learn about the current development status of the mainland’s automobile industry and the latest achievements in new energy vehicles. Currently, Chongqing is making every effort to build a world-class intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster. Data shows that in the first half of 2024, Chongqing's automobile production reached 1.214 million units, of which 391,000 new energy vehicles were produced, which has strongly contributed to Chongqing's return to mainland China's status as the "first automobile city".

Liangjiang New Area is the main base for the development of Chongqing’s automobile industry. In the local Changan Automobile Global R&D Center, high-looking new energy vehicles are lined up, attracting media reporters from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to take photos. Lai Yueqian said: "The growth of mainland independent automobile brands in recent years is obvious to all, and it is not inferior to overseas brands."

China News Service, Chongqing, September 13 (Liang Qinqing) Open the car door, sit on the seat, press the brake, and the door automatically closes. Lai Yueqian, a well-known Taiwanese current affairs commentator, experienced a new energy car produced in mainland China. 'The seats - Lujuba

Taiwanese current affairs commentator Lai Yueqian and his wife Zhou Yuqin recently experienced new energy vehicles in Chongqing. Photographed by China News Service reporter He Penglai

Chongqing Fudi Lithium Battery Co., Ltd., located in Bishan, Chongqing, is the world's first "blade battery" production base. The production line can roll off a "blade battery" every 6 seconds. These batteries will be used as "blade batteries". "Heart" is mounted on each new energy vehicle.

According to Song Bingzhong, executive deputy editor-in-chief of Taiwan Meihua News Network, for Taiwanese young people who pursue fashion and technology, choosing a favorite new energy vehicle is not only a travel need, but also an expression of lifestyle.

Song Bingzhong told reporters: "In order to cope with climate change, Taiwan has faced great pressure on carbon emissions in recent years. The development of the new energy vehicle industry is a good way to break the current deadlock. In just a few years, the mainland has not only achieved a high penetration rate of new energy vehicles, but also has a high penetration rate of new energy vehicles. Batteries, charging piles and other supporting industries are also very complete, and these experiences are worth learning from Taiwan. "

In the Chongqing Branch of Great Wall Motors Co., Ltd. in Yongchuan, Chongqing, Taiwanese self-media blogger Jiang Chengpu couldn't wait to get on a new off-road vehicle. Take a closer look and feel it deeply. "I didn't expect that this is the largest pickup truck production base in mainland China." He looks forward to mainland car brands entering the Taiwan market, and one day being able to drive mainland off-road vehicles to enjoy the sea breeze in Taiwan. (End)

(China News Network)

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