On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, "It is raining in Hohhot." It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p

entertainment 7354℃
html On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, "It is raining in Hohhot."

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

It rained suddenly when entering the concert.

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

Some netizens took pictures at the scene. There was a seat in the leaky part of the venue. The heavy rain caused the seat ticket to become a "bath ticket".

According to the person who shot the video, no one was sitting in the three consecutive seats in the video. At that time, a man came and sat for a while, and then he went to who knows where. The concert stadium is probably in disrepair.

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

Some netizens made fun of it, which coincided with the Phoenix Legend song "The winding river comes from the sky, flows to the colorful sea~"

At the concert, Linghua also sang Inner Mongolia's home song "Drinking Song" in Mongolian. .

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

Many audience members did not "preview" the Mongolian songs in advance, but they also actively responded to the beat and shouted "Hey". It is reported that "fan military training" appeared at this concert again, and the chorus inside and outside the venue was so exciting.

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

After the concert, Phoenix Legend Studio posted, "It was a day when we were exposed to heavy rain together, and it was also a day when the happiness index soared."

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

Not only that, the enthusiasm of local friends is also amazing. According to media reports, when the concert ended, a restaurant owner next to the stadium split his dining table into a footrest to help the audience pass through the standing water.

On the evening of August 16, the Phoenix Legend concert was held at the Hohhot Stadium in Inner Mongolia. Phoenix Legend Studio also released a preview on social media in advance, 'It is raining in Hohhot.' It rained heavily when entering the concert. Some netizens at the scene p - Lujuba

Netizens are envious: they also want to listen to the limited song

In response, many netizens said that they also want to listen to the limited song "Drinking Song".

“I was the only one singing in Mongolian around me, and my voice was hoarse.”

“I also want to listen to limited edition songs. It’s really different when people return to their home stadium, hahaha. I’m very envious!”

“Although I’m not The Mongolians are not indigenous, but they just came to Hohhot to settle down, but I was so excited to hear her speak Mongolian that I almost couldn’t hold back my tears.”

Some people also joked that the heavy rain in the sky may be the tears of fans who did not buy tickets.

"This heavy rain is the tears of the more than one million people who did not buy tickets."

"The winding river water comes from the sky."

"The winding river water comes from the sky, flowing towards the colorful sea, crashing. La’s songs are what we look forward to.”

“I was stunned. It was the first time I came to Hohhot to encounter such heavy rain. It was before the concert. It was raining really hard. It was really tragic to see some audience seats leaking. ”

Source: Morning News Comprehensive Pentium Media, Inner Mongolia Daily, netizen comments, etc.

Tags: entertainment