China News Service, Chongqing, August 16 (Liang Qinqing) The 2024 World Youth Development Forum Digital Development Theme Forum was held in Chongqing on the 15th. More than 230 Chinese and foreign young people from 30 countries and regions participated in the meeting to discuss t

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China News Service, Chongqing, August 16 (Liang Qinqing) The 2024 World Youth Development Forum Digital Development Theme Forum was held in Chongqing on the 15th. More than 230 Chinese and foreign young people from 30 countries and regions participated in the meeting to discuss artificial intelligence (ai) International cooperation on development and governance.

Today, China continues to deepen international exchanges and cooperation in the digital field. High-quality open source operating systems such as Hongmeng and Euler have gone abroad. A series of industrial Internet platforms and projects have also provided a solid foundation for young people to integrate into the development of the digital age.

China News Service, Chongqing, August 16 (Liang Qinqing) The 2024 World Youth Development Forum Digital Development Theme Forum was held in Chongqing on the 15th. More than 230 Chinese and foreign young people from 30 countries and regions participated in the meeting to discuss t - Lujuba

html On August 15, the 2024 World Youth Development Forum Digital Development Theme Forum was held in Chongqing. Photographed by China News Service reporter He Penglai

"Some people think that AI will cause global unemployment, but I think AI will be the 'creator' of future jobs." Vladimir, Chairman of the Central Asian Artificial Intelligence Association and former Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Imamovich Norov said that throughout history, many inventions have given rise to new professions, such as the invention of airplanes, which gave rise to pilots. "The industrial revolution rescued people from repetitive manual labor, while AI can solve the problem of repetitive mental labor and provide unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. Young people should follow the trend and promote the application of AI in business, life, work, etc. "

" Mia Sebo, Assistant Director-General of the International Labor Organization, said in a video speech that the digital economy provides a lot of opportunities for young people. According to projections by the International Labor Organization, if global network links are strengthened, at least millions of jobs will be added by 2030, benefiting young people in Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region. She encouraged employment growth through the digital economy. “Only by focusing on digital skills can we retain young talents.”

Shapakti Wushour, Vice Chairman of the All-China Youth Federation, said that contemporary youth are the trendsetters in digital technology innovation and the new force leading the development of the digital economy. He called on young people from all over the world to actively participate in the digital economy and digital transformation, work together to empower youth development with digital technology, and lead young people to use digital innovation to contribute to global development.

During the forum, the results of the Youth Digital Leaders Training Program of the World Youth Development Forum were released, providing opportunities and resources for the growth and development of global youth in the digital field, and promoting exchanges and cooperation among youth from various countries.

The Digital Development Theme Forum is one of the four theme forums of the 2024 World Youth Development Forum. It is hosted by the All-China Youth Federation, the International Labor Organization, and the World Youth Development Forum Organizing Committee. It aims to promote international cooperation in youth development and help implement the United Nations 2030 sustainable development agenda. (End)

(China News Network)

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