[Source: Jinan Times] Shandong’s latest approval, involving 10 counties and cities. Today (August 28), the China Coal Mine Art Troupe officially announced: Jin Dong has been appointed as the leader of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe. Previously, he served as deputy director of the

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[Source: Jinan Times]

Shandong’s latest approval, involving 10 counties and cities

Today (August 28), the China Coal Mine Art Troupe officially announced: Jin Dong is appointed as the leader of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe. Previously, he served as deputy director of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe.

According to reports, Jin Dong has won many honors: he was awarded the "Youth May 4th Medal" for advanced individuals, the honor of "National Upward-looking Youth", the title of "China's Good TV Actor", and the title of "National Virtue and Art Double Talent TV Art" "Worker" honorary title, etc. He is also a director of the 7th Council of the China Visual Arts Association and a member of the 11th National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

[Source: Jinan Times]

Shandong’s latest approval, involving 10 counties and cities

Today (August 28), the China Coal Mine Art Troupe officially announced: Jin Dong is appointed as the leader of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe. Previously, he served as deputy director of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe.

According to reports, Jin Dong has won many honors: he was awarded the "Youth May 4th Medal" for advanced individuals, the honor of "National Upward-looking Youth", the title of "China's Good TV Actor", and the title of "National Virtue and Art Double Talent TV Art" "Worker" honorary title, etc. He is also a director of the 7th Council of the China Visual Arts Association and a member of the 11th National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

[Source: Jinan Times] Shandong’s latest approval, involving 10 counties and cities. Today (August 28), the China Coal Mine Art Troupe officially announced: Jin Dong has been appointed as the leader of the China Coal Mine Art Troupe. Previously, he served as deputy director of the - Lujuba

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