In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i

entertainment 1086℃

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers.

So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this issue has not been systematically discussed before.

And when we sorted out the dramas produced by SMG at key points in the past few years and aired on Dragon TV, we seemed to have the answer.

In 2018, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, smg produced " Dajiang Dahe ", with a Douban score of 8.8.

In 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, smg produced " meritorious service ", with a Douban score of 9.1. The dramas produced by

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

smg have become representatives of quality dramas with key points and major themes. Not only is it not absent or speechless at key nodes, but it is also methodical and innovative in the performance of major themes -

The reason why "Dajiang Dahe" has a Douban score of 8.8 is because it captures the magnificent characteristics of reform and opening up. The dual reform process of urban and rural areas, and the three struggles of the state-owned economy, the collective economy, and the individual economy, capture the thrilling flow of the times;

"The Meritorious Service" has a Douban score of 9.1 because it captured the first batch of From the unique perspective of the recipients of the "Medal of the Republic", eight meritorious figures have achieved great achievements in building the party over the past century. It shows both the greatness of the party spirit and the authenticity of human nature.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Teacher's Day, smg is naturally not absent or speechless. As the first producer, it produced and broadcast " Spring Breeze and Rain " on Dragon TV.

So, as one of the mainstream media with the highest success rate in producing high-quality dramas with major themes, what innovations did SMG express in this exploration? What experience have you accumulated? What value has been deposited?

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba
In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

A new cut

How should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced?

From "Dajiang Dahe" to "Meritors" to "Spring Breeze", the first reference answer given by smg for dramas is -

dramas should be produced with innovative cuts, so as to make a sound at key points and to be successful in the market. Make quality work on major themes.

Teacher-themed works give people the stereotype that they seem to be more about "education of knowledge"; however, "Spring Breeze and Rain" no longer sticks to "education of knowledge", but returns to "education of people", caring not only about children Their learning and performance are not only their nutrition, health, hygiene, spirit, psychology, and social survival. It extends the perspective of education from education in a narrow sense to education in a broad sense. The connotation of teachers comes from teachers who teach. It extends to teachers who teach others.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Especially this drama focuses on "rural education", which is even more appropriate.

It not only captures the essence of rural education -

In rural education, there is education that is more important than knowledge education, which is ambition and ideals.

Principal An said, "What they need is not sympathy, but empathy." Instead of pitying rural children from a Godly perspective and condescendingly, they should see their vitality that is still calm and progressive in the face of adversity, and what rural teachers should do is just to guide them on their own path.

Therefore, she will let the children exchange pickled vegetables for meat and help cook for rice. First, it helps them to establish a sense of equality between people from an early age and avoid psychological inferiority and spiritual inferiority. Second, it guides them to be conscious. In order to find the path and exit of your own life, you can flexibly adapt and negotiate flexibly in the future life, and have a more open-minded way of survival.

It not only hits the key points of rural education -

As a work to pay tribute to the 40th anniversary of Teachers' Day, "Spring Breeze and Rain" actually objectively presents the difficulties and pain points in the development of rural education over the past 40 years.

The story was written from 2002 to 2012. Many people who are not in the context of rural education may not realize that one of the biggest pain points in rural education during these ten years turned out to be the problem of children's food.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

The artistic value of this play lies in the fact that he created this real-life problem into plot clues and motivation:

The beginning of the story is when the nutritious lunch policy was issued in 2012, which accompanied the students' food poisoning, which revealed the problem of eating. Regarding the urgency and importance of rural education;

The origin of the story is that in 2002, Principal An was just assigned to a rural school for a home visit. She saw that the children were ashamed and had low self-esteem because they had no good food at home and found a teacher. Only by truly empathizing with the situation of rural students did he persist for the next ten years;

The turning point of the story was in 2012, when Principal An had a conflict with her husband, and the last straw was when he took the children away Throwing away the hard-earned sauerkraut made her realize that the two of them did not share the same values ​​and decided to divorce. In the choice of whether to return to the city or not, she firmly rooted in the countryside and served the children's nutrition and logistics.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

The beginning of the plot, the motivations of the characters, and the turning point of fate all come from the "eating problem", and the work cleverly dramatizes and artistically transforms it.

