Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are

entertainment 4226℃

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are mainly involved? What will the weather be like in the north and south in the future? Can the new typhoon defeat the high temperature? A quick look in this article.

Due to hot weather, class times have been adjusted in many places


Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/@江西 Weather Weibo

●Jiujiang: Starting from the morning of September 3, in principle, public and private primary schools and kindergartens in various places will be closed until September 9 (next Monday) Classes officially resume. Whether middle and high schools need to suspend classes will be determined by each local school based on the actual situation and heatstroke prevention and cooling conditions.

●Nanchang: Primary schools in some counties and districts in Nanchang have postponed their classes and will officially start classes on September 9. The Nanchang Municipal Education Bureau revealed that taking into account hot weather and other conditions, the specific start time of primary schools will be determined by the education departments of each county and district based on the situation in their jurisdiction. As of 8:00 on September 2, primary schools in Nanchang County (Xiaolan Economic Development Zone), Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingshan Lake District, Qingyunpu District, Xinjian District, Honggutan District, and Nanchang Economic Development Zone have decided to postpone class times.

●Jingdezhen: Starting from the morning of September 3, municipal primary schools and kindergartens will be suspended and will officially resume on September 9 (next Monday). Whether middle and high schools need to suspend classes will be determined by each municipal school based on the actual situation and heatstroke prevention and cooling conditions.


Hunan is expected to have mainly sunny, hot and high temperature weather before September 7. Video/@Hunanweather

●Changde: Due to the recent sustained high temperature, some teachers and students became unwell on the first day of school. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the urban area will still maintain sunny, hot and high temperature weather in the next few days. After research, Wuling District, Changde City decided to suspend offline teaching in primary schools from the afternoon of September 2 to September 5 (Thursday). Students will stay at home and teachers will teach online. Offline classes will resume on September 6 (Friday).

At the same time, the Hanshou County Education Bureau and Lixian County Education Bureau of Changde City have also issued the "Notice on Adjusting Class Time."

Compulsory education schools and kindergartens in Hanshou County will suspend offline teaching from the afternoon of September 2 (Monday) to September 5 (Thursday), and will resume offline teaching on September 6 (Friday). Classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on the 7th and 8th respectively.

Offline teaching for students and young children in compulsory education and preschool education in Li County will be suspended from the afternoon of September 2 (Monday) to September 5 (Thursday), and will resume on September 6 (Friday). Classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March respectively.


● Chengdu: At 10 a.m. on September 2, the Chengdu Meteorological Observatory updated the high temperature orange warning signal to the high temperature red warning signal. That day was the day when primary and secondary schools in the city officially resumed classes. According to the deployment, some schools and education bureaus have issued notices to parents adjusting teaching arrangements.

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/@Chengdu Meteorology

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Qingbaijiang District Education Bureau relevant notice. Picture/Sichuan Education Release

●Zigong: The city’s primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational schools) and kindergartens will postpone the start of the 2024 autumn semester by one week (whether the third grade of high school will be postponed will be determined independently by the school based on school conditions and teaching actual conditions), September 7 Students will register and classes will officially start on September 9th. The winter vacation of this semester will be postponed.

●Nanchong: The city's primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) have postponed the start of the 2024 autumn semester. Students will register from September 7th to 8th, and classes will officially start on September 9th. The teaching time of this semester will be postponed by one week. Universities based in the city will implement this in accordance with the notice of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education.

●Suining: The 2024 fall semester teaching time for primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) in the city has been postponed by one week. Students are scheduled to register on September 8, and classes will officially start on September 9.

●Luzhou: The start of the 2024 autumn semester for kindergartens and compulsory education schools in the city has been postponed to September 9th. High school schools are not allowed to arrange large-scale gatherings of teachers and students in principle before this round of high temperature weather is relieved. Recess activities and physical exercises should be avoided as much as possible under the hot and scorching sun. Military training for first-year high school students should be carried out at selected times; in Lu University, it should be carried out according to the notice of the Department of Education.

