The new plot of the TV series "Mortal Song" can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs

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The new plot of the TV series " Mortal Song " can be said to be more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to usher in earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that these three couples will usher in a turning point in fate. The fastest among them is naturally Shen Lei and Xie Meilan. From the beginning, there were many conflicts, Xie Meilan looked down on Shen Lei, and now they are getting divorced, and Shen Lei is even more direct. He was missing, and his willful look made people angry and funny.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

The marriage between Shen Lei and Xie Meilan has obviously come to an end. Xie Meilan has at least half of the responsibility for this marriage. Shen Lei is also responsible, and the other is Lu Jie, the third party who intervened in their marriage. Xie Meilan no longer loves Shen Lei, or she loves money more, and Shen Lei can't give her this. She leans on Lu Jie, taking this as the basis for her righteous words. It seems that she is not wrong, but Shen Lei can't do anything except make money. Apart from that, she did make mistakes in her treatment of her parents. Other than that, she had nothing to do with Xie Meilan.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Of course, Xie Meilan was greedy for vanity, so she hurt Shen Lei’s fragile heart. We can’t blame Shen Lei for his fragile heart, because he can’t accept the theory of victim guilt. Overall, Xie Meilan’s fault is greater in the matter of divorce. But Shen Lei finally returned to Beijing after being missing for many days, applied for his resignation, signed a divorce, but after being unable to bear the blow, he still chose to go to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

This drama actually mainly describes the story of three pairs of people of different ages facing the setbacks in life and work, confronting their hearts, and living through the crisis of life. For Na Wei, Shen Lei, and Na Juan, there is no doubt that work It is very important and is the basis for their survival. However, these three male protagonists are either unemployed or facing the risk of unemployment. In the end, they all lost their jobs, and then experienced a sudden change and realized it. Today we will talk about the three major aspects of this drama. The hero’s unemployment.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Shen Lei is unemployed

Shen Lei was the first to lose his job. I thought that Shen Lei had an iron job and would not be easily unemployed. But because of Xie Meilan's affair with Lu Jie, Shen Lei couldn't bear the blow and was distracted from work. He clashed with the leader, acted irresponsibly, and stopped doing things midway. He was like a child having a tantrum. He was not joking about his own future, but he had never thought about having a future at all, but He even smashed his iron rice bowl.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

After Lu Jie blocked him, stimulated him with words, humiliated him with money, and suppressed him with force, he completely exploded and made a fuss on the phone with Xie Meilan at work. Then he fell out with his boss and disappeared for several days. Although he finally returned to Beijing, he also knew that he could not survive in the work unit. This incident alarmed the director, and his resignation was the last act of dignity. Sadly, after his resignation, he went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion. A year later, he returned to I went down the mountain to look for a job, but I couldn't find a job that paid a lot of money but had few things to do.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Wei is unemployed

Compared with Shen Lei’s willfulness, Na Wei is completely different. He has sacrificed a lot in order to keep his job. , when Wang Ruizhi was here before, he was relatively willful, and even once said, "As long as the boss As long as I don't run away from home, I will be stable." In the end, Wang Ruizhi really became a monk, and he could only try to stay "every day". He also became cautious in treating Qin Lingling, and even tried to please Qin Feng more than before.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But the appearance of Zhao Pengju broke the peace of his life. In order to keep his job, he quarreled with his wife and finally gave up 800,000 yuan in savings. Only then did he succeed in not making a big deal out of the matter and temporarily kept his job. Later, Qin Feng caught some dirty facts. In order to keep his job, he went to please Qin Feng and helped him drink at the wine table. It can be said that Na Wei even lost half his life for the sake of his job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

However, unemployment still came as expected. The reason was simple, mainly because he had no core competitiveness. Although Qin Lingling believed that he could employ people, was popular, and had certain abilities, he was not irreplaceable. When Qin Lingling discovered that he was opening a company and was related to Xu Yimei, no matter how much he said, it was useless. Qin Lingling fired him without any courtesy. Not only Na Wei, but also There is an entire marketing department, and Qin Lingling's decision is actually right from a company level. After all, the functions of the marketing department and the advertising department overlap.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But Na Wei was fired definitely because of Xu Yimei. After all, Qin Lingling still recognized his value, but Wang Ruizhi used his ID card to open a company for Xu Yimei's brother, which completely annoyed Qin Lingling, so Na Wei He was lucky not to be sent to jail by her. Compared with the unemployment caused by Shen Lei's willful self-indulgence, Na Wei tried his best to keep his job, but ended up with nothing. It can only be said that Na Wei is really suitable to work within the system, not in such a workplace. An iron rice bowl, he is definitely as stable as old g.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan is unemployed