The two are exactly what constitutes the soul and body, the inside and the outside of rural education -

The former is the core of the soul, and cuts to the bottom of the foundation of rural education;

The latter is the driving force clue, among which rural students are the most superficial. The difficulty of survival.

is just like Maslow's needs theory. The lowest survival needs and the top spiritual needs are also seen and expressed by this work in the difficult practice of rural education. Between survival needs and spiritual needs, there is education of knowledge, education of living habits, and social education.

Of course, this demand has been continuously solved over the course of 40 years, and this map has been continuously improved over the course of 40 years. When the problem of survival is no longer a problem of the bottom, rural education can strive for higher pursuits step by step.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba
In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Two frames of reference

"Getting out, being retained, and teaching well" is an important goal in the construction of rural teachers.

The dramas that mainstream media should produce are dramas that answer key points and key questions in various fields.

"Spring Breeze and Rain" uses the two references of the male and female protagonists to form a set of mirror images. The two paths explain a clear logic -

An Yan ( Tong Liya ) and Cong Junsheng ( Yang Jue ), one is After graduation, he directly joined rural education. One applied to go to the countryside after working for several years; one is a senior rural educator with ten years of practice, and the other is a new rural teacher who has just joined.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

"It goes well" may be due to one or another reason, perhaps the distribution of fate, or consideration for promotion. This drama is very candid and honest, and does not falsely exaggerate the human nature of the male and female protagonists.

An Yan was arranged to go to the countryside. As the last normal school student to be assigned, she had this opportunity after being unemployed for a year. It’s not that she doesn’t want to stay in the city, but she has no better choice. Her family complains, and she has personal conflicts. However, she settles down as usual and settles down as she comes. In the past ten years, it’s not that she hasn’t wavered at all, but she’s getting deeper and deeper step by step. deep.

Therefore, "going down" is not a beginning or a result, but a process. At first, it may have been an accidental arrangement of fate, but later, it turned into a choice after repeated confirmation.

Cong Junsheng applied to go to the countryside. He had public motives and hoped to learn rural teaching experience, but he also had selfish motives, which were sharply pointed out by different people in the play -

An Yan said, "In addition to accumulating rural teaching experience, he also has selfish motives. Is it a consideration for professional title evaluation?"

student said, "Aren't you still going to leave after one year?"

Principal said, "Do you insist on attending class because it is easier to do the assignments than to do them, or you are afraid that you will not be able to do well in the assignments? Impact evaluation? ”

Therefore, this drama is very honest and even naked in presenting the creation of "going down".

This drama is not concerned with why people can "go down", but is more concerned with how people can "remain".

The understanding of "Spring Breeze and Rain" is -

What can retain people is the life they yearn for, which must be based on the recognition of rural lifestyle;

What can retain people is the life of growth, which must be based on the upward space of life path.

Through the creation of An Yan, a rural teacher, firstly, she allows the audience to see that rural education is not a slogan with only sacrifice and dedication, but a lifestyle worth liking and experiencing. Perhaps such a life It is poor, but it is also simple and simple. There is no intrigue in the workplace and no sense of death in the urban jungle.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

She also made the audience see that going to the countryside does not necessarily mean downward mobility of social status. A person with self-motivation, sense of mission, and vitality can still have continuously opening and rising development space, just like she started from a An ordinary rural teacher grew up to become a vice principal and principal step by step. Her personal growth was also integrated with the development of Chinese education.

However, this drama also bravely faces the problem of "not being able to keep". For example, the departing teacher Lu has feelings for rural education and is responsible for rural children, but she is unable to face the difficulties of survival and meager income. Therefore, through this character and this plot, this drama also explores rich topics -

Only with the guarantee of livelihood conditions, recognition of lifestyles, and development of life paths can rural education truly retain good teachers.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

"Teach well", as discussed above, this drama has created rich levels of "teach well" -

has both the ideal level of "teaching well", just as Principal Zhou said, "rural children are too "It's pitiful that parents can only solve their livelihood problems, but no one cares about their ideals and ambitions." Therefore, rural teachers must care about their ideals and ambitions and incubate their ideals and ambitions, so that they can change the lives of students. destiny.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

There is also a psychological aspect to teaching well. Just as Principal Zhong said, others look down on you not because you are from a rural area or because your family is poor, but because you are unhygienic. Therefore, you must learn to make yourself decent and don't distort your heart because of poverty. , and let the contradiction transfer; and if you cannot change and overcome your own difficulties, you will be truly looked down upon when you grow up. There is a book called "The Essence of Poverty". The most terrifying thing about poverty is the way of thinking caused by the lack of confidence that poverty brings to people. The mission of rural teachers is to reverse the inertia of this thinking and fight against this psychological abyss. .

