It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy

entertainment 8410℃

Laughing to death, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight?

specially dressed Liu Yifei in an old man’s vest.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jinjiu was released. The big back hair is so queen!

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It is said that being a fairy stylist is really easy.

Even if he is wearing a 19.9¥ sweatshirt that covers most of his face, the fairy can make the jewelry of five small targets shine.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It is said that the complete set of jewelry is worth 3-5 small items

No wonder top luxury brands love Liu Yifei miserably.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

President of Bulgari sent Liu Yifei

Speaking of which, finding spokespersons for luxury brands is a big problem.

Find the right spokesperson, and the brand will benefit from it, earning enough favor from passers-by.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

But the wrong spokesperson was found, and the brand followed suit.

Everyone will question the aesthetics and taste of this brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After cooperating with Rolls-Royce Wanwan, Wang Sicong said that Rolls-Royce has become low-end

How do luxury goods choose spokespersons? What characteristics of celebrities do they value most?

Let’s talk about this topic today. In the future, if you get endorsements from celebrities, you will be able to eat more deliciously!

Luxury brands choose endorsements

First look at the "flavor"

Many people think that luxury brands look for celebrity spokespersons because their huge traffic will help sell goods.

But in fact, luxury goods themselves are “in short supply”, so luxury brands do not need to be specially sold.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In "Thirty Only", in order to buy a bag, the heroine collects credit cards, finds acquaintances, and distributes goods.

Selling goods can only be said to be the added value of the spokesperson.

Improving the image of luxury brands is the top priority of spokespersons.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Money is just the secular manifestation of luxury goods, and fashion is just the entry threshold for luxury goods.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Screenshot of "The Apocalypse of Pretending"

The essence of luxury goods is a unique and scarce value, as well as an irreplaceable sense of pleasure.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"Confessions of a Shopaholic"

is like the necklace left by my grandmother, the hairpin given by my first love, or the roses of the little prince.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Price is just a straightforward manifestation of scarcity, but the emotional connection between people and objects is hard to find.

Therefore, the truly valuable part of luxury brands is not their practicality, but the unique artistic value, cultural connotation and spiritual projection they give to items.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"The Devil Wears Prada"

Therefore, rather than saying that Luxury Brand wants to "sell goods" to more people, it is better to say that Luxury Brand wants to screen out "fellow travelers" who can appreciate it.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"Only Thirty"

In order for more "fellow travelers" to recognize it, such a luxury brand has to find a well-known "leader" to establish contact with the public, so as to show its uniqueness in all aspects. The leader

is a star who has "the same vibe" as the brand.

Luxury brands want their value to be embodied in celebrities..

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Take Chanel as an example.

The denim knitted jackets that fill the streets have made Xiaoxiangfeng the backbone of county aesthetics, gradually becoming associated with refined earth and small country style.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The eye-catching little fragrance in "Camping with Love"

And the Chanel brand has gradually been given connotations such as "ladylike and socialite style".

But in fact, this has completely deviated from Chanel’s original design intention.

You must know that 70 years ago, people believed that women were beautiful only when they were weak and elegant. They had to walk slowly and needed male protection when doing things.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

However, Ms. Chanel designed a trouser suit at this time, using a "bucket waist" instead of a corset, and also used "tweed" which was only exclusive to aristocratic men at the time.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This design not only allows women to reduce physical constraints, but also conveys a rebellious and independent feminist spirit.

It can be said that the connotation of Chanel is definitely not "lady style restrained within the frame", but "female power of self-confidence, freedom and courage to change". ‍

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why the many spokespersons chosen for cooperation by Chanel all have a sense of "vigor".

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Kristen Stewart, the human spanner, is known as Chanel’s “daughter”.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Insert a little gossip, Lafayette loved her so much that he held a show for her, but she was the only one in the audience

Stewart is not like a typical white American girl.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

She has short hair all year round, has a smoky face, wears gender-neutral clothes, and behaves loosely and carelessly.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

even exudes a bit of a solitary feeling.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This "cool girl" style truly coincides with the concept of freedom and authenticity pursued by Chanel.

