In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic. After nearly three hours of fierce battle, Zheng Qinwen finally defeated Jovic again 2-1. Qualified for the quarterfinals. The most powerful thing about Zheng Qi

entertainment 6420℃

In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic . The two went through a fierce battle for nearly three hours, and Zheng Qinwen finally won 2-1 again. Defeated Jovic and qualified for the quarterfinals.

In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic. After nearly three hours of fierce battle, Zheng Qinwen finally defeated Jovic again 2-1. Qualified for the quarterfinals.      The most powerful thing about Zheng Qi - Lujuba

Zheng Qinwen’s strongest point lies in her biting ability and physical reserves. After the baptism of the Olympic Games, Zheng Qinwen’s temperament and confidence are completely different. Jovic is his old rival. Zheng Qinwen just defeated her in the Olympics not long ago, and this time he also did not give her a chance. One of the reasons why this game lasted nearly three hours was that a male spectator on the sidelines kept interfering with Zheng Qinwen's serve, which also caused Zheng Qinwen to miss several points in a row. Otherwise, the game might have ended 2-0. .

In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic. After nearly three hours of fierce battle, Zheng Qinwen finally defeated Jovic again 2-1. Qualified for the quarterfinals.      The most powerful thing about Zheng Qi - Lujuba

What is even more unbearable is that this male audience member actually shouted yellow banana, a discriminatory word at Zheng Qinwen. He had already missed the score due to its influence. Zheng Qinwen couldn't bear it when he heard this word, and used Wang Zhi's contemptuous words. He stared at the male audience member and loudly said "I will beat you". The on-site director couldn't stand the male audience member's bad behavior anymore and pointed the camera directly at him, letting everyone see his ugly face. Soon fans at the scene confirmed that the male spectator's bad behavior was true.

In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic. After nearly three hours of fierce battle, Zheng Qinwen finally defeated Jovic again 2-1. Qualified for the quarterfinals.      The most powerful thing about Zheng Qi - Lujuba

What is unbelievable is that this male audience member who verbally discriminated against Zheng Qinwen actually has a standard Asian appearance, with a standard pie face, squinting eyes and wearing a hat. He looks lifeless. It was simply a look of decline. At the same time, many netizens have revealed that this person has been constantly interfering with Zheng Qinwen's serve as early as the Olympics. Now he is still the same at the US Open. He seems to be a loyal fan of Jovic, but his moral character is really bad. I guess Jovic doesn't like people like this either.

In yesterday's US Open women's 16-to-8 matchup, Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen once again met his old rival Jovic. After nearly three hours of fierce battle, Zheng Qinwen finally defeated Jovic again 2-1. Qualified for the quarterfinals.      The most powerful thing about Zheng Qi - Lujuba

Otherwise, he would not have been defeated by Zheng Qinwen repeatedly on the court. This time, he was beaten to the point of throwing and kicking his racquet. Zheng Qinwen also used his strength to defend his honor and gave his opponent and the audience the most powerful counterattack.

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