Among the three male protagonists, it stands to reason that the most stable one should be Na Juan. He has a very long-term plan for his career. He has made a plan within ten years, for example, before he is thirty-five years old. To buy a house, he has to transition into management at this age. He has gradually completed these plans, and currently, his job is very stable, with a monthly income of over 100,000 yuan, and an annual income of more than one million, although he was previously focused on renovation. Li Xiaoyue, but obviously Na Juan figured it out after the breakup and stopped interfering in Li Xiaoyue's life.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan went on a blind date by himself and met two people. One was someone who could tell the difference in everything he liked, and the other was a rich second generation, neither of whom he could accept. Li Xiaoyue was almost raped by her roommate's boyfriend, but Na Juan went to find her and beat the man away. Li Xiaoyue had a relationship with Na Juan just like that, and the two got back together emotionally. After years of separation and reunion, it was not surprising that they came together again.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Everyone thought that Na Juan had the most stable job among the three male protagonists, but what they didn’t expect was that his unemployment came from a toilet, or a timer. This reason is very strange, but it is the fact.The company installed a timer in the toilet so that all employees cannot go to the toilet for more than fifteen minutes. The reason why Na Juan is so busy and able to work overtime day and night is because he often hides in the toilet to relieve his depression and emotions. It is precisely because of this that the toilet has become a very important place for him. However, a timer is installed in this place, making it impossible for him to do this.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

He even suffered from depression and panic disorder due to long-term high-pressure work. He was afraid of losing his job and being like his brother. But what he didn’t expect was that a timer was installed in the toilet. He could not relieve his emotions and finally broke out. Angry, he clashed with his boss, and the company found out that he had panic attacks. In the end, Na Juan was fired. Although he received compensation and stock options, Na Wei eventually lost his job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan was slapped in the face by Li Xiaoyue?

What Na Juan didn’t expect was that he would lose his job. However, Li Xiaoyue worked hard and was valued by her boss. She had refused to be a manager before, so it was right to refuse to be involved. Sooner or later, someone like him would become so involved. Depressed or frightened, Li Xiaoyue proved with facts that it is useless to take exams. She does not take exams, but she can still be happy every day, have a healthy body and mentality, live longer, and be more durable in the workplace.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Because Na Juan was ill, he could only recuperate. Needless to say, this person’s ability was needless to say, but after going through the process, he might still have nothing in the end. It was only then that he realized that Li Xiaoyue was right. But he had no way out. He still had a mortgage on his 160-square-meter house. He had to repay fifty to sixty thousand a month, and he had no choice but to repay it, so he quickly recovered and went to find a job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But Li Xiaoyue saw through him, and finally chose to leave Na Na Juan after he recovered. She had fallen in love with Shen Lei at that time, and finally came together with Shen Lei.

The new plot of the TV series " Mortal Song " can be said to be more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to usher in earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that these three couples will usher in a turning point in fate. The fastest among them is naturally Shen Lei and Xie Meilan. From the beginning, there were many conflicts, Xie Meilan looked down on Shen Lei, and now they are getting divorced, and Shen Lei is even more direct. He was missing, and his willful look made people angry and funny.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

The marriage between Shen Lei and Xie Meilan has obviously come to an end. Xie Meilan has at least half of the responsibility for this marriage. Shen Lei is also responsible, and the other is Lu Jie, the third party who intervened in their marriage. Xie Meilan no longer loves Shen Lei, or she loves money more, and Shen Lei can't give her this. She leans on Lu Jie, taking this as the basis for her righteous words. It seems that she is not wrong, but Shen Lei can't do anything except make money. Apart from that, she did make mistakes in her treatment of her parents. Other than that, she had nothing to do with Xie Meilan.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Of course, Xie Meilan was greedy for vanity, so she hurt Shen Lei’s fragile heart. We can’t blame Shen Lei for his fragile heart, because he can’t accept the theory of victim guilt. Overall, Xie Meilan’s fault is greater in the matter of divorce. But Shen Lei finally returned to Beijing after being missing for many days, applied for his resignation, signed a divorce, but after being unable to bear the blow, he still chose to go to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

This drama actually mainly describes the story of three pairs of people of different ages facing the setbacks in life and work, confronting their hearts, and living through the crisis of life. For Na Wei, Shen Lei, and Na Juan, there is no doubt that work It is very important and is the basis for their survival. However, these three male protagonists are either unemployed or facing the risk of unemployment. In the end, they all lost their jobs, and then experienced a sudden change and realized it. Today we will talk about the three major aspects of this drama. The hero’s unemployment.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Shen Lei is unemployed

Shen Lei was the first to lose his job. I thought that Shen Lei had an iron job and would not be easily unemployed. But because of Xie Meilan's affair with Lu Jie, Shen Lei couldn't bear the blow and was distracted from work. He clashed with the leader, acted irresponsibly, and stopped doing things midway. He was like a child having a tantrum. He was not joking about his own future, but he had never thought about having a future at all, but He even smashed his iron rice bowl.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

After Lu Jie blocked him, stimulated him with words, humiliated him with money, and suppressed him with force, he completely exploded and made a fuss on the phone with Xie Meilan at work. Then he fell out with his boss and disappeared for several days. Although he finally returned to Beijing, he also knew that he could not survive in the work unit. This incident alarmed the director, and his resignation was the last act of dignity. Sadly, after his resignation, he went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion. A year later, he returned to I went down the mountain to look for a job, but I couldn't find a job that paid a lot of money but had few things to do.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Wei is unemployed

