According to a report by the New York Post on August 4, a British mother’s application for a passport for her daughter was rejected because her daughter’s name has the same name as “Mother Dragon”, a fictional character in the American TV series “Game of Thrones”. The government

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According to a report by the New York Post on August 4, a British mother’s application for a passport for her daughter was rejected because her daughter’s name has the same name as “Mother Dragon”, a fictional character in the American TV series “Game of Thrones”. The British government said she would need approval from the U.S. company before the child could be issued a passport.

According to a report by the New York Post on August 4, a British mother’s application for a passport for her daughter was rejected because her daughter’s name has the same name as “Mother Dragon”, a fictional character in the American TV series “Game of Thrones”. The government  - Lujuba

"New York Post" report with pictures

Lucy, from southwest England, told the British Broadcasting Corporation (bbc) that she was told by the government that her 6-year-old daughter Khaleesi could not successfully obtain a British passport. Officials said she needed approval from Warner Bros. Entertainment, which owns the trademark rights to the name. "I was absolutely shocked, we were all looking forward to going on a family holiday together," Lucy said. According to reports, at that time, the 39-year-old mother was planning to embark on her dream trip to Disneyland Paris with her family.

After seeking legal advice, the mother learned that her daughter could legally use the name and informed the passport office of the situation. "My daughter can get a birth certificate. Didn't anyone notice this at the time?" Lucy said, "I never thought that you can own a person's name through registered trademark rights."

According to reports, the United Kingdom The government's passport office later called Lucy to apologize for the incident. Officials said they were now able to get Khaleesi a passport, but Lucy said she believed the issue was resolved because she exposed it on social media.

"If I hadn't posted about it on social platforms, nothing would have happened. I would have been stuck and didn't know what to do." She added that others had also contacted her at the time to say they had experienced Something like that.

Lucy also said that now she has to wait until her daughter gets her passport before going to Paris for vacation together. "I hope the passport can be issued as soon as possible. They promised to call back in a few days to ask if there is any progress." She also hopes her story will help others in similar predicaments.

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