Trump and Musk had a live webcast audio conversation on the X platform. On August 12, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space , conducted a webcast audio conversation. ....

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Trump and Musk had a live webcast audio conversation on the X platform. On August 12, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space , conducted a webcast audio conversation. .... - Lujuba Trump and Musk had a live webcast audio conversation on the Sk, conducted a webcast audio conversation.

's live broadcast on The x platform’s ability to handle large-scale live broadcast events is worrying.

The New York Times article on August 14, "Trump-Musk Conversation: Chaotic Opening, Conversation Lack of Focus" wrote that at 8:35 pm Eastern Time on Monday, Elon Musk and former President Trump The live broadcast of Pu’s conversation on x came back online after a 35-minute delay, but it only lasted for a moment.

Trump's microphone turned on, and then there was a burst of noise. After a second, his microphone went silent. Musk's account was originally logged in and ready, but at that time it temporarily disappeared from the live conversation completely.

Seven minutes later, the glitch seemed to be resolved and the conversation between the two began. Musk and Trump, who support Trump's presidential bid, call each other "Donald" and "Elon." They then had a friendly chat about immigration, the economy, and President Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Harris, also known as Harris. According to reports, the two talked for more than two hours, and more than 1 million people watched it at the same time.

Trump and Musk had a live webcast audio conversation on the X platform. On August 12, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space , conducted a webcast audio conversation. .... - Lujuba Trump and Musk online conversation /x, via reuters

"Congratulations," Trump said, referring to the audience during the live broadcast, which seemed to be slurred at times. "Do I have to be paid or something?"

Musk and Trump's conversation on x was billed as a triumphant moment for the social media platform, which was acquired by Musk in 2022. Trump once used this platform as his own amplifier until he was banned by the platform in 2021, and was later unbanned by Max. Musk has been pushing hard to get Trump active on the site again. Ultimately, the event's troubled start and subsequent playful interactions between the two showcased both the weaknesses and strengths of the X under Musk.

Minor hiccups during the live broadcast once again called into question the company's ability to handle high-profile events. Without providing evidence, Musk blamed the disruption on a "massive" distributed denial-of-service attack, a type of cyberattack that uses large amounts of malicious network traffic to overload a website and take it offline.

However, the event also illustrates how Musk has used the site to further his own political interests by building relationships with important public figures to thrust x into the spotlight and attract large audiences.

"With this 'interview,' Musk is showing how he plans to use his platform to promote Trump's candidacy," said David Kaye, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, who studies online rhetoric. “He is maximizing the political value that /x, via reuters

After the conversation between the two, Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X, said that Trump’s campaign on X was a victory for the platform, calling the campaign “broad-reaching.” , unscripted, refreshing.” Neither Musk nor X responded to requests for comment.

The Trump campaign downplayed x’s technical glitches, saying the problems were the work of a major power adversary and calling the former president a “fighter.”

Musk has been building momentum for Trump’s appearance in x for several days. On Sunday night, Musk posted to his more than 193 million followers: "Guaranteed to be interesting!"

On Monday, Trump, who has not appeared on the platform in several years, made 10 posts on the platform to share campaign information video to promote his conversation with Musk.Musk quickly drew attention back to Trump's post, sharing a meme in which a woman whispers "Trump back to x" in a man's ear, followed by a picture of goosebumps on the skin pictures.

The conversation between the two was originally scheduled to be held at 8pm Eastern Time, but it almost failed to start. Many users trying to tune in were having trouble loading the live broadcast on their phones and computers.

"Earlier today, we did a system test with 8 million listeners online at the same time," Musk posted apologetically at 8:24 p.m. He later blamed the problem on a cyberattack, later agreeing with a post by user x that the outage was caused by "the Democratic Party's fight to 'save' democracy from two serious disruptors."

After Musk acquired X and laid off more than 75% of its employees, the platform’s service reliability was called into question. While X has largely avoided widespread outages, Spaces, the live audio feature used by Trump this time, has sometimes had issues.

In May 2023, Musk had a live audio conversation on x with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who announced his candidacy for president. Many technical problems arose in this conversation and it had to be interrupted.

To avoid making the same mistake on Monday, Musk spent Sunday night testing the service, streaming himself playing video games.

According to a company Freezing is standard practice before major events because it prevents last-minute adjustments that could disrupt service.

However, these actions did not prevent x from problems. Inside the company on Monday, scores of employees complained in internal chat rooms about being unable to access the Trump-Musk space.

According to internal information seen by The New York Times, after Musk’s conversation with Trump was delayed by several minutes from the scheduled start time, an X employee wrote: “The team is aware that there is an issue with Spaces and is working hard to resolve it. Some employees gathered in an online forum called #spaces-war-room to diagnose problems with the service.

After the conversation finally began, Trump seemed to be very interested in this live broadcast format. "It's great to have a platform where I can discuss some issues in detail," he said, later congratulating Musk as the live broadcast surpassed 1.3 million simultaneous listeners, according to a counter on the X.

The Trump campaign also ran ads on X on Monday, including one that appeared at the top of X's Hot Topics page promoting a conversation between Trump and Musk. The cost of running such ads for 24 hours is as high as $500,000.

Musk displayed his political views in the chat, including views on climate, foreign policy and federal spending. He urged Trump to soften his rhetoric on immigration, but also agreed with Trump's comments that immigrants at the southern border fuel crime, even though academic research does not support that view.

Musk said: "If we keep the border open for four years - the situation will be worse than the past three and a half years - I'm not sure we will still have a country."

Trump and Musk had a live webcast audio conversation on the X platform. On August 12, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space , conducted a webcast audio conversation. .... - Lujuba Musk issued an article complaining about the US media's treatment of Trump and Trump Harris is unfair

According to a photo released by a Trump aide, Trump participated in the conversation in a wood-paneled room at his Mar-a-Lago resort. On Tuesday, Musk posted on x that he had been at a "friend's ranch in Wyoming."

After Trump and Musk talked about Venezuela, Harris and other topics, Musk ended their unfocused conversation on x by talking about his own political journey.

"I wasn't really politically active before," Musk said, adding that he had supported Democratic candidates in the past. He told the audience: “I think you should support Donald Trump for president."

After the conversation, Trump did not post on rich_media_content{--news-tabel-th-night-color: #444444}.rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){font-size:18px;letter-spacing:.5px ;line-height:30px;margin-bottom:22px;word-wrap:break-word;color:#333}@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark){body:not([data-weui-theme=light ]) .rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){font-size:18px;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;margin-bottom:22px;word- wrap:break-word;color:#d9d9d9}}.data_color_scheme_dark .rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){font-size:18px;letter-spacing:.5px;line- height:30px;margin-bottom:22px;word-wrap:break-word;color:#d9d9d9}.rich_media_content p[data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]{margin-bottom:5px}.rich_media_content blockquote p {margin-bottom:0!important}.rich_media_content table p{margin-bottom:0!important}.rich_media_content div[data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=wrap]{max-width:100%}

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