Author: Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Marxism, Tongji University Liao Xiaoqin, a young man with lofty ideals and firm beliefs, is the indestructible driving force for a country and a nation. In May 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the yout

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Author: Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Marxism, Tongji University Liao Xiaoqin, a young man with lofty ideals and firm beliefs, is the indestructible driving force for a country and a nation. In May 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the yout - Lujuba

Young people with lofty ideals and firm beliefs are the indestructible driving force for a country and a nation. In May 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the youth of the new era, emphasizing: “The majority of young people must inherit and carry forward the May 4th spirit, unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, and strive to be people with ideals, courage to take responsibility, able to endure hardships, and willing to struggle. Good young people in the new era will show their youthful deeds, highlight their youthful style, contribute their youthful power in promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, and strive to write a chapter of youth that is responsible for Chinese-style modernization. "

Being materially rich and spiritually rich is socialist modernization. fundamental requirements. Compared with the previous young generation, Chinese youth in the new era have a superior material development environment and a richer material life; they have a broader space for spiritual growth, and their spiritual taste is constantly improving; they grow together with the Internet and become the main information in cyberspace Producers, service consumers, technology enablers. While meeting the needs of higher-quality material life, young people in the new era will inevitably pursue higher-grade spiritual enjoyment, a richer spiritual world, and a more confident mental state.

Youth is the "barometer" and "directional sign" of the transitional changes of the times. The spiritual needs of young people represent the spiritual outlook of the times and the direction and trend of the development of spiritual life. Cultivating good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to work hard requires the concerted efforts of the country, society, and individuals. Based on accurately understanding the situation and characteristics of young people’s spiritual needs, we must strengthen education and guidance for the development of young people’s spiritual needs, and continuously Improve the spiritual literacy of young people and promote their spiritual wealth. This is of great and far-reaching significance for comprehensively promoting national rejuvenation and building a strong country.

unites young people with ideals and beliefs. Our youth are the future and hope of the country and the nation. We must use the party’s ideals and beliefs to unite people, and we must pay special attention to uniting young people. On the one hand, young people are in a critical period for the formation and establishment of values, ideals and beliefs. They grow up in a social environment where opportunities and challenges coexist and uncertainty is increasing. Various predictable and unpredictable factors have a negative impact on young people's values, ideals and beliefs. With impact. Therefore, only by uniting young people with the party's ideals and beliefs can we better help young people grow into talents and take the initiative in history. On the other hand, the development of globalization, market economy, and science and technology promotes the diversified, independent, and personalized development of young people's spiritual needs. To integrate and condense the thoughts and spirits of young people with differentiated spiritual lives, it is also necessary to use respect, Compatible and inclusive interest integration and value integration methods. Gathering young people with the party's ideals and beliefs means persisting in arming young people with the party's scientific theories and strengthening young people's study of Marxist theory and party history. Only with a deep understanding of scientific theories can we have firm ideals and beliefs. Only when ideals and beliefs are firm can we have the right direction in life and not be invaded by a sense of meaninglessness. We must persist in using the Party’s original mission to inspire young people, cultivate their patriotism, enhance their political identification, value identification and emotional identification with the country and nation, and promote their satisfaction on the new journey of building a strong country and striving for the dream of national rejuvenation. Diverse spiritual needs, realizing life values ​​and personal ideals.

Strengthen the dynamic research on the stratification and classification of young people’s spiritual needs. Society is developing, and so are young people. To grasp the spiritual needs of young people, we need to strengthen dynamic research. Through dynamic research on hierarchical classification, we can fully understand the characteristics of the spiritual needs of young people at different stages, types, and levels, and build a hierarchical classification of youth spiritual needs working system on this basis. The first is to accurately identify the diverse and individualized spiritual needs of young people. This is a practical action that fully considers the spiritual needs and characteristics of young people, respects young people, understands young people, and supports young people's difference, diversity, and personalized development. The second is to improve the socialization and competitiveness of youth development in a targeted manner. Through dynamic research and hierarchical classification needs design, we can promote the more targeted and diversified development of youth, give them more independent choices and greater space for free development in social adaptation and social competition, and further promote the spiritual needs of young people. develop.

improve young people’s ability to adapt to and transcend society.The adaptation and transcendence of youth to society are actually the understanding and grasp of social relationships by young individuals. It is necessary to guide young people to correctly understand and dialectically handle the relationship between the individual and the collective, and the individual and society. The first thing is to start with the right value selection. Don’t be blinded by short-term, immediate benefits, but see the overall, long-term, and sustainable nature of spiritual value. With the correct value choice, further issues of value trade-offs and the meaning of life will naturally become clear. Secondly, young people must realize that study pressure, work pressure, etc. are all competitive pressures. This is an objective existence in modern society and a common social phenomenon. As individuals in society, individuals must enhance their subjectivity and initiative in surviving and living in modern society. They should not blindly treat competitive pressures, but must learn to scientifically transform competitive pressures. There are many ways to transform competitive pressure, the most fundamental of which is to establish scientific ideals and beliefs. With a firm ideal goal, the vision will be long-term, the ideological realm will be lofty, the moral cultivation will be self-conscious, and the internal motivation generated by the continuous flow of ideals and beliefs can effectively transform competitive pressure.

enhance the subjective awareness of young people's spiritual needs development. Meeting and improving the spiritual needs of young people ultimately depends on personal consciousness and subjective creation. The first is to actively invest time and energy in learning. Young individuals should strengthen time management, avoid laziness, procrastination, indecisiveness, etc., improve the efficiency of study and work; make full use of leisure time and fragmented time to study, and strive to keep up with the rapidly changing pace of social life. The second is to cultivate the innovative and creative spirit and ability of young people. Young people must consciously enhance their sense of subjectivity, stimulate their desire for innovation, strengthen their belief in innovation, and have the courage to carry out innovative practices. By persisting in seeking knowledge and exploration, being diligent in thinking, and daring to be pioneers in study, work, daily life, and social practice, young people’s spiritual needs will be continuously satisfied, reborn, and improved through hard work and dedication. Problems such as one-sidedness, imbalance, and weakness of demand will be solved, thereby achieving the comprehensive, harmonious and free development of spiritual life.

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