●Leshan: The registration time for the fall semester of 2024 for primary and secondary schools in the city is from September 2 to September 6. The official class start time will be arranged by each school in each county (city, district) based on weather conditions and the actual situation of the school. Kindergartens and secondary vocational education schools will follow suit, and other work requirements for the start of school will remain unchanged.

●Meishan: The start of the 2024 autumn semester for primary and secondary schools in Meishan City has been postponed to September 5. Kindergartens and secondary vocational schools shall follow suit.

● Ziyang: The start of the 2024 autumn semester for primary and secondary schools in Ziyang City (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) has been postponed to September 7-8, and classes will officially start on September 9. The resident universities shall comply with the relevant requirements of the Department of Education.


Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/@Chongqing weather

Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, Chongqing Yuzhong District, Shapingba District, Jiangbei District, Liangjiang New District, Dadukou District, Yubei District, Bishan District, Yongchuan District, Liangping District, Fengjie County, etc. The district and county education committees have successively issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Starting Time of Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergarten) in the Fall of 2024", extending the start of school to September 9.

Note: If there are any changes, please refer to the latest official release.

More reading: "Delaying the start of school, a necessary step to deal with extreme high temperature weather | Beijing News Editorial"

Autumn tigers are coming in the south, and many places in the north are welcoming cooling temperatures

At the beginning of September, autumn tigers are rampant, and there are still large-scale high temperature weather in the south, Shaanxi High temperature weather of 35 to 39°C occurred in the south, Sichuan Basin, eastern Guizhou, southern Jianghan, Jiangnan, and most of South China, and local 40 to 42.4°C occurred in northeastern Sichuan, Chongqing, northern Hunan, and Hubei Yichang and Xianning.

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/@China Weather

Among the big cities, Chongqing, Changsha, and Nanchang will continue to experience high temperatures in the next seven days. Among them, Chongqing will still frequently hit 40°C. Not only is it unbearably hot during the day, but it is also so hot that it is difficult to sleep at night. The lowest temperature in the above-mentioned cities can generally approach or reach 30°C.

In the next few days, warm high pressure will continue to control most of the south, high temperature weather will continue to develop, and autumn tigers will be very ferocious. During the day today, there were 35 to 36 people in southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, most of Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, central and western Zhejiang, western and southern Fujian, central and eastern Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, eastern and northern Guizhou, eastern Guangxi, and most of Guangdong. °C high temperature weather. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas such as southern Anhui, southern Hubei, central and northern Hunan, central and northern Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, eastern Sichuan Basin, most of Chongqing, northern Guizhou, central Guangdong and other places is 37 to 39 °C, and the highest temperature is 37 to 39 ° C in the northeastern Sichuan Basin. In central and southern Chongqing and other places, local temperatures can reach over 40℃. For this reason, CCTV continued to issue a high temperature yellow warning this morning.

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/Central Meteorological Observatory

However, for most areas in the north, the cold air is becoming increasingly active, and the temperature will drop in the next few days. Many places can feel the coolness like autumn. Most areas in the north will have a temperature drop of 4 to 8 degrees Celsius. Some areas in Xinjiang, Gansu and other places will have a temperature drop of more than 10 degrees Celsius, accompanied by winds of level 4 to level 6. Winds in mountain passes in Xinjiang can reach level 10 to level 12.

After the cooling, the maximum and minimum temperatures in most of the northwest, western and northern parts of North China, and most of the northeast will gradually drop below 25°C, and in some areas it will be less than 20°C. This round of cooling will further promote the process of autumn in the north. Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Taiyuan, Changchun and other areas where autumn is late may officially enter the embrace of autumn in the near future.

In addition to cooling, most areas in the north will also experience multiple rounds of rainfall. Today and tomorrow, there will be light to moderate rain from west to east in the Northwest, North China, Northeast and other places, with local heavy rain or heavy rain. Generally speaking, although the precipitation range in the north will be large today and tomorrow, the accumulated rainfall will be small and the convection is not strong. However, from the 6th to the 8th, there will be another rainfall process in the north.

Can Typhoon "Capricorn" defeat the high temperature?

