Recently, media reported that the well-known magician Liu Qian personally confirmed that he was suffering from lung adenocarcinoma and had undergone surgery in mid-February this year. In addition to regular follow-up visits, he has also given up smoking for many years. After this

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Recently, media reported that the well-known magician Liu Qian personally confirmed that he suffered from lung adenocarcinoma and had undergone surgery in mid-February this year. In addition to regular return visits, he has also given up smoking for many years. After this news was released, it quickly attracted widespread public attention, making the disease of lung adenocarcinoma once again the focus of heated discussion.

What exactly is lung adenocarcinoma? What causes lung adenocarcinoma? How high is the cure rate for this disease through surgical treatment? How to prevent it?

html On the evening of August 30, Zhao Deping, deputy director of the Thoracic Surgery Department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, revealed to The Paper ( reporter that lung adenocarcinoma belongs to one of the subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer , accounting for approximately 10% of all lung cancers. 40%. It originates from glandular cells in the lungs. Its onset is relatively insidious, and its early symptoms are not obvious. It is often accidentally discovered during physical examinations or other diseases. Lung adenocarcinoma is more common in people over 50 years old, and the incidence rate in men is slightly higher than in women.

Zhao Deping said that through surgery, the five-year survival rate and cure rate of patients with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma can be as high as over 90%. For patients detected in the mid-term, the five-year survival rate can be increased to 50%-60% through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The causes of lung cancer are complex

"The causes of lung cancer are complex and involve a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Smoking is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Tobacco contains a variety of clear carcinogens, such as nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Long-term smoking It will cause damage to the DNA of bronchial epithelial cells, activate oncogenes, and eventually lead to cancer. "Zhao Deping further said that in addition to smoking, long-term exposure to harmful environments can also increase the risk of lung cancer. These environmental factors include air pollution, indoor air pollution and Occupational exposure. In addition, genetic mutations, age, dietary habits, and patients with chronic lung diseases may be related to the occurrence of lung adenocarcinoma, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, silicosis and other chronic lung diseases. Disease can increase the incidence of lung cancer, and people with a family history of lung cancer may have a higher risk of lung adenocarcinoma.” Respiratory diseases, such as cough, expectoration, etc. Special symptoms such as blood in sputum, low-grade fever for a long time, chest tightness, etc. may also appear in the early stage, but these symptoms are not unique to lung adenocarcinoma. As the disease progresses, patients with mid-stage lung adenocarcinoma may develop symptoms such as persistent cough, sputum or hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, weight loss, fatigue and loss of appetite.

"Early diagnosis is crucial to improving the survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Chest CT is the most important means of discovering lung nodules. There is also bronchoscopy, which can sometimes be used to observe the internal conditions of the lungs. Biopsy. At the same time, lung adenocarcinoma can also be diagnosed through pathological examination, and lung adenocarcinoma can be diagnosed through cytological or histological examination.

Zhao Deping emphasized the importance of early screening, "For high-risk groups, such as those aged 45 and above, with a history of smoking, occupational exposure, family history of lung cancer or chronic lung disease, low-dose chest testing should be performed once a year. Spiral CT screening.”

The five-year survival rate and cure rate of early-stage patients are over 90%

Regarding treatment methods, Zhao Deping said that surgical treatment is the main treatment method for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, and its purpose is to completely remove the tumor and reduce recurrence. and transfer. "For patients with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma, the five-year survival rate and cure rate can be as high as more than 90% through surgery. For patients with mid-stage lung adenocarcinoma, the five-year survival rate can be increased to 50%-60% through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

In addition, Zhao Deping said that there are many treatment methods for this disease, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy , etc. After lung cancer surgery, rehabilitation is also a comprehensive and complex process, involving respiratory function exercise, exercise Special attention should also be paid to aspects such as training, reasonable diet, and regular review.

"Patients need to continue to review after surgery. The routine review time is every 3 months in the first year, every six months in the second to third years, and every year thereafter. once. Review items include chest CT, abdominal ultrasound, blood biochemistry, blood routine, blood tumor marker examination, etc., and if necessary, bronchoscopy, bone scan or PET-CT test. "Zhao Deping said that although lung adenocarcinoma is a serious disease, the survival rate and quality of life of patients can be significantly improved through early diagnosis, effective treatment and scientific rehabilitation management.

How to prevent lung adenocarcinoma?

Zhao Deping said , the first is to quit smoking. The risk of lung cancer will gradually decrease after quitting smoking. After quitting smoking, the risk of lung cancer can be halved; after quitting smoking for 10-15 years, the risk can be reduced to that of non-smokers. Non-smokers should avoid passive smoking. , stay away from smoking environments.

Secondly, reduce exposure to air pollution, such as reducing the time spent in polluted environments, using air purifiers, and improving indoor air quality in highly polluted weather, minimizing outdoor activities and wearing dust masks. Pay special attention to occupational protection. People who may be exposed to harmful chemicals in the occupational environment should take effective protective measures, such as using appropriate protective equipment and ensuring good ventilation in the working environment when working in environments where they may be exposed to carcinogens. , effective protective measures should be taken, such as wearing masks or other protective masks, and regular occupational health examinations.

Finally, pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, maintaining a good mental state, and choosing high protein. , high-vitamin, light and easy-to-digest food, and reduce the intake of fried, high-sugar, spicy, smoked, barbecued, and pickled foods.