In addition, the social level is taught well, the knowledge level is taught well, and the health level is taught well... Through "Spring Breeze and Rain", we can feel that due to various factors, family education is relatively lacking. , relatively weak rural areas, teachers are like fathers and mothers. A rural teacher who "teaches well" has a classroom that is far more than just a classroom.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Four generations of educators

Regardless of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, Teachers' Day, or the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the essence of commemoration is being passed down.

In order to keep the spirit alive and to make the career permanent.

Therefore, when producing quality dramas with such key points and major themes, smg will fully control the "drama eye" of such dramas -


Therefore, in response to the 40th anniversary of Teachers' Day, "Spring Breeze and Rain" depicts four generations of rural educators.

The first-generation Principal Yu lived in poverty all his life and spent all his money and time on rural education.

However, it was with the assistance and inspiration from the principal that the second-generation principal Zhong embarked on the road of rural education. He stayed at Heping Middle School all his life and never left.

At the same time, Principal Yu also influenced the third generation of Principal An. Not long after she came to the countryside, she received the task of attending to the funeral of Principal Yu.When she discovered many letters and postcards written by Teacher Yu's students and saw many villagers wearing mourning and scrambling to hold flags, she learned that Teacher Yu once said, "I am the old hen and you are the eggs. I can hatch one. There is more hope for rural areas." Knowing that he had supported 1,311 students during his 41 years of teaching, he determined to take over the mantle and legacy of Teacher Yu.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

And when Principal An was doing practical things for rural education one by one, proposing to exchange sauerkraut for meat, organizing nutritious lunches, setting up student assistance groups... and new teachers like Cong Junsheng decided to stay in the countryside, Become a new generation of rural educators.

However, the greater highlight of this drama in terms of "inheritance" is not only the lyrical narration of the story of intergenerational inheritance, but also the brave face of problems in intergenerational inheritance.

For example, Principal Zhong, a second-generation rural educator, retired from his rural education position because of "corporal punishment."

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Among them, there is a conflict of intergenerational education concepts between people -

For example, Teacher Cong, a fourth-generation educator, does not approve of Principal Zhong’s approach. However, Principal Zhong maintains, "Teachers are walking pointers who can make students feel awe. But now that the ruler is gone and the times have progressed, the teacher's authority is gone." The sharp point of the play

is that what actually reflects the spirit of reflection here is not just the progressive belief that the educational ideas of the new generation are superior to those of the previous generation. In fact, Principal Zhong’s proposition precisely points out the pain points and ideological confusion of both rural and urban education in today’s context –

teachers are becoming speechless, and educational work is becoming passive, undisciplined, and difficult to control, so , resulting in a series of educational chaos. So, from being too strict to being too loose, is there overcorrection? Does it need to be recalibrated?

There is also a conflict in the field of education and public opinion between people and the times - the convenience of

technology gives the power of supervision, but it also gives the possibility of misleading and the risk of violence.

For example, the story of Principal Zhong reminds the audience that you only see the moment of corporal punishment, but not the cause and effect; you only see the teacher's rage, but not his love for the students; you only see the I saw the verbal criticism from strangers online, but I didn’t see the persistence of teachers and students in reality.

So, in fact, the highlight of this drama is that it shows the complexity of the real world as education progresses and develops.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

1 Conclusion

So, through SMG’s practice in "Spring Breeze", looking back, when we look back at how mainstream media produces dramas with major themes, we seem to have the answer.

It requires thinking, answering, and innovation.

It needs to be from the perspective of mainstream media. It needs to see the people represented by this important subject, think about the essential issues behind this important subject, and find innovative literary and artistic methods to express this important subject.

For example, "Spring Breeze Discourse" shows the real situation of rural teachers. They have their difficulties and their joys, their limitations and their greatness; they think of the essential issues of rural education, how to "get on and stay". Live well and teach well"; we have also found a new opening for rural-themed educational dramas, which not only hit the top essence, but also hit the bottom needs. In the world of rural education's spiritual ideals and practical dilemmas, we can see all living beings. .

And this is the literary and artistic attitude that mainstream media should have when producing dramas:

It is not just about giving gifts and praising, but also being able to face reality directly and having a spirit of reflection.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers.

So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this issue has not been systematically discussed before.

