"Sister Jiang", a Sichuan opera that is full of Sichuan dialect and Sichuan accent, has moved the capital many times with its classic performances and singing. Recently, the opera has returned to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater to participate in the outstanding stage art of the new

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"Sister Jiang", a Sichuan opera full of Sichuan dialect and Sichuan accent, has moved the capital many times with its classic performances and singing. Recently, the opera has returned to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater to participate in the outstanding stage of the new era. Exhibition of art works.

'Sister Jiang', a Sichuan opera that is full of Sichuan dialect and Sichuan accent, has moved the capital many times with its classic performances and singing. Recently, the opera has returned to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater to participate in the outstanding stage art of the new - Lujuba

Sichuan Opera "Sister Jiang", as an outstanding stage art work in Chongqing and an outstanding representative of Sichuan Opera, was selected for the "Walking with the Times and the People" jointly organized by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles - - A performance event for outstanding stage art works in the new era. The performance was led by Shen Tiemei, vice chairman of the Chinese Theater Association, chairman of the Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, director of the Chongqing Sichuan Theater and winner of the Plum Blossom Award, leading the audience to relive the classics and feel the spirit of Hongyan.

'Sister Jiang', a Sichuan opera that is full of Sichuan dialect and Sichuan accent, has moved the capital many times with its classic performances and singing. Recently, the opera has returned to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater to participate in the outstanding stage art of the new - Lujuba

The play is adapted from Yan Su's opera of the same name. As a red classic drama of Chongqing Sichuan Theater, since its premiere in January 2018, it has been performed nearly 100 times in Beijing, Hubei, Shandong, Sichuan and other places, and won the 17th Wenhua Award. , has been selected into projects funded by the National Arts Fund for many times. In the play, Shen Tiemei integrates the spirit of Hongyan into the blood of the times through her unique voice and superb performance, portraying the loyalty, ideals and beliefs of the revolutionary group represented by Sister Jiang, who always maintains the political nature of the Communists in severe situations. Whenever the melody of "Ode to Red Plum Blossoms" in Sichuan accent sounded, the audience burst into thunderous applause, and many in the audience burst into tears.

Talking about Sichuan Opera "Sister Jiang", Shen Tiemei, a leading figure in Sichuan Opera today and has become a cultural calling card of Chongqing, said, "Sichuan Opera, as one of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage, can be said to be the most representative and iconic in Bashu culture. Artistic style. We have been thinking and exploring how to maintain the cultural identity of Sichuan Opera. As the result of joint legislation by the Standing Committees of the People's Congresses of Sichuan and Chongqing provinces, Sichuan Opera will also be officially implemented on September 1 this year. There will be new development opportunities. The play "Jiang Sister" tells the story of our Chongqing, and it is also presented in an art form that represents our cultural symbols. As Sichuan Opera people, we are honored and cherished. " The play has been performed for more than 100 times, but they regard every performance as the premiere. Shen Tiemei said, "Only when the actors put their heart into it can the audience empathize."

Although Shen Tiemei's "Sister Jiang" already has irreplaceable recognition , but in her second performance in Beijing, she still pushed her student Zhou Lu, an outstanding young actor from Chongqing Sichuan Opera Theatre, to the front of the stage, presenting a youthful Sister Jiang to the Beijing audience.

'Sister Jiang', a Sichuan opera that is full of Sichuan dialect and Sichuan accent, has moved the capital many times with its classic performances and singing. Recently, the opera has returned to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater to participate in the outstanding stage art of the new - Lujuba

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Guo Jia

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