Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV. The spy drama "Storm Chaser" received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring. The costume drama "Qing Yu Nian 2" is as pop

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Copywriter | Thirteen

Editor | Soda

The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.

The spy drama "Storm Chaser" received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.

The costume drama " Celebrating More Than Years 2" is as popular as the first season and has gone viral.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

The urban drama " Rose Story" has become extremely popular, setting off a wave of drama-watching.

However, what CCTV is best at among all genres is the main theme.

such as "The Age of Awakening" and "The Human World" are all well-known.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

And now, CCTV has presented another theme-themed drama " Happy Grass ".

only aired two episodes, and the ratings directly shot to the first place in the country. CCTV's vision is indeed accurate.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

I finished two episodes in one go. The plot is fast-paced, the atmosphere is warm and joyful, and the actors’ acting skills are online. This drama is expected to become a new ceiling for CCTV.

01The plot is lively and warm

"Happiness Grass" tells the story of Juncao expert Li Changhuan ( Guo Tao) and team member Zheng Weilong (Han Dong) and others to aid foreign poverty alleviation. After many twists and turns, Juncao was finally promoted. , leading local people to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

The entire story is based on Lin Zhanxi, the "Father of Juncao".

Speaking of Juncao, some viewers may have already remembered it.

In "Mountains and Seas", Ling Yinong, a Juncao expert who supports Ningxia from Fujian, is completely consistent with Li Changhuan's setting in "Happiness Grass".

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

This wave is a fantasy collaboration. There is no problem in treating this drama as a sequel to "Mountains and Seas".

In this drama, there are two major highlights that directly caught my attention.

First, the plot is real and down-to-earth.

The subject matter does not determine the quality. If you want the drama to be good, you have to look at the content.

After watching the first two episodes, the biggest feeling this drama gave me is: it is real.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

The theme of the main theme is most afraid of "fake and empty". This drama not only completely avoids it, but also makes great efforts to achieve this sense of reality.

In the play, the Juncao Research Institute founded by Li Changhuan is heavily in debt. He is so focused on Juncao that he has no time to take care of his family. He has been ridiculed in the fields for many years and has no academic value.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

These practical problems are all placed in front of Li Changhuan, and they have unveiled the glamorous veil of scientific researchers in our hearts.

trophies, banners, interviews, these are witnesses of their contribution, but behind these scenes, the bitterness they face is also exposed to the audience.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

And this drama does not avoid real issues, allowing us to see the experiences of scientific researchers more comprehensively, and truly showing their work and life.

Second, the atmosphere is warm and inspiring.

Facing reality does not mean that the atmosphere is depressing and heavy. Compared with the seriousness of tragic stories and characters, and empty slogans, the atmosphere of this drama is more warm and inspirational.

This kind of atmosphere is not created by a certain scene or lines, but is blended silently into the relaxed plot.

In the play, although Chen Xiaolian (played by Leung Aiqi) and her daughter Li Zhiwei are dissatisfied that Li Changhuan neglects his family for the sake of Juncao, his wife and daughter do not care about him at all.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

There is also Li Changan (played by Tang Zeng) who has been sticking to the Juncao Research Institute for more than ten years, and the international students from Bamara have a happy dinner with them. These scenes are connected together to form a warm and realistic picture.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

Sadness is not the background of this story. A positive and optimistic attitude is the pursuit of life, and this is the attitude conveyed to us in this drama.

It can be said that the real plot and the warm and inspirational atmosphere complement each other, so that there can be a warm and realistic theme drama like "Happiness Grass", full of human touch and fireworks.

02The actors are very good

The cast of this drama can be said to be all powerful. To sum it up in one word, it is solid.

ranks first, Guo Tao.

Guo Tao is definitely a powerful actor. From Jiang Defu in " Parents Love " to Gu Changshan in " Glory of Fathers ", Guo Tao has created many classic characters.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

In the new drama, he plays Li Changhuan, who has a tough, optimistic personality, great dedication and sense of responsibility. In the

feature film, Li Changhuan is educating the public about the role of Juncao, but he is ridiculed for unnecessary cultivation of Juncao.

Li Changhuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and his expression became serious, but he did not refute.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

Talking about it later, he just smiled and explained, but the loneliness in his eyes and the bitterness in his smile showed his bitterness of not being understood.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

Guo Tao played this role vividly.

is second, Han Dong.

Han Dong's acting skills are definitely among the best among actors of the same period. His appearance as a supporting role in "Under the Jinyi" and " Jade Bones Remote " is also quite amazing. In

's new drama, he plays Zheng Weilong, a student of Li Changhuan. Although he is nearly middle-aged, he still has a youthful spirit and cannot tolerate ridicule.

In the play, he listened to the professors in the hospital criticizing their work, and he put down his pen and stared at the ground with an annoyed face, as if suppressing his anger.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

But the other party's reluctance finally made him furious, and he retorted sonorously and forcefully, leaving the other party speechless.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

In this section, Han Dong mastered the progression of the character's emotions just right, and his lines were also very resonant. The choice of Han Dong to play the role of

was so accurate.

ranked third, Tang Zeng.

Wang Qinglai, played by Tang Zeng in "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Homes", is honest and simple. He cannot adapt to city life and only likes to deal with the land.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

And Li Changan, played by Tang Zeng in this drama, also has a deep connection with the land, but this time he is not growing vegetables, but grass.

Li Changan and Li Changhuan have maintained the research institute together for more than ten years, and are full of pride and sense of accomplishment in their work.

So when he heard that Li Changhuan was retiring, he could understand Li Changhuan's decision, but from the tears in his eyes, he could see his reluctance and regret for Li Changhuan and this career.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

Tang Zeng's performance is real and natural, and has a sense of immersion.

ranked fourth, Liang Aiqi.

The powerful Empress Dowager of the Northern Qi Dynasty in "Celebrating More Than Years" transformed into an ordinary middle-aged woman in this drama.

Leung Aiqi plays Chen Xiaolian in the play, who is hard-working, capable, considerate and tolerant.

In the play, she looked at the retirement application written by her husband, and her tears fell like broken beads. She quickly wiped away her tears and laughed again, expressing the word "crying with joy" vividly.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

Although she doesn't have that many roles in this drama, she will definitely shine as a supporting role.

In addition, there are also actors such as Chu Ni, Zhang Chao, and Meng Asai in the play. The acting skills of all the actors in the main film are online, which adds a lot to the quality of this group drama.

03 Conclusion

In recent years, theme-themed dramas such as "Mountains and Seas" and " Dajiang " have become popular one after another, which shows that the audience for such themes is quite large.

Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Water The biggest winner in the domestic drama market this year must be CCTV.      The spy drama 'Storm Chaser' received a rating of 7.8 on Douban, and its popularity and reputation are soaring.      The costume drama 'Qing Yu Nian 2' is as pop - Lujuba

What the audience really wants to see in this type of drama is that it is realistic and emotional enough.

Reality is truly truth-seeking and pragmatic, telling a story clearly and solidly around a character, an event, and a period of history.

feelings are the transmission of mainstream and positive values ​​​​and attitudes towards life in the play, which can make the audience empathize with them.

"Happiness Grass" relies on these two advantages to stand out in the summer season.

So have you followed this "Happiness Grass"?

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