Recently, media reported that the well-known magician Liu Qian personally confirmed that he suffered from lung adenocarcinoma and had undergone surgery in mid-February this year. In addition to regular return visits, he has also given up smoking for many years. After this news was released, it quickly attracted widespread public attention, making the disease of lung adenocarcinoma once again the focus of heated discussion.

What exactly is lung adenocarcinoma? What causes lung adenocarcinoma? How high is the cure rate for this disease through surgical treatment? How to prevent it?

html On the evening of August 30, Zhao Deping, deputy director of the Thoracic Surgery Department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, revealed to The Paper ( reporter that lung adenocarcinoma belongs to one of the subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer , accounting for approximately 10% of all lung cancers. 40%. It originates from glandular cells in the lungs. Its onset is relatively insidious, and its early symptoms are not obvious. It is often accidentally discovered during physical examinations or other diseases. Lung adenocarcinoma is more common in people over 50 years old, and the incidence rate in men is slightly higher than in women.

Zhao Deping said that through surgery, the five-year survival rate and cure rate of patients with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma can be as high as over 90%. For patients detected in the mid-term, the five-year survival rate can be increased to 50%-60% through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The causes of lung cancer are complex

"The causes of lung cancer are complex and involve a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Smoking is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Tobacco contains a variety of clear carcinogens, such as nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Long-term smoking It will cause damage to the DNA of bronchial epithelial cells, activate oncogenes, and eventually lead to cancer. "Zhao Deping further said that in addition to smoking, long-term exposure to harmful environments can also increase the risk of lung cancer. These environmental factors include air pollution, indoor air pollution and Occupational exposure. In addition, genetic mutations, age, dietary habits, and patients with chronic lung diseases may be related to the occurrence of lung adenocarcinoma, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, silicosis and other chronic lung diseases. Disease can increase the incidence of lung cancer, and people with a family history of lung cancer may have a higher risk of lung adenocarcinoma.” Respiratory diseases, such as cough, expectoration, etc. Special symptoms such as blood in sputum, low-grade fever for a long time, chest tightness, etc. may also appear in the early stage, but these symptoms are not unique to lung adenocarcinoma. As the disease progresses, patients with mid-stage lung adenocarcinoma may develop symptoms such as persistent cough, sputum or hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, weight loss, fatigue and loss of appetite.

"Early diagnosis is crucial to improving the survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Chest CT is the most important means of discovering lung nodules. There is also bronchoscopy, which can sometimes be used to observe the internal conditions of the lungs. Biopsy. At the same time, lung adenocarcinoma can also be diagnosed through pathological examination, and lung adenocarcinoma can be diagnosed through cytological or histological examination.

Zhao Deping emphasized the importance of early screening, "For high-risk groups, such as those aged 45 and above, with a history of smoking, occupational exposure, family history of lung cancer or chronic lung disease, low-dose chest testing should be performed once a year. Spiral CT screening.”

The five-year survival rate and cure rate of early-stage patients are over 90%

Regarding treatment methods, Zhao Deping said that surgical treatment is the main treatment method for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, and its purpose is to completely remove the tumor and reduce recurrence. and transfer. "For patients with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma, the five-year survival rate and cure rate can be as high as more than 90% through surgery. For patients with mid-stage lung adenocarcinoma, the five-year survival rate can be increased to 50%-60% through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

In addition, Zhao Deping said that there are many treatment methods for this disease, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy , etc. After lung cancer surgery, rehabilitation is also a comprehensive and complex process, involving respiratory function exercise, exercise Special attention should also be paid to aspects such as training, reasonable diet, and regular review.

"Patients need to continue to review after surgery. The routine review time is every 3 months in the first year, every six months in the second to third years, and every year thereafter. once. Review items include chest CT, abdominal ultrasound, blood biochemistry, blood routine, blood tumor marker examination, etc., and if necessary, bronchoscopy, bone scan or PET-CT test. "Zhao Deping said that although lung adenocarcinoma is a serious disease, the survival rate and quality of life of patients can be significantly improved through early diagnosis, effective treatment and scientific rehabilitation management.

How to prevent lung adenocarcinoma?

Zhao Deping said , the first is to quit smoking. The risk of lung cancer will gradually decrease after quitting smoking. After quitting smoking, the risk of lung cancer can be halved; after quitting smoking for 10-15 years, the risk can be reduced to that of non-smokers. Non-smokers should avoid passive smoking. , stay away from smoking environments.

Secondly, reduce exposure to air pollution, such as reducing the time spent in polluted environments, using air purifiers, and improving indoor air quality in highly polluted weather, minimizing outdoor activities and wearing dust masks. Pay special attention to occupational protection. People who may be exposed to harmful chemicals in the occupational environment should take effective protective measures, such as using appropriate protective equipment and ensuring good ventilation in the working environment when working in environments where they may be exposed to carcinogens. , effective protective measures should be taken, such as wearing masks or other protective masks, and regular occupational health examinations.

Finally, pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, maintaining a good mental state, and choosing high protein. , high-vitamin, light and easy-to-digest food, and reduce the intake of fried, high-sugar, spicy, smoked, barbecued, and pickled foods.

Recently, media reported that the well-known magician Liu Qian personally confirmed that he was suffering from lung adenocarcinoma and had undergone surgery in mid-February this year. In addition to regular follow-up visits, he has also given up smoking for many years. After this - Lujuba

Source: The Paper chief reporter Chen Sisi intern Sun Jingyuan

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