And her interpretation of Chanel also allows us to see more possibilities.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

She wore a heavy-duty fragrant piece of clothing to give her a punk look. She squatted on the ground casually, not caring about the wrinkles in her pants.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Stewart has no "coquettishness" of a pseudo-lady at all, and everything between her eyebrows is "uninhibited".

Isn’t this the best interpretation of Chanel’s philosophy?

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Prada is even better at playing.

"The Devil Wears Prada" directly makes people associate the "fashionable Kochi taste" with the Prada brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This year, the brand officially announced that Jia Ling, "the female director with the highest box office in China" and "successfully lost 100 pounds and developed tendons", will be the spokesperson.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Even if you don't understand the story behind the brand, you will feel that people who wear Prada are always "strict and independent" "successful women".

And everyone will also have an emotional connection, thinking that they choose Prada 80% because of the female power and cultural attributes behind the brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

is actually the case.

When Mario Prada founded Prada, Prada was just a niche leather goods brand that met the aesthetic needs of aristocrats, and gradually showed its outdated attitude.

Prada took on a new lease of life after its granddaughter Miuccia took over.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Miuccia's classic curtain call

Ms. Miuccia was originally a mime actress. She is also a PhD in political science and a radical feminist.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In fact, she is still a member of the Socialist Communist Party

But the most unexpected thing is that Ms. Miuccia hates the fashion industry very much.

She has even expressed her opinion many times: "Fashion is an industry that exploits women."

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Yang Lan interviews Miuccia

However, when she saw that her mother would be expelled from the family just because she was a woman, her strong self-certification emotions drove her to inherit Prada.

At that time, she secretly made up her mind to improve the status of women through fashion.

In her opinion: luxury fashion should not only be refined and complicated, nor should fashion be a tool for women to please society.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Because of disgust, Miuccia only wore uniforms in the early years.

Fashion should be an outlet to show one's own personality.

When she makes Prada, she must incorporate this concept and give the clothing more female power.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Therefore, after she took over Prada, she would not deliberately emphasize the sexy body of women. Instead, she would use simple tailoring to show women's confidence, independence and elegance.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

prada2024 autumn and winter

She also took the lead in using cheap materials (such as nylon) that are opposite to luxury and expensive to make handbags, in order to fight against the elite tone of traditional luxury brands.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In that era of "luxury = luxury", doing so was undoubtedly deviant.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It can be said that Miuccia herself is a brave, free and rebellious "successful woman", and she is the best spokesperson for Prada.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This year, after Prada and Jia Ling went hand in hand, people on the Internet said that Jia Ling and Prada are very compatible.

’s official copy to Jia Ling is: Don’t follow the trend, just be yourself.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The labels of "comedian", "weight loss counterattack" and "successful director" do not seem to match the fashion in our minds, but the extremely charismatic adventurous spirit behind these labels is exactly what Prada wants to convey.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It can be seen that the spokesperson of a luxury brand is, to a certain extent, the epitome of the brand image.

Including the one we talked about at the beginning, Louis Vuitton’s choice of Liu Yifei is also a match made in heaven.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

lv started out as a suitcase, so it has always taken the concept of "travel" as its core design idea, with low-key luxury and craftsmanship as its main design concepts.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Similarly, their fashions also carry a sense of power that dares to take risks, and a sense of technology that plays with time and space.

You will feel that people wearing LV have heavy connotations, but their thoughts are fashionable.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

louis vuitton 2024 autumn and winter

And this "presbyopia logo" that people love and hate, on the one hand, is a design made by Louis Vuitton's son to commemorate his father, on the other hand, it is also a small ingenuity to prevent counterfeiting. The original intention of

is not to satisfy the vanity of "nouveau riche".

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Speaking of spokesperson Liu Yifei, the image of a fairy has both the classical beauty of the East and a modern sense of modernity.

has been in the industry for many years, with countless good dramas and a unique temperament.

has also emerged in the international film industry with the role of "Mulan" in the past two years.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This kind of rich cultural connotation and international novel image are consistent with LV's brand concept.

