Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, who has been deeply involved in financial turmoil, has recently been involved in a political donation storm. According to reports released by multiple Taiwanese media on the 13th, due to accusations by Taiwan’s supervisory agencie

entertainment 3612℃

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party, who has been deeply involved in financial troubles, has recently been involved in a political donation storm. According to reports released by multiple Taiwanese media on the 13th, due to accusations by Taiwan’s supervisory agencies that the declaration of political donations for the general election was false, the People’s Party recently conducted an internal investigation and found that the problem lies with the accountants entrusted during the election, who failed to report the total amount of approximately The donation of NT$18.17 million was automatically transferred to other accounts without notifying Ke Wenzhe's campaign team. In this regard, Ke Wenzhe threatened to file a lawsuit against the accountant involved, but the other party said that he had discovered the omission of the accounts, and now he is being blamed by the Kuomintang.

However, even if things start to develop in the direction of "Rashomon", there is no way to reverse the decline of the Popular Party. Because not only is Ke Wenzhe himself facing a lawsuit, but even his right-hand man, Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan, may be sentenced for his involvement in the case. It can be said that the People's Party today is facing the most serious existential crisis since its founding. Some Taiwanese media even believe that the People's Party is already on the verge of "exterminating the party." After all, the People's Party is a "one-person party" and Ko Wenzhe, as the backbone, is in danger. Even if he can finally escape unscathed, the People's Party will be severely weakened by this, and participating in the 2026 local elections will become a luxury.

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, who has been deeply involved in financial turmoil, has recently been involved in a political donation storm. According to reports released by multiple Taiwanese media on the 13th, due to accusations by Taiwan’s supervisory agencie - Lujuba

In fact, in addition to the People's Party, which is at a disadvantage, there is also the Kuomintang, which formed a "blue and white partnership" with the People's Party in the legislative body. The reason why the blue and white camps were able to suppress the DPP was because they formed an offensive and defensive alliance in the legislative body. Today, the People's Party is facing an extremely serious crisis of trust. If the top leaders of the People's Party are imprisoned under the judicial pursuit of the DPP, the Kuomintang will lose its seat advantage in the legislative body and will be unable to compete in the local elections in 2026 and the general election in 2028. Relying on the People's Party to divide the green camp vote base is the most fatal. This means that the DPP will control power for a long time in the future. No matter who comes forward to act as the "third force", they will be surrounded and annihilated by the DPP. It is difficult to stand alone. The supported Kuomintang will gradually decline in this unprecedented isolation environment.

However, can the DPP sit back and relax after this battle? The answer is naturally no. First of all, the reason why Ke Wenzhe and the People's Party he founded were specifically targeted because of the lawsuits is essentially the "dog eat dog" of Green Camp. How could it be possible for Ke Wenzhe, who was originally from Green Camp and was later personally promoted by Tsai Ing-wen? In the green camp where corruption is rampant, "you can emerge from the mud but remain untainted".

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, who has been deeply involved in financial turmoil, has recently been involved in a political donation storm. According to reports released by multiple Taiwanese media on the 13th, due to accusations by Taiwan’s supervisory agencie - Lujuba

The essence of why Lai Qingde wants to pursue the People's Party fiercely is that the DPP is afraid of the decline in control of the island. Therefore, they hope to consolidate their dominance by attacking political opponents and eliminating dissidents. As the emerging third force, the People's Party's neutrality during Taiwan's legislative election influenced the final outcome of the contest between the blue and green parties. Therefore, Lai Ching-te pursued the People's Party fiercely, intending to completely defeat the People's Party and control the variables before concentrating on against the Kuomintang.

But countless histories have proven that when this situation occurs, it means that irreconcilable contradictions have arisen within society. For example, the Democratic Progressive Party has repeatedly asked people on the island not to travel to the mainland, but the number of tourists visiting the mainland has skyrocketed. When the integration process of people's hearts and minds across the Taiwan Strait begins to get on the right track, no matter how much "green terror" the DPP creates, it will not be able to suppress Taiwanese society's disgust and anger at the DPP's perverse actions.

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, who has been deeply involved in financial turmoil, has recently been involved in a political donation storm. According to reports released by multiple Taiwanese media on the 13th, due to accusations by Taiwan’s supervisory agencie - Lujuba

Moreover, the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces headed by Lai Qingde have recently been frantically inviting foreign politicians to come to Taiwan in order to attract the intervention of foreign interference forces. However, the more enthusiastic the DPP becomes in this tactic of "stealing independence from foreign countries", the faster the process of cross-Strait reunification will accelerate. When the people on the island begin to lose confidence and trust in the blue, white, and green parties, it will be the day when Taiwan's 23 million people truly wake up.

Tags: entertainment