Is it to prove ourselves, or our own vanity, let us involuntarily movie "The Sword of the Three Young Masters"

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The movie

mainly tells that Xie Xiaofeng, the third master of Excalibur Villa, has gone through thousands of battles for more than 10 years without fail, and is respected as the "sword god" by the world. However, the legendary swordsman Yan Shisan (played by He Rundong) has been aiming at Xie Xiaofeng, practicing kendo, and finally realized the shocking "Thirteen Swords" of the ghosts and spirits on the edge of life and death. Suddenly, the rivers and lakes boiled, but when Yan Shisan rushed to Shenjian Villa to start the battle, it was the coffin of the third young master Xie Xiaofeng who greeted him. Yan Shisan was greatly disappointed by the loss of his opponent. At this time, the mysterious woman Murong Qiudi (Jiang Yiyan) appeared and told Yan Shisan that Xie Xiaofeng was not dead. To find him for a decisive battle, Yan Shisan must kill one for her. people.

Is it to prove ourselves, or our own vanity, let us involuntarily movie 'The Sword of the Three Young Masters' - Lujuba

People are involuntarily in the arena

The movie tells a story of love, hatred, and chivalry in the arena. A series of stories triggered by several swordsmen of the arena for the so-called fame and status. The portrayal of the characters fits the reality, and the role-playing of the characters is vivid and vivid. Leave an indelible impression on the audience. People are in the arena and can't help themselves. The film reflects many life values, reality, and how cruel it is, and I have to rise up and move forward. Is everything

Is it to prove ourselves, or our own vanity, let us involuntarily movie 'The Sword of the Three Young Masters' - Lujuba

working hard just to serve as a foil for others? In the movie

, Yan Shisan, played by He Rundong, is the main character in the development of the full story. At the beginning of the film, "Sword Qi is 30,000 li, one sword shines in nineteen states", what the audience sees is the sword of Yan Shisan. Yan Shisan is also good and evil, killing countless people, but those who kill are all those who deserve to be killed. He worked hard all his life to create the "Thirteen Swords of Death" in order to fight against the three young masters and to prove that he lived in the shadow of the three young masters. Isn't it the same in life? Trying to make something is just to prove yourself to people, but is it really necessary? Always want to surpass others, but have you ever thought that you have done well.

Is it to prove ourselves, or our own vanity, let us involuntarily movie 'The Sword of the Three Young Masters' - Lujuba

I can make people frightened or I can be the next-door brother

Yan Shisan. In fact, I am also a funny and cute swordsman. He found the third young master to no avail, learned of the death of the third young master, and became furious and lost the meaning of living. The goal of life, the person who can prove himself, is told that he has passed away. Although he is fierce, he acts upright, punishing evil and promoting good, and he is a gentleman. To kill the big boss for the common people and solve the bullies for the villagers, stand up when the village catches fire. He has spent his entire life, just for a battle, just to get rid of the shadow of the three young masters, which is filled with emotion!

bears the title of the world's number one sword god but has long been tired of the fame and wealth of the world. The protagonist of the movie

, the third master of Excalibur Villa, Xie Xiaofeng, is tired of the world and has a weak fame and fortune, abandoning his noble status and pretending to pass away. The director worked step by step to reveal suspense to the audience. Xie Xiaofeng changed his name to Aji and worked hard for his livelihood in ordinary days. He deliberately concealed his identity and established a relationship with Xiaoli, a woman in the red. Fully present the growth of the real three young masters to the audience. In reality, can we also do Xie Xiaofeng's life, live for ourselves, live the life we ​​want most, plain and plain, but free and unfettered.

is deeply trapped in the mortal world but in the world

Jiang Mengjie plays Xiaoli. In the eyes of outsiders, she is just a woman of the world, but who knows what I am doing for what? In order to make a living and for the family, I have to make compromises in life. The third master shielded her from the knife, and fell in love with the third master at first sight. Although he is not a member of the rivers and lakes, he is also chivalrous. When I learned the identity of the Third Young Master, his true feelings were even more revealing, and he silently accompanied the Third Young Master. The characters and vivid images shown in the film are deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and are difficult to erase.

Everything I do is because I love you

. The negative contrast made in the film is particularly obvious, just right. With Xie Xiaofeng, the positive character, there is the negative character Yan Shisan as a foil; with Xiaoli from the home of ordinary people , There is the daughter Murong Qiudi. Murong Qiudi loved Xie Xiaofeng deeply, but Xie Xiaofeng wanted to live an ordinary life. He tried hard to make Qiudi adapt to these things, but Qiudi could not stand this kind of life. She felt that she should have lived a life of glory and wealth, and had nothing to worry about. , Why is it so difficult to love Xie Xiaofeng. The love and hatred between them makes people reflect.

A slightly hypocritical rivers and lakes

The whole film brings the audience heartilyIn the martial arts scene, I experienced the pleasure and enmity in the arena. Narrated for fame and fortune, for love. At the end of the film, the ending is also considered satisfactory. The Three Young Masters will no longer come out, and they will wander the rivers and lakes with Xiaoli, holding the Yan Shisan Sword, and fighting for justice, just to prove to the world the achievements of Yan Shisan.

Tags: movie