With Liu Yifei’s endorsement, LV no longer looks like a “tycoon”, but an elegant and low-key modern new human being.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In short, spokespersons who complement each other can really enhance the image of a luxury brand.

However, luxury brands sometimes make mistakes.

The spokesperson of depreciation

and the inflationary taste of luxury brands

After all, celebrities are at the center of public opinion. As long as there are scandals or scandals, luxury brands can only "lose both" with the stars.

Even if it does not cause a major overturn in the brand image, the high-end taste of the luxury brand itself can easily be diluted by spokespersons who do not match the tone.

Zhao Lusi’s endorsement of Versace a while ago caused numerous controversies.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

You must know that Versace has always used the shape of "Snake Medusa" as a spiritual symbol.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba
It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba988 Autumn and Winter This one is really Medusa

Its brand design style has always been exaggerated, sexy and wild.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

atelierversace 2023 spring and summer

’s previous spokespersons were all femme fatales such as international supermodel Katy and superstar queen Madonna.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Although Zhao Lusi can be regarded as a leader among the new generation of actors, her character seems to be more neighborly. You can hardly imagine the sister who burps, showing her fangs to release her fatal temptation.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Brand official announced that Yu Shuxin is the spokesperson

Givenchy's logo has four characters "g", which means gneteel (classic), grace (elegant), gaiety (pleasure), and givenchy (Givenchy).

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

givenchy 2003 autumn and winter

Audrey Hepburn is basically the best interpretation of the Givenchy 4G concept.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After all, Hepburn was in front of her. In contrast, although Yu Shuxin, the "little master of the world", has more "gaiety", she really lacks the sense of classical nobility.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After all, top luxury goods are like a white moonlight, bringing pure dreams to people.

But stars are independent individuals, and everyone is rich and colorful. How can they interpret the ultimate dreamy pure white?

Therefore, Hermès, the king of luxury brands, simply never wants a celebrity spokesperson, just to maintain this scarcity and mystery.

However, after many luxury brands have been frustrated in choosing spokespersons, they have come up with a new trick - splitting their spokespersons.

You will find that a luxury brand often has more than ten fancy names such as xx line best friend, xx line brand ambassador, xx line spokesperson, etc.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The advantage of having multiple spokespersons is that it allows luxury brands to show the diverse charm of the brand from different angles, and it can also bring a constant sense of freshness.

However, wholesale spokespersons may also make the tone of luxury brands more blurred, obliterating the specialness at the top of the pyramid.

For example, Dior has many partners such as Jisoo, Zhang Yufei, the boy band txt, Jimin, and Dilmurat Dilraba.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

has even collaborated with Internet celebrity Wanwan as the ambassador of a certain product.

Not to mention Wanwan’s reputation, just the cooperation with Internet celebrities makes people feel that the image of high luxury is not strong enough, and the tone of the luxury brand seems to be sinking.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Netizen: I don’t understand

However, we don’t need to worry about luxury brands’ decline in their b-level.

After all, every spokesperson for a luxury brand is not chosen blindly.

selected spokespersons after at least one year, and at most several years of inspection.

The bigger the title, the longer the inspection period.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

lisa first wears new products, then becomes an ambassador, and then becomes a global spokesperson

So if a celebrity finally succeeds in becoming a spokesperson, if nothing else, at least the brand thinks she is a "match" for itself.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Since each endorsement is the result of careful consideration by the brand, it is impossible to say "The operations we cannot understand are precisely the new connotations the brand wants to inject."

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Putting aside the identity of LV's prospective daughter-in-law, many people feel that Lisa and LV are not compatible.

But as for whether it will have any counter-effects, I don't know.

It's a bit like the evolution of the universe.

Luxury brand takes the brand's individual soul as the starting point, absorbs the energy between galaxies to strengthen itself, and will explode after reaching a certain level. After that, the core will naturally converge.

Laughing to death, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight?

specially dressed Liu Yifei in an old man’s vest.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jinjiu was released. The big back hair is so queen!

