The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of "Young Friends Come to Meet". Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and

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The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba

2024 The Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of "Young Friends Come to Meet". Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and dream about the outside world.

director Ingmar Bergman said that has no artistic means that can express the characteristics of dreams like movies. When the lights go out and the shining screen opens to us, we are thrown into the event and become participants in the dream.

And isn’t life just about dreams and aspirations!

Therefore, the very act of watching movies is a ritual, a way of life that escapes reality and resists the mediocre. Through the big screen, we sometimes get a story that is not mine, sometimes experience a fantasy journey, and sometimes set off a spiritual tsunami.

During the movie week, "Night Reading" chatted with some artist guests and movie fans, asking them to share on the topic of "The most special movie viewing experience you have ever experienced" . The so-called "special" can be the unconventional movie-watching environment; it can be your preference for the people watching the movie with you; or it can be ordinary, but when you walk out of the theater, you know that there is a part of you that is special. It's the same...

The sea breeze is blowing and the waves are rolling. Young friends, let's jump into the sea of ​​​​movies together, ups and downs, and also swept by the current.

What is the

most special movie-watching experience you have experienced


丨"Night Reading" Special Planning of the Wave Movie Week丨


2024Member of the Youth Arts Committee of the Wave Movie Week

ActorPeng Yuchang

The most special movie-watching experience I have ever experienced was the first movie " Mom" ​​I watched when I was a child Love me again 》.

The movies related to the sea that Peng Yuchang shared are: " The Pianist on the Sea " "Manchester by the Sea"

For Peng Yuchang, the movie is: I will wake up and chase the dream.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


2024Wave Movie Week Youth Arts Committee Member

Actor Zhuang Dafei

The most special movie-watching experience must be this time. It is the first time to watch a movie on the beach with the evening breeze. It is very free and empty, and human My thoughts are not limited to one room, but become wider, and I am watching my favorite movie " Explosive Drummer ". Although it is not a romance movie, it feels quite romantic.

The movie Zhuang Dafei shared about the sea is: " Titanic "

For Zhuang Dafei, the movie is: A different story hidden in everyone's heart.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Talk show actor Pang Bo

The most special movie-watching experience was almost at this moment, watching "If Love" on the beach in Aranya.

You can hear the sea on the left, there are residents walking dogs or pushing strollers on the road on the right, there is a movie in front, the smell of French fries is coming from behind, and there is sand in my shoes.

The movie Pang Bo shared about the sea is: "The Truman Show"

For Pang Bo, the movie is: The least expensive time shuttle in life.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fans Dragon Boat Festival Mama

The most special thing is watching an outdoor movie at the beach this time. Although it is a movie I have seen in a cinema before, it feels really different. The evening breeze carries the sound of the waves, and you can see the stars when you look up. , you will have a strong urge to watch it with your lover.

Maybe all wonderful things will make people feel similar - if only the person you love is by your side at this moment, if only you can share this moment with you. Of course, in addition to regrets, there is also determination, "We must come together next time!"

The movie Duanwu Mama shared about the sea is: "Life of Pi"

For Duanwu Mama, the movie is : bedding. Because the two are very similar, can make me completely relaxed and take off my guard.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie Fan Sisi

My most special movie-watching experience should be when the movie "Twenty-Two" was released. This is a movie about the victims of the "comfort women" system of the Japanese invaders. When the film was being prepared, I saw the fundraising news online and made a donation. Unexpectedly, when the movie was released, the film producers would put the names of all the donors at the end of the film, so when I saw my name on the screen in the theater, I was really touched.

The movie Sisi shared about the sea is: "Love at Sunset" Although it has no direct relationship with the sea, the feeling of freedom and romance it presents is very similar to the feeling that the sea gives me. .

For Sisi, the movie is: poetry. movies, like poetry, are something "you need to understand", the kind of true understanding. And I think its structure is really similar to poetry, allowing for countless free combinations.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Jia Xinke

The most special thing should be this time I took my pet Corgi to the beach and watched "Canis Island" in such a beautiful environment. I have never seen it before, and the theme of this movie happens to be related to it. Related, it was indeed a particularly unforgettable experience.

The movie Jia Xinke shared about the sea is: "The Pianist on the Sea"

For Jia Xinke, movies are: a way to mark time.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


movie fan white hole

The most special movie viewing experience I experienced was probably when I watched a Leslie Cheung movie in Xiaoxitian, Beijing one year. His fans placed many beautiful flowers in front of the screen. After the movie, someone even pushed one The cake came out and I later found out that it was his birthday.

Movies are really a wonderful medium that connects many things, such as longing and love; it also spans many things, such as time and space, life and death... I was quite emotional at the time.

The movie about the sea shared by Baidong is: "On Chesil Beach"

For Baidong, the movie is: A kind of anesthesia in life.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


The most special thing for movie fan Liu Shuang

may be this Wave Movie Week. Watching "Westward Journey" on the outdoor lawn at midnight, Zixia Fairy shed tears in her heart, the Supreme Treasure put on the golden hoop, the sky was filled with yellow sand on the screen, and stars were scattered outside the screen. , a flying insect hovered back and forth in the beam of the projector. Whenever it entered the light cone, it transformed into a glowing firefly. Perhaps at that moment, it also transformed from the Supreme Treasure into the Monkey King.