And when we sorted out the dramas produced by SMG at key points in the past few years and aired on Dragon TV, we seemed to have the answer.

In 2018, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, smg produced " Dajiang Dahe ", with a Douban score of 8.8.

In 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, smg produced " meritorious service ", with a Douban score of 9.1. The dramas produced by

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

smg have become representatives of quality dramas with key points and major themes. Not only is it not absent or speechless at key nodes, but it is also methodical and innovative in the performance of major themes -

The reason why "Dajiang Dahe" has a Douban score of 8.8 is because it captures the magnificent characteristics of reform and opening up. The dual reform process of urban and rural areas, and the three struggles of the state-owned economy, the collective economy, and the individual economy, capture the thrilling flow of the times;

"The Meritorious Service" has a Douban score of 9.1 because it captured the first batch of From the unique perspective of the recipients of the "Medal of the Republic", eight meritorious figures have achieved great achievements in building the party over the past century. It shows both the greatness of the party spirit and the authenticity of human nature.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Teacher's Day, smg is naturally not absent or speechless. As the first producer, it produced and broadcast " Spring Breeze and Rain " on Dragon TV.

So, as one of the mainstream media with the highest success rate in producing high-quality dramas with major themes, what innovations did SMG express in this exploration? What experience have you accumulated? What value has been deposited?

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba
In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

A new cut

How should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced?

From "Dajiang Dahe" to "Meritors" to "Spring Breeze", the first reference answer given by smg for dramas is -

dramas should be produced with innovative cuts, so as to make a sound at key points and to be successful in the market. Make quality work on major themes.

Teacher-themed works give people the stereotype that they seem to be more about "education of knowledge"; however, "Spring Breeze and Rain" no longer sticks to "education of knowledge", but returns to "education of people", caring not only about children Their learning and performance are not only their nutrition, health, hygiene, spirit, psychology, and social survival. It extends the perspective of education from education in a narrow sense to education in a broad sense. The connotation of teachers comes from teachers who teach. It extends to teachers who teach others.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Especially this drama focuses on "rural education", which is even more appropriate.

It not only captures the essence of rural education -

In rural education, there is education that is more important than knowledge education, which is ambition and ideals.

Principal An said, "What they need is not sympathy, but empathy." Instead of pitying rural children from a Godly perspective and condescendingly, they should see their vitality that is still calm and progressive in the face of adversity, and what rural teachers should do is just to guide them on their own path.

Therefore, she will let the children exchange pickled vegetables for meat and help cook for rice. First, it helps them to establish a sense of equality between people from an early age and avoid psychological inferiority and spiritual inferiority. Second, it guides them to be conscious. In order to find the path and exit of your own life, you can flexibly adapt and negotiate flexibly in the future life, and have a more open-minded way of survival.

It not only hits the key points of rural education -

As a work to pay tribute to the 40th anniversary of Teachers' Day, "Spring Breeze and Rain" actually objectively presents the difficulties and pain points in the development of rural education over the past 40 years.

The story was written from 2002 to 2012. Many people who are not in the context of rural education may not realize that one of the biggest pain points in rural education during these ten years turned out to be the problem of children's food.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

The artistic value of this play lies in the fact that he created this real-life problem into plot clues and motivation:

The beginning of the story is when the nutritious lunch policy was issued in 2012, which accompanied the students' food poisoning, which revealed the problem of eating. Regarding the urgency and importance of rural education;

The origin of the story is that in 2002, Principal An was just assigned to a rural school for a home visit. She saw that the children were ashamed and had low self-esteem because they had no good food at home and found a teacher. Only by truly empathizing with the situation of rural students did he persist for the next ten years;

The turning point of the story was in 2012, when Principal An had a conflict with her husband, and the last straw was when he took the children away Throwing away the hard-earned sauerkraut made her realize that the two of them did not share the same values ​​and decided to divorce. In the choice of whether to return to the city or not, she firmly rooted in the countryside and served the children's nutrition and logistics.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

The beginning of the plot, the motivations of the characters, and the turning point of fate all come from the "eating problem", and the work cleverly dramatizes and artistically transforms it.

The two are exactly what constitutes the soul and body, the inside and the outside of rural education -

The former is the core of the soul, and cuts to the bottom of the foundation of rural education;

The latter is the driving force clue, among which rural students are the most superficial. The difficulty of survival.

is just like Maslow's needs theory. The lowest survival needs and the top spiritual needs are also seen and expressed by this work in the difficult practice of rural education. Between survival needs and spiritual needs, there is education of knowledge, education of living habits, and social education.