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It is said that being a fairy stylist is really easy.

Even if he is wearing a 19.9¥ sweatshirt that covers most of his face, the fairy can make the jewelry of five small targets shine.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It is said that the complete set of jewelry is worth 3-5 small items

No wonder top luxury brands love Liu Yifei miserably.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

President of Bulgari sent Liu Yifei

Speaking of which, finding spokespersons for luxury brands is a big problem.

Find the right spokesperson, and the brand will benefit from it, earning enough favor from passers-by.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

But the wrong spokesperson was found, and the brand followed suit.

Everyone will question the aesthetics and taste of this brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After cooperating with Rolls-Royce Wanwan, Wang Sicong said that Rolls-Royce has become low-end

How do luxury goods choose spokespersons? What characteristics of celebrities do they value most?

Let’s talk about this topic today. In the future, if you get endorsements from celebrities, you will be able to eat more deliciously!

Luxury brands choose endorsements

First look at the "flavor"

Many people think that luxury brands look for celebrity spokespersons because their huge traffic will help sell goods.

But in fact, luxury goods themselves are “in short supply”, so luxury brands do not need to be specially sold.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In "Thirty Only", in order to buy a bag, the heroine collects credit cards, finds acquaintances, and distributes goods.

Selling goods can only be said to be the added value of the spokesperson.

Improving the image of luxury brands is the top priority of spokespersons.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Money is just the secular manifestation of luxury goods, and fashion is just the entry threshold for luxury goods.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Screenshot of "The Apocalypse of Pretending"

The essence of luxury goods is a unique and scarce value, as well as an irreplaceable sense of pleasure.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"Confessions of a Shopaholic"

is like the necklace left by my grandmother, the hairpin given by my first love, or the roses of the little prince.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Price is just a straightforward manifestation of scarcity, but the emotional connection between people and objects is hard to find.

Therefore, the truly valuable part of luxury brands is not their practicality, but the unique artistic value, cultural connotation and spiritual projection they give to items.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"The Devil Wears Prada"

Therefore, rather than saying that Luxury Brand wants to "sell goods" to more people, it is better to say that Luxury Brand wants to screen out "fellow travelers" who can appreciate it.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

"Only Thirty"

In order for more "fellow travelers" to recognize it, such a luxury brand has to find a well-known "leader" to establish contact with the public, so as to show its uniqueness in all aspects. The leader

is a star who has "the same vibe" as the brand.

Luxury brands want their value to be embodied in celebrities..

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Take Chanel as an example.

The denim knitted jackets that fill the streets have made Xiaoxiangfeng the backbone of county aesthetics, gradually becoming associated with refined earth and small country style.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The eye-catching little fragrance in "Camping with Love"

And the Chanel brand has gradually been given connotations such as "ladylike and socialite style".

But in fact, this has completely deviated from Chanel’s original design intention.

You must know that 70 years ago, people believed that women were beautiful only when they were weak and elegant. They had to walk slowly and needed male protection when doing things.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

However, Ms. Chanel designed a trouser suit at this time, using a "bucket waist" instead of a corset, and also used "tweed" which was only exclusive to aristocratic men at the time.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This design not only allows women to reduce physical constraints, but also conveys a rebellious and independent feminist spirit.

It can be said that the connotation of Chanel is definitely not "lady style restrained within the frame", but "female power of self-confidence, freedom and courage to change". ‍

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why the many spokespersons chosen for cooperation by Chanel all have a sense of "vigor".

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Kristen Stewart, the human spanner, is known as Chanel’s “daughter”.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Insert a little gossip, Lafayette loved her so much that he held a show for her, but she was the only one in the audience

Stewart is not like a typical white American girl.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

She has short hair all year round, has a smoky face, wears gender-neutral clothes, and behaves loosely and carelessly.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

even exudes a bit of a solitary feeling.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This "cool girl" style truly coincides with the concept of freedom and authenticity pursued by Chanel.

