Wearing a gorgeous official hat and a bright red official uniform, the handsome "little student" slowly started singing... These scenes that originally appeared on the stage have now been moved into the Yue Opera Yanyan Douyin live broadcast room by the Yue Opera actress Tu Yanya

entertainment 1245℃

Wearing a gorgeous official hat and a bright red official uniform, the handsome "little student" slowly started singing... These scenes that originally appeared on the stage have now been moved into the stage by Yue Opera actress Tu Yanyan@Yue Opera Yanyan Douyin live broadcast between. Also moved into the live broadcast room is her dream: "Let more young people and children love Yue Opera, so that Yue Opera can be passed on and promoted." After more than ten years of "cross-dressing" niche students performing Yue Opera on the stage, women dressed as men. , Tu Yanyan found the strength to persevere and the courage to move on in the second stage of the live broadcast room and the likes and rewards from netizens.

Wearing a gorgeous official hat and a bright red official uniform, the handsome 'little student' slowly started singing... These scenes that originally appeared on the stage have now been moved into the Yue Opera Yanyan Douyin live broadcast room by the Yue Opera actress Tu Yanya - Lujuba

Tu Yanyan is born in the 1980s and grew up with her grandparents. The old man liked to go to the theater, and Tu Yanyan also went to the theater every few days, and the seed of a love for theater was planted. In middle school, her classmates were all listening to pop songs, but she was obsessed with Yue opera. Despite her family's objections, she insisted on taking the art school entrance examination. After practicing hard for three years, she gave up going to theater for further studies. At the age of 20, she joined the Youth Yue Opera Troupe and specialized in performing arts. "Reverse" niche.

As the second largest type of opera in China, Yue Opera originated in Shengzhou, Zhejiang, originated in Shanghai, prospered across the country, and spread around the world. It is one of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. However, with the development of the times, the audience for traditional opera is getting smaller and smaller, and the pressure on actors to survive is also increasing. Many young opera actors, including Tu Yanyan, had to change careers and find other careers. But Tu Yanyan, who has been singing Shaoxing opera for more than ten years, still feels the fire in her heart.

's turning point came in 2021. With the encouragement of friends, Tu Yanyan began to try to sing Yue opera live. "I didn't understand anything at the beginning, so I just picked up my mobile phone and started broadcasting while wearing casual clothes." Obviously, the effect of this live broadcast was not good. Only a few people watched her live broadcast room at first. In order to attract more people, Tu Yanyan began to "get serious": even if not many people watched, she insisted on starting the broadcast on time every day, and broadcasting for several hours, and she would sing as long as fans requested songs. "The longest I sang at one time was more than 5 hours."

On the Internet, the image of a "niche" with a handsome face, a tall posture, and a romantic attitude, and the contrast between the actor as a woman, for the audience, It's quite fresh and interesting. In Tu Yanyan's live broadcast room, viewers often comment, "The anchor is actually a girl" and "so handsome." Gradually, more and more people are attracted by this post-80s actress who "cross-dressed" niche students. Today, Tu Yanyan's live broadcast room has an average of more than 3,000 fans staying at each show to support her, and her fans have accumulated to more than 150,000.

Wearing a gorgeous official hat and a bright red official uniform, the handsome 'little student' slowly started singing... These scenes that originally appeared on the stage have now been moved into the Yue Opera Yanyan Douyin live broadcast room by the Yue Opera actress Tu Yanya - Lujuba

In order to make herself and the audience more involved in the drama, Tu Yanyan has become more and more strict with herself. Before every live broadcast, she has to put on her stage makeup carefully. If she doesn't put it on well, it will be removed and remade. In addition to singing Yue opera, she will also sing some Chinese-style songs for everyone, and try to do cross-dressing or magic. In order to make fans more involved, she will also make improvisations and incorporate the names of fans into the lyrics. In order to present better picture and sound quality, Tu Yanyan upgraded her live broadcast equipment from a mobile phone to a complete set of live broadcast equipment such as a computer, camera, and sound card.

’s continuous persistence and dedication have paid off in real ways. Tu Yanyan’s income from live streaming rewards can reach seven to eight thousand per month, and sometimes it can reach tens of thousands. "This is not shameful. It is equivalent to the online audience spending money to buy a ticket." In Tu Yanyan's view, live singing opera can allow friends who like Yue opera to listen to it without leaving the house and turning on their mobile phones. Favorite play. For many opera actors who were forced to change careers due to reality, they found a second stage for their careers in the live broadcast room, and they also obtained income rewards by virtue of their professional abilities.

Now, Tu Yanyan feels that no matter how much she earns, the live broadcast room is the best stage to show herself. She hopes that one day, she can have 10,000 people online at the same time in the live broadcast room. She has no team, no family or friends to help her. She stands alone in the spotlight, but she doesn't feel lonely. Because she likes Yue opera, has sung Yue opera, and wants to keep singing, “I don’t want to miss the stage again."

Source: Xinhua News Network

Tags: entertainment