In order to effectively maintain a clean and civilized Internet environment during the summer operation, the police continued to exert force and strike hard. Recently, the Internet Security Brigade of the Xingguo County Public Security Bureau in Ganzhou discovered during daily in

entertainment 7282℃

In order to effectively maintain a clean and civilized Internet environment

During the summer operation

the police continued to exert force and strike hard

Recently, the Internet Security Brigade of Ganzhou Xingguo County Public Security Bureau

discovered during daily inspections

Someone made homemade obscene videos and pictures

and posted them on Online selling for a fee

The Internet Security Brigade and the Industrial Park Police Station

immediately launched an investigation

Successfully identified and captured the suspect Li

In order to effectively maintain a clean and civilized Internet environment during the summer operation, the police continued to exert force and strike hard. Recently, the Internet Security Brigade of the Xingguo County Public Security Bureau in Ganzhou discovered during daily in - Lujuba

After investigation

The suspect Li had no stable job

Wanted to make money through online live broadcasts

So he often appeared on a certain video platform

posted some dancing videos and pictures

to attract fans' attention

and told fans during the live broadcast

By paying a gift of 10 yuan, you can get a "contrast program" single

After the fans paid for the gift,

Li took the initiative to add the other party's social media The account

sent the so-called "contrast program list" to the other party

The other party purchased obscene videos and pictures according to their needs

and paid the corresponding fees

As of the incident

Li shot, produced and sold

58 obscene videos and 207 pictures

illegally obtained Profit of more than 12,000 yuan

htmlOn August 6,

criminal suspect Li

was suspected of producing and selling obscene materials for profit. The police took criminal coercive measures in accordance with the law. Paragraph 1 [The crime of producing, copying, publishing, selling, and disseminating obscene materials for profit] Whoever produces, copies, publishes, sells, or disseminates obscene materials for the purpose of making profits shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or public surveillance, and shall also be fined ; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years, and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or his property shall be confiscated.

Article 364, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China [Crime of Spreading Obscene Materials] Whoever disseminates obscene books, periodicals, videos, audio and video, pictures or other obscene materials, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention Or control.

The police hereby solemnly remind

that producing, disseminating and selling obscene materials

not only violates the bottom line of law and morality

but also seriously endangers people's physical and mental health

The Internet is not a place outside the law

No matter what channels

criminals use to spread and make profits

the police will Severe crackdown on

Source: Xingguo Public Security

Tags: entertainment