And her interpretation of Chanel also allows us to see more possibilities.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

She wore a heavy-duty fragrant piece of clothing to give her a punk look. She squatted on the ground casually, not caring about the wrinkles in her pants.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Stewart has no "coquettishness" of a pseudo-lady at all, and everything between her eyebrows is "uninhibited".

Isn’t this the best interpretation of Chanel’s philosophy?

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Prada is even better at playing.

"The Devil Wears Prada" directly makes people associate the "fashionable Kochi taste" with the Prada brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This year, the brand officially announced that Jia Ling, "the female director with the highest box office in China" and "successfully lost 100 pounds and developed tendons", will be the spokesperson.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Even if you don't understand the story behind the brand, you will feel that people who wear Prada are always "strict and independent" "successful women".

And everyone will also have an emotional connection, thinking that they choose Prada 80% because of the female power and cultural attributes behind the brand.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

is actually the case.

When Mario Prada founded Prada, Prada was just a niche leather goods brand that met the aesthetic needs of aristocrats, and gradually showed its outdated attitude.

Prada took on a new lease of life after its granddaughter Miuccia took over.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Miuccia's classic curtain call

Ms. Miuccia was originally a mime actress. She is also a PhD in political science and a radical feminist.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In fact, she is still a member of the Socialist Communist Party

But the most unexpected thing is that Ms. Miuccia hates the fashion industry very much.

She has even expressed her opinion many times: "Fashion is an industry that exploits women."

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Yang Lan interviews Miuccia

However, when she saw that her mother would be expelled from the family just because she was a woman, her strong self-certification emotions drove her to inherit Prada.

At that time, she secretly made up her mind to improve the status of women through fashion.

In her opinion: luxury fashion should not only be refined and complicated, nor should fashion be a tool for women to please society.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Because of disgust, Miuccia only wore uniforms in the early years.

Fashion should be an outlet to show one's own personality.

When she makes Prada, she must incorporate this concept and give the clothing more female power.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Therefore, after she took over Prada, she would not deliberately emphasize the sexy body of women. Instead, she would use simple tailoring to show women's confidence, independence and elegance.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

prada2024 autumn and winter

She also took the lead in using cheap materials (such as nylon) that are opposite to luxury and expensive to make handbags, in order to fight against the elite tone of traditional luxury brands.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In that era of "luxury = luxury", doing so was undoubtedly deviant.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It can be said that Miuccia herself is a brave, free and rebellious "successful woman", and she is the best spokesperson for Prada.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This year, after Prada and Jia Ling went hand in hand, people on the Internet said that Jia Ling and Prada are very compatible.

’s official copy to Jia Ling is: Don’t follow the trend, just be yourself.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The labels of "comedian", "weight loss counterattack" and "successful director" do not seem to match the fashion in our minds, but the extremely charismatic adventurous spirit behind these labels is exactly what Prada wants to convey.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

It can be seen that the spokesperson of a luxury brand is, to a certain extent, the epitome of the brand image.

Including the one we talked about at the beginning, Louis Vuitton’s choice of Liu Yifei is also a match made in heaven.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

lv started out as a suitcase, so it has always taken the concept of "travel" as its core design idea, with low-key luxury and craftsmanship as its main design concepts.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Similarly, their fashions also carry a sense of power that dares to take risks, and a sense of technology that plays with time and space.

You will feel that people wearing LV have heavy connotations, but their thoughts are fashionable.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

louis vuitton 2024 autumn and winter

And this "presbyopia logo" that people love and hate, on the one hand, is a design made by Louis Vuitton's son to commemorate his father, on the other hand, it is also a small ingenuity to prevent counterfeiting. The original intention of

is not to satisfy the vanity of "nouveau riche".

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Speaking of spokesperson Liu Yifei, the image of a fairy has both the classical beauty of the East and a modern sense of modernity.

has been in the industry for many years, with countless good dramas and a unique temperament.

has also emerged in the international film industry with the role of "Mulan" in the past two years.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

This kind of rich cultural connotation and international novel image are consistent with LV's brand concept.

With Liu Yifei’s endorsement, LV no longer looks like a “tycoon”, but an elegant and low-key modern new human being.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

In short, spokespersons who complement each other can really enhance the image of a luxury brand.