Of course, this demand has been continuously solved over the course of 40 years, and this map has been continuously improved over the course of 40 years. When the problem of survival is no longer a problem of the bottom, rural education can strive for higher pursuits step by step.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba
In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Two frames of reference

"Getting out, being retained, and teaching well" is an important goal in the construction of rural teachers.

The dramas that mainstream media should produce are dramas that answer key points and key questions in various fields.

"Spring Breeze and Rain" uses the two references of the male and female protagonists to form a set of mirror images. The two paths explain a clear logic -

An Yan ( Tong Liya ) and Cong Junsheng ( Yang Jue ), one is After graduation, he directly joined rural education. One applied to go to the countryside after working for several years; one is a senior rural educator with ten years of practice, and the other is a new rural teacher who has just joined.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

"It goes well" may be due to one or another reason, perhaps the distribution of fate, or consideration for promotion. This drama is very candid and honest, and does not falsely exaggerate the human nature of the male and female protagonists.

An Yan was arranged to go to the countryside. As the last normal school student to be assigned, she had this opportunity after being unemployed for a year. It’s not that she doesn’t want to stay in the city, but she has no better choice. Her family complains, and she has personal conflicts. However, she settles down as usual and settles down as she comes. In the past ten years, it’s not that she hasn’t wavered at all, but she’s getting deeper and deeper step by step. deep.

Therefore, "going down" is not a beginning or a result, but a process. At first, it may have been an accidental arrangement of fate, but later, it turned into a choice after repeated confirmation.

Cong Junsheng applied to go to the countryside. He had public motives and hoped to learn rural teaching experience, but he also had selfish motives, which were sharply pointed out by different people in the play -

An Yan said, "In addition to accumulating rural teaching experience, he also has selfish motives. Is it a consideration for professional title evaluation?"

student said, "Aren't you still going to leave after one year?"

Principal said, "Do you insist on attending class because it is easier to do the assignments than to do them, or you are afraid that you will not be able to do well in the assignments? Impact evaluation? ”

Therefore, this drama is very honest and even naked in presenting the creation of "going down".

This drama is not concerned with why people can "go down", but is more concerned with how people can "remain".

The understanding of "Spring Breeze and Rain" is -

What can retain people is the life they yearn for, which must be based on the recognition of rural lifestyle;

What can retain people is the life of growth, which must be based on the upward space of life path.

Through the creation of An Yan, a rural teacher, firstly, she allows the audience to see that rural education is not a slogan with only sacrifice and dedication, but a lifestyle worth liking and experiencing. Perhaps such a life It is poor, but it is also simple and simple. There is no intrigue in the workplace and no sense of death in the urban jungle.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

She also made the audience see that going to the countryside does not necessarily mean downward mobility of social status. A person with self-motivation, sense of mission, and vitality can still have continuously opening and rising development space, just like she started from a An ordinary rural teacher grew up to become a vice principal and principal step by step. Her personal growth was also integrated with the development of Chinese education.

However, this drama also bravely faces the problem of "not being able to keep". For example, the departing teacher Lu has feelings for rural education and is responsible for rural children, but she is unable to face the difficulties of survival and meager income. Therefore, through this character and this plot, this drama also explores rich topics -

Only with the guarantee of livelihood conditions, recognition of lifestyles, and development of life paths can rural education truly retain good teachers.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

"Teach well", as discussed above, this drama has created rich levels of "teach well" -

has both the ideal level of "teaching well", just as Principal Zhou said, "rural children are too "It's pitiful that parents can only solve their livelihood problems, but no one cares about their ideals and ambitions." Therefore, rural teachers must care about their ideals and ambitions and incubate their ideals and ambitions, so that they can change the lives of students. destiny.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

There is also a psychological aspect to teaching well. Just as Principal Zhong said, others look down on you not because you are from a rural area or because your family is poor, but because you are unhygienic. Therefore, you must learn to make yourself decent and don't distort your heart because of poverty. , and let the contradiction transfer; and if you cannot change and overcome your own difficulties, you will be truly looked down upon when you grow up. There is a book called "The Essence of Poverty". The most terrifying thing about poverty is the way of thinking caused by the lack of confidence that poverty brings to people. The mission of rural teachers is to reverse the inertia of this thinking and fight against this psychological abyss. .

