James Cameron accepted a phone interview with "Hollywood Reporter". He talked about the ocean documentary "Ocean Explorers" that he produced, the new alien film "Defender", and the still-unattainable "Avatar 4" and "Avatar 5" ". Cameron said that he was busy filming Avatar and co

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James Cameron accepted a phone interview with "Hollywood Reporter". He talked about the ocean documentary "Ocean Explorers" that he produced, the new alien film "Defender", and the still-unattainable "Avatar 4" and "Avatar" 5》.

Cameron said that he was busy filming Avatar and could not personally board the "Ocean Explorer" submersible to direct the deep-sea shooting. He spent most of his time in the editing room supervising the work of his subordinates. For example, killer whales teach their children how to eat humpback whale calves that are protected by their mothers. However, the duty of a documentary is to respect the laws of nature, but the creators gave this scene a background music that was just like "The devil enters the village". Kashen scolded Delete it and redo it.

James Cameron accepted a phone interview with 'Hollywood Reporter'. He talked about the ocean documentary 'Ocean Explorers' that he produced, the new alien film 'Defender', and the still-unattainable 'Avatar 4' and 'Avatar 5' '. Cameron said that he was busy filming Avatar and co - Lujuba

Moreover, Kashen does not believe that aliens have visited the earth and left some kind of relics, although he has made many science fiction films related to extraterrestrial life: "The universe is very big and there are various possibilities. If there is extraterrestrial intelligence, Life, how do they travel at the speed of light to reach the earth? I studied physics..."

Cameron majored in physics at the University of California, and later switched to English literature, but he dropped out of school to drive a truck just to write a movie script. Earn money to support yourself. In an interview, Kashen claimed that he had written the scripts for Avatar 4 and 5. The story was very exciting and must be filmed, and he must direct it himself, unless something unexpected happened and he was hit by a car.

James Cameron accepted a phone interview with 'Hollywood Reporter'. He talked about the ocean documentary 'Ocean Explorers' that he produced, the new alien film 'Defender', and the still-unattainable 'Avatar 4' and 'Avatar 5' '. Cameron said that he was busy filming Avatar and co - Lujuba

As for the upcoming " Alien: Death Ship ", Cameron said that he is not familiar with the film's director Alvarez. He has indeed seen the rough cut and made some comments, but he praised the film highly. It's pure fiction and doesn't contribute much creativity. Ridley is a producer on the film and this is his project.

There is also the 4k remake of "Alien" that was criticized by fans, and the disappointing 4k Blu-ray of "True Lies". Cameron claimed that he had watched every frame and every shot before entrusting it to his trusted old colleague to generate it. The final result is that the whole process was handled by a professional team. Those trolls should first move out of their mother’s basement and open their eyes to the world before they are qualified to comment...

James Cameron accepted a phone interview with 'Hollywood Reporter'. He talked about the ocean documentary 'Ocean Explorers' that he produced, the new alien film 'Defender', and the still-unattainable 'Avatar 4' and 'Avatar 5' '. Cameron said that he was busy filming Avatar and co - Lujuba

It seems rude to speak like this, with a feeling of incompetence and rage, "Alien" and "Alien" The 4K remake of "True Lies" is really not worthy of Kashin's name. It smells very strong of digital skin resurfacing. Kashin claimed that he personally proofread the color and pixel density of the remastered version. Is this his true level?

Tags: entertainment