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a typhoon blue warning at 10:00 on September 3: The center of this year's No. 11 Typhoon "Capricorn" (tropical storm level) will be located at 8 o'clock today (3rd) The northwest coast of Luzon Island in the Philippines is at 18.2 degrees north latitude and 119.7 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is level 9 (23 meters/second), the minimum air pressure in the center is 990 hectopascals, and the radius of the level 7 wind circle is 150-250 kilometers.

predicts that "Capricorn" will move west-northwest at a speed of about 10 kilometers per hour, and will soon enter the eastern part of the South China Sea, and then will approach the east part of Hainan Island. Its intensity will gradually increase, and it will be over Hainan Island during the day on the 6th. It will make landfall along the coast from the east to western Guangdong. It is expected that the maximum wind force near the center will be 14-15 levels (42-50 meters/second, strong typhoon level) when it makes landfall. It will then pass through Hainan Island and move into the Beibu Gulf in the early morning of the 7th.

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/Central Meteorological Observatory

After comprehensive research and judgment, the China Meteorological Administration launched a typhoon level four emergency response at 14:00 today to fully respond to Typhoon "Capricorn".

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/Central Meteorological Observatory

Judging from the temperature forecast, starting from September 6, the area with severe heat above 37℃ will be significantly reduced. However, there is still great uncertainty about the path and impact of future typhoons, so stay tuned.

Climate experts answer high temperature: the superposition of three major factors affects

htmlOn September 2, Ren Guoyu, a professor at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and former chief expert of the National Climate Center, said in an interview that the Yangtze River where cities such as Wuhan, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Nanjing are located In the river basin, including the Sichuan Basin, the duration and intensity of high temperatures during the drought period this summer are indeed different from normal years, and will continue for at least a week. The cloud cover and precipitation caused by periodic atmospheric circulation abnormalities are extremely low, coupled with the dry air, resulting in ground The strong sunlight is the direct factor causing this climate phenomenon.

Ren Guoyu said that the extreme high temperatures in my country's Yangtze River Basin in the past month were mainly affected by the high-altitude Western Pacific subtropical high and the South Asian high. Both high voltages are very strong and almost integrated into one. In areas controlled by high pressure, downdrafts prevail, the sky is clear and cloudy, and it is difficult to form clouds and cause rain. Solar radiation is strong, and heating near the ground is intense. Due to the extremely strong and stable high-pressure system this summer, it is easy to form persistent abnormally high temperature weather under its influence.

Due to the very little precipitation during the drought period, and the significantly less precipitation in the Jiangbei and Sichuan basins during the Meiyu period, the soil moisture content is very low, and the heat cannot be consumed through water vapor evaporation. Most of it is used to heat the air near the ground, further enhancing the The intensity of high-temperature heat waves has increased, forming a vicious cycle.

Ren Guoyu said that in addition to the above factors, the continuous improvement of air quality in my country's Yangtze River Basin also has a certain impact on the recent high temperatures. For example, in the past, air pollution in the Sichuan Basin was relatively heavy, and there were many fog and haze days. The sky was often foggy, and it was difficult for sunlight to reach the ground directly. After years of air pollution control, the air quality has improved significantly and the air has become cleaner. Direct sunlight hits the ground and the ground is heated more strongly. When factors such as atmospheric circulation are abnormal, the ground temperature will be higher during the day.

According to predictions, after mid-September, the high temperature phenomenon across the country will be significantly alleviated, and the cool autumn is just around the corner.

Please check the practical guide for heatstroke prevention during the school season.

It is the school season and the military training season. In hot weather, you should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, such as sun protection, heatstroke prevention, and hydration... @Students, please check out this practical guide for heatstroke prevention.

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Recently, primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country have started school. Due to the continued sunny and hot weather, many places issued emergency school suspension notices, and some areas have previously announced postponement of school openings. Which areas are  - Lujuba

Picture/Emergency Management Department

Source: Emergency Management Department, Sichuan Education Release, Jiangxi Release, Central Meteorological Observatory, China Weather Network, CCTV News, Jimu News, Guangzhou Daily, Yangtze River Daily, Xiao Hunan Morning News and other

editor Ai Zheng proofread Liu Yue

Tags: entertainment