When the music of "The Love of My Life" played at the end of the film, I suddenly burst into tears. There was no story that caught my eye, I just simply felt that everything was so beautiful, "I love this music, I love this world, I love tonight Everything."

The movie Liu Shuang shared about the sea is: "Silent as the Sea"

For Liu Shuang, the movie is: is an ever-effective painkiller.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Taozi

The most special movie-watching experience was watching "Bohemian Rhapsody" a few years ago. I went to the cinema to watch it with a good friend. My previous understanding of Queen was only at the level of their songs. Through The film learns more about the story and spirit behind the band. It feels special because watching the movie made me realize that movies can make some things you are familiar with fuller, and they can expand and extend your understanding.

The movie Taozi shared about the sea is: "Manchester by the Sea"

For Taozi, movies are: are as important and indispensable as music and books.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Li Jiaxin

The most special movie-watching experience should be the first time in my life that I went to see a movie by myself. If I remember correctly, I watched "Famous". I used to watch movies with friends, but after that time, I found that being alone is also good and interesting. You can devote yourself and feel more wholeheartedly, without having to worry about whether the people next to you like it or not, or whether they feel the same way as you. feedback.Through this method, I actually learned to get along with myself better, and learned that I can do many things alone and not necessarily be unhappy.

The movie Li Jiaxin shared about the sea is: "The Pianist on the Sea"

For Li Jiaxin, the movie is: A way to relax and decompress.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Qi Chaoyi

Watching "Perfect Days" at the beach this time is the most special, because the movie starts at 7 o'clock, when it gets dark, you will feel that the entire sky has become part of the movie screen, infinite The land extends without boundaries. Moreover, there is no other light pollution on the beach. There is only the light of this screen. Coupled with the cool air and sea breeze, people's synesthesia is fully opened and the sense of immersion is perfect. It is a very unforgettable, novel and romantic experience. movie experience.

The movie about the sea that Qi Chaoyi shared is: "Manchester by the Sea"

For Qi Chaoyi, the movie is: Dreamland.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie Fan Fairy

My home is close to Universal Studios, so I often meet some tourists when watching movies nearby. One time we watched the movie early, including me, there were 5 people in total, including a little yellow Human doll. It must have been a prize won or bought by a tourist. During the movie, I brought it with me and put it on the seat. It was very big. It was right in front of me, with a section of my head exposed, so I could see Xiao Huang throughout the movie. Human head, at that time I felt like the characters in the animated movie came out to watch the movie with me.

The movie about the sea that the little fairy shared is: "She Disappeared"

For the little fairy, the movie is: A fantasy dream. I will always remember my amazement when I watched "Harry Potter" as a child. The movie presented the world in the book to me and made me feel that the magical world really exists.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Tian Yuan

The most special movie-watching experience should be when I was very young. Someone organized an open-air movie in the community. I took a plastic stool from home and went to watch a movie similar to "Sanmao Wandering" It was the first time I came into contact with the form of movies. People gathered together and watched the scenes flow on the screen, frame by frame. It felt so amazing. After that, the movie took root in my heart little by little.

Later, I went to Qinghai to support teaching. There was no cinema in the village where the children lived, so we organized it together and set up a similar screen to show movies to the children. Just like that movie opened a window to the world for me, I also hope that children can see a different and open world in the movie and through the director's expression.

The movie related to the sea that Tian Yuan shared is: "Titanic"

For Tian Yuan, the movie is: My friends and playmates.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fans Zhou Yan & Guo Yaxin

What impressed me most was watching Shen Teng and Ma Li's "Catching Dolls" some time ago. I am their fan myself. The atmosphere of our movie was very good, everyone was watching it carefully. , no one moved around, no one talked, no one ate, no one filmed.

I think watching movies should be like this, a group of people with the same favorites get together, purely happy, purely joyful, purely delighted, and even purely shed tears. You can feel the sparks of the actors on the screen, and everyone is running for the same love off the screen. Everything is great.

The movie related to the sea shared by Zhou Yan & Guo Yaxin is: "Pirates of the Caribbean"

For Zhou Yan & Guo Yaxin, the movie is: My profession, work and passion.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba


Movie fan Liang Tong

The most special movie viewing was when I watched "I'm Not the God of Medicine" with my parents a few years ago. When I walked out of the theater, the street lights were already on. My parents held hands and walked in front of me, and the shadows were long. , almost spread to my feet. Suddenly my heart moved and I felt that I had never been so happy.

The movie Liang Tong shared about the sea is: "Blue Sea and Blue Sky"

For Liang Tong, the movie is: is one of the things that makes the world a better place.

The 2024 Waves Film Week has just concluded at the Aranya Community in Qinhuangdao, Hebei. The film week has the annual theme of 'Young Friends Come to Meet'. Thousands of friends who love movies watch the flickering of lights and shadows at the intersection of sea and land, and  - Lujuba

text丨CCTV News "Night Reading" writing, organizing

pictures丨Waves Movie Week, "Night Reading" shooting

producer丨Li Zhe

editor-in-chief丨Qiao Geba Ma Wenjia

main station reporter丨Li Lunheng Wang Long Liu Xiangyuan

coordinator丨Edited by Yuan Jiaqi

丨 Yang Yuting

proofread 丨 Gao Shaozhuo

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Tags: entertainment