Compared with Shen Lei’s willfulness, Na Wei is completely different. He has sacrificed a lot in order to keep his job. , when Wang Ruizhi was here before, he was relatively willful, and even once said, "As long as the boss As long as I don't run away from home, I will be stable." In the end, Wang Ruizhi really became a monk, and he could only try to stay "every day". He also became cautious in treating Qin Lingling, and even tried to please Qin Feng more than before.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But the appearance of Zhao Pengju broke the peace of his life. In order to keep his job, he quarreled with his wife and finally gave up 800,000 yuan in savings. Only then did he succeed in not making a big deal out of the matter and temporarily kept his job. Later, Qin Feng caught some dirty facts. In order to keep his job, he went to please Qin Feng and helped him drink at the wine table. It can be said that Na Wei even lost half his life for the sake of his job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

However, unemployment still came as expected. The reason was simple, mainly because he had no core competitiveness. Although Qin Lingling believed that he could employ people, was popular, and had certain abilities, he was not irreplaceable. When Qin Lingling discovered that he was opening a company and was related to Xu Yimei, no matter how much he said, it was useless. Qin Lingling fired him without any courtesy. Not only Na Wei, but also There is an entire marketing department, and Qin Lingling's decision is actually right from a company level. After all, the functions of the marketing department and the advertising department overlap.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But Na Wei was fired definitely because of Xu Yimei. After all, Qin Lingling still recognized his value, but Wang Ruizhi used his ID card to open a company for Xu Yimei's brother, which completely annoyed Qin Lingling, so Na Wei He was lucky not to be sent to jail by her. Compared with the unemployment caused by Shen Lei's willful self-indulgence, Na Wei tried his best to keep his job, but ended up with nothing. It can only be said that Na Wei is really suitable to work within the system, not in such a workplace. An iron rice bowl, he is definitely as stable as old g.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan is unemployed

Among the three male protagonists, it stands to reason that the most stable one should be Na Juan. He has a very long-term plan for his career. He has made a plan within ten years, for example, before he is thirty-five years old. To buy a house, he has to transition into management at this age. He has gradually completed these plans, and currently, his job is very stable, with a monthly income of over 100,000 yuan, and an annual income of more than one million, although he was previously focused on renovation. Li Xiaoyue, but obviously Na Juan figured it out after the breakup and stopped interfering in Li Xiaoyue's life.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan went on a blind date by himself and met two people. One was someone who could tell the difference in everything he liked, and the other was a rich second generation, neither of whom he could accept. Li Xiaoyue was almost raped by her roommate's boyfriend, but Na Juan went to find her and beat the man away. Li Xiaoyue had a relationship with Na Juan just like that, and the two got back together emotionally. After years of separation and reunion, it was not surprising that they came together again.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Everyone thought that Na Juan had the most stable job among the three male protagonists, but what they didn’t expect was that his unemployment came from a toilet, or a timer. This reason is very strange, but it is the fact.The company installed a timer in the toilet so that all employees cannot go to the toilet for more than fifteen minutes. The reason why Na Juan is so busy and able to work overtime day and night is because he often hides in the toilet to relieve his depression and emotions. It is precisely because of this that the toilet has become a very important place for him. However, a timer is installed in this place, making it impossible for him to do this.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

He even suffered from depression and panic disorder due to long-term high-pressure work. He was afraid of losing his job and being like his brother. But what he didn’t expect was that a timer was installed in the toilet. He could not relieve his emotions and finally broke out. Angry, he clashed with his boss, and the company found out that he had panic attacks. In the end, Na Juan was fired. Although he received compensation and stock options, Na Wei eventually lost his job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Na Juan was slapped in the face by Li Xiaoyue?

What Na Juan didn’t expect was that he would lose his job. However, Li Xiaoyue worked hard and was valued by her boss. She had refused to be a manager before, so it was right to refuse to be involved. Sooner or later, someone like him would become so involved. Depressed or frightened, Li Xiaoyue proved with facts that it is useless to take exams. She does not take exams, but she can still be happy every day, have a healthy body and mentality, live longer, and be more durable in the workplace.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

Because Na Juan was ill, he could only recuperate. Needless to say, this person’s ability was needless to say, but after going through the process, he might still have nothing in the end. It was only then that he realized that Li Xiaoyue was right. But he had no way out. He still had a mortgage on his 160-square-meter house. He had to repay fifty to sixty thousand a month, and he had no choice but to repay it, so he quickly recovered and went to find a job.

The new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - LujubaThe new plot of the TV series 'Mortal Song' can be said to be getting more and more exciting. The lives of the three couples Na Wei and Shen Lin, Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, Shen Lei and Xie Meilan are about to undergo earth-shaking changes. It can even be said that These three pairs - Lujuba

But Li Xiaoyue saw through him, and finally chose to leave Na Na Juan after he recovered. She had fallen in love with Shen Lei at that time, and finally came together with Shen Lei.

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