After the murder of the female judge in Luohe, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on the Internet platform such as "Judge Wang Jiajia drives a luxury car". After checking with relevant departments, the information spread online that "Judge Wang Jiajia was kille

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After the murder of the female judge in Luohe, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on the Internet platform such as "Judge Wang Jiajia drives a luxury car".

After the murder of the female judge in Luohe, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on the Internet platform such as 'Judge Wang Jiajia drives a luxury car'. After checking with relevant departments, the information spread online that 'Judge Wang Jiajia was kille - Lujuba

After verification with the relevant departments, the information spread online that "Judge Wang Jiajia was killed in Luohe was driving a Land Cruiser, Land Rover and other luxury cars" is false. There are two motor vehicles in the name of Judge Wang Jiajia. One is a Citroen brand car purchased in May 2023, model Versailles C5x, low-end, priced at about 150,000 yuan, used by Wang Jiajia to commute to get off work; the other was purchased in November 2022. The Chery brand new energy vehicle, model Little Ant, costs about 60,000 yuan and is used by Wang Jiajia's father for daily transportation. Some accounts of

included pictures of the "April 2017 incident of a vehicle hitting a wall in the Huamao basement of Beijing" and related it to the incident of "the murder of Judge Wang Jiajia in Luohe".

After the murder of the female judge in Luohe, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on the Internet platform such as 'Judge Wang Jiajia drives a luxury car'. After checking with relevant departments, the information spread online that 'Judge Wang Jiajia was kille - Lujuba

(The following is a screenshot of the report on the "April 2017 Beijing Huamao basement vehicle collision incident")

After the murder of the female judge in Luohe, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on the Internet platform such as 'Judge Wang Jiajia drives a luxury car'. After checking with relevant departments, the information spread online that 'Judge Wang Jiajia was kille - Lujuba

The deceased must not be desecrated, and the Internet is not a place outside the law! For those who publish, fabricate and spread false information on the Internet, deliberately distort facts, fabricate and spread rumors, and disrupt public order, the cyberspace department and public security organs will hold those who spread rumors accountable in accordance with the law!

Internet users are requested not to spread rumors, not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors, and to jointly create a harmonious and clear online space!

Source: People’s Daily client, Luohe Netcom

Tags: entertainment