However, luxury brands sometimes make mistakes.

The spokesperson of depreciation

and the inflationary taste of luxury brands

After all, celebrities are at the center of public opinion. As long as there are scandals or scandals, luxury brands can only "lose both" with the stars.

Even if it does not cause a major overturn in the brand image, the high-end taste of the luxury brand itself can easily be diluted by spokespersons who do not match the tone.

Zhao Lusi’s endorsement of Versace a while ago caused numerous controversies.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

You must know that Versace has always used the shape of "Snake Medusa" as a spiritual symbol.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba
It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba988 Autumn and Winter This one is really Medusa

Its brand design style has always been exaggerated, sexy and wild.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

atelierversace 2023 spring and summer

’s previous spokespersons were all femme fatales such as international supermodel Katy and superstar queen Madonna.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Although Zhao Lusi can be regarded as a leader among the new generation of actors, her character seems to be more neighborly. You can hardly imagine the sister who burps, showing her fangs to release her fatal temptation.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Brand official announced that Yu Shuxin is the spokesperson

Givenchy's logo has four characters "g", which means gneteel (classic), grace (elegant), gaiety (pleasure), and givenchy (Givenchy).

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

givenchy 2003 autumn and winter

Audrey Hepburn is basically the best interpretation of the Givenchy 4G concept.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After all, Hepburn was in front of her. In contrast, although Yu Shuxin, the "little master of the world", has more "gaiety", she really lacks the sense of classical nobility.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

After all, top luxury goods are like a white moonlight, bringing pure dreams to people.

But stars are independent individuals, and everyone is rich and colorful. How can they interpret the ultimate dreamy pure white?

Therefore, Hermès, the king of luxury brands, simply never wants a celebrity spokesperson, just to maintain this scarcity and mystery.

However, after many luxury brands have been frustrated in choosing spokespersons, they have come up with a new trick - splitting their spokespersons.

You will find that a luxury brand often has more than ten fancy names such as xx line best friend, xx line brand ambassador, xx line spokesperson, etc.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

The advantage of having multiple spokespersons is that it allows luxury brands to show the diverse charm of the brand from different angles, and it can also bring a constant sense of freshness.

However, wholesale spokespersons may also make the tone of luxury brands more blurred, obliterating the specialness at the top of the pyramid.

For example, Dior has many partners such as Jisoo, Zhang Yufei, the boy band txt, Jimin, and Dilmurat Dilraba.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

has even collaborated with Internet celebrity Wanwan as the ambassador of a certain product.

Not to mention Wanwan’s reputation, just the cooperation with Internet celebrities makes people feel that the image of high luxury is not strong enough, and the tone of the luxury brand seems to be sinking.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Netizen: I don’t understand

However, we don’t need to worry about luxury brands’ decline in their b-level.

After all, every spokesperson for a luxury brand is not chosen blindly.

selected spokespersons after at least one year, and at most several years of inspection.

The bigger the title, the longer the inspection period.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

lisa first wears new products, then becomes an ambassador, and then becomes a global spokesperson

So if a celebrity finally succeeds in becoming a spokesperson, if nothing else, at least the brand thinks she is a "match" for itself.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Since each endorsement is the result of careful consideration by the brand, it is impossible to say "The operations we cannot understand are precisely the new connotations the brand wants to inject."

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba

Putting aside the identity of LV's prospective daughter-in-law, many people feel that Lisa and LV are not compatible.

But as for whether it will have any counter-effects, I don't know.

It's a bit like the evolution of the universe.

Luxury brand takes the brand's individual soul as the starting point, absorbs the energy between galaxies to strengthen itself, and will explode after reaching a certain level. After that, the core will naturally converge.

It’s so funny, is Bulgari afraid that Liu Yifei’s face will steal the limelight? Liu Yifei was specially given an old man's vest to wear. A few days ago, the cover material of Liu Yifei's Jin Jiu was released, and her slicked back hair is so queenly! It is said that being a fairy - Lujuba
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