In addition, the social level is taught well, the knowledge level is taught well, and the health level is taught well... Through "Spring Breeze and Rain", we can feel that due to various factors, family education is relatively lacking. , relatively weak rural areas, teachers are like fathers and mothers. A rural teacher who "teaches well" has a classroom that is far more than just a classroom.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Four generations of educators

Regardless of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, Teachers' Day, or the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the essence of commemoration is being passed down.

In order to keep the spirit alive and to make the career permanent.

Therefore, when producing quality dramas with such key points and major themes, smg will fully control the "drama eye" of such dramas -


Therefore, in response to the 40th anniversary of Teachers' Day, "Spring Breeze and Rain" depicts four generations of rural educators.

The first-generation Principal Yu lived in poverty all his life and spent all his money and time on rural education.

However, it was with the assistance and inspiration from the principal that the second-generation principal Zhong embarked on the road of rural education. He stayed at Heping Middle School all his life and never left.

At the same time, Principal Yu also influenced the third generation of Principal An. Not long after she came to the countryside, she received the task of attending to the funeral of Principal Yu.When she discovered many letters and postcards written by Teacher Yu's students and saw many villagers wearing mourning and scrambling to hold flags, she learned that Teacher Yu once said, "I am the old hen and you are the eggs. I can hatch one. There is more hope for rural areas." Knowing that he had supported 1,311 students during his 41 years of teaching, he determined to take over the mantle and legacy of Teacher Yu.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

And when Principal An was doing practical things for rural education one by one, proposing to exchange sauerkraut for meat, organizing nutritious lunches, setting up student assistance groups... and new teachers like Cong Junsheng decided to stay in the countryside, Become a new generation of rural educators.

However, the greater highlight of this drama in terms of "inheritance" is not only the lyrical narration of the story of intergenerational inheritance, but also the brave face of problems in intergenerational inheritance.

For example, Principal Zhong, a second-generation rural educator, retired from his rural education position because of "corporal punishment."

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

Among them, there is a conflict of intergenerational education concepts between people -

For example, Teacher Cong, a fourth-generation educator, does not approve of Principal Zhong’s approach. However, Principal Zhong maintains, "Teachers are walking pointers who can make students feel awe. But now that the ruler is gone and the times have progressed, the teacher's authority is gone." The sharp point of the play

is that what actually reflects the spirit of reflection here is not just the progressive belief that the educational ideas of the new generation are superior to those of the previous generation. In fact, Principal Zhong’s proposition precisely points out the pain points and ideological confusion of both rural and urban education in today’s context –

teachers are becoming speechless, and educational work is becoming passive, undisciplined, and difficult to control, so , resulting in a series of educational chaos. So, from being too strict to being too loose, is there overcorrection? Does it need to be recalibrated?

There is also a conflict in the field of education and public opinion between people and the times - the convenience of

technology gives the power of supervision, but it also gives the possibility of misleading and the risk of violence.

For example, the story of Principal Zhong reminds the audience that you only see the moment of corporal punishment, but not the cause and effect; you only see the teacher's rage, but not his love for the students; you only see the I saw the verbal criticism from strangers online, but I didn’t see the persistence of teachers and students in reality.

So, in fact, the highlight of this drama is that it shows the complexity of the real world as education progresses and develops.

In recent years, mainstream media has always played a key role in drama producers. So, how should mainstream media produce dramas? What kind of drama should be produced? It has become the ultimate question for mainstream media at this critical point. However, it seems that this i - Lujuba

1 Conclusion

So, through SMG’s practice in "Spring Breeze", looking back, when we look back at how mainstream media produces dramas with major themes, we seem to have the answer.

It requires thinking, answering, and innovation.

It needs to be from the perspective of mainstream media. It needs to see the people represented by this important subject, think about the essential issues behind this important subject, and find innovative literary and artistic methods to express this important subject.

For example, "Spring Breeze Discourse" shows the real situation of rural teachers. They have their difficulties and their joys, their limitations and their greatness; they think of the essential issues of rural education, how to "get on and stay". Live well and teach well"; we have also found a new opening for rural-themed educational dramas, which not only hit the top essence, but also hit the bottom needs. In the world of rural education's spiritual ideals and practical dilemmas, we can see all living beings. .

And this is the literary and artistic attitude that mainstream media should have when producing dramas:

It is not just about giving gifts and praising, but also being able to face reality directly and having a spirit of reflection.

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