Original title: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has concentrated on promoting 38 excellent TV programs. The "Splendid Screen Wonderful Audiovisual" excellent TV program release event hosted by the Propaganda Department of the State Administration of Radio,

entertainment 7880℃

Original title: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television promotes 38 excellent TV programs

The "Splendid Screen Wonderful Audiovisual" excellent TV program release event hosted by the Propaganda Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was held in Beijing on August 7. New TV programs from national radio and television production and broadcasting institutions A total of 38 selected TV programs were selected for centralized promotion to further enrich large-screen TV content and increase the influence of excellent TV programs.

Original title: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has concentrated on promoting 38 excellent TV programs. The 'Splendid Screen Wonderful Audiovisual' excellent TV program release event hosted by the Propaganda Department of the State Administration of Radio,  - Lujuba

The TV programs promoted this time are in various forms, covering various types such as literary and artistic programs, cultural programs, documentaries, cartoons, etc. For example, the TV music variety show "Enjoy It" uses music as a medium to sing about the exchanges, exchanges and integration of my country's various ethnic groups; the humanistic documentary observation program "The Adventures of Panda" leads the audience to deeply experience the unique charm of giant pandas and the protection of giant pandas in my country. Achievements; programs such as "Chinese Official Proverbs" and "Glory of Civilization" show the beauty of China's excellent traditional culture; programs such as "Witness the Championship", "Flashing Summer" and "Boys in the Fields" focus on the pulse of the times and record the beautiful life.

According to reports, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has strengthened the in-depth integration of radio and television and online audio-visuals this year, and promoted the broadcast of excellent online audio-visual programs on large TV screens. Data shows that in June and July this year, the activity rate of large-screen TV users hit the highest level in the same period in the past three years, and the average daily viewing time and ratings of various programs increased compared with the same period last year. (Reporter Hu Mengxue)

Source: Xinhuanet

Tags: entertainment