Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing. In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of "CCTV's No

entertainment 2856℃

Mentioning the well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, and the female hosts are undoubtedly Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are very few hosts who can hold up the title of "CCTV's No. 1 Sister", especially after Ni Ping retired and Zhou Tao moved from the front to behind the scenes, Dong Qing became a household name host.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

Dong Qing lives up to expectations and is deeply loved by audiences across the country with her elegant and intellectual style and outstanding on-the-spot reactions. The best proof is that she has hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for thirteen consecutive years. In addition, Dong Qing created the excellent program "The Reader" and left many impressive famous scenes.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

Some time ago, many netizens posted online to celebrate Dong Qing’s return. The reason why it was called “return” was because Dong Qing had “disappeared” from the screen for more than two years.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

But judging from Dong Qing’s recent activities, several signs also indicate that she will return to the host track.

First of all, Dong Qing made many public appearances, appearing at the Lama Temple in Beijing to talk to the staff, and also appeared in Shanghai with her son. Later, I saw photos of Dong Qing having dinner with Zhu Jun, Zhou Tao and others online. Of course, there is also news that Dong Qing appeared in Lhasa and took photos with netizens.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

With every gesture, Dong Qing, who is over fifty years old, is online. She appears without make-up, dressed simply, and still looks very elegant.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

As Dong Qing’s work photos were exposed, she was seen wearing dark clothes and holding a book while facing the microphone, with short short hair and firm eyes. Dong Qing’s familiar figure is back.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

A netizen with knowledge of the matter said that Dong Qing has officially returned to work, and three jobs can confirm it.

’s first job was the “Chinese Film and Television Night” held on June 27, but after the event was broadcast as scheduled, Dong Qing was not seen.

’s second job was the Shanghai children’s musical “Matilda”. According to netizens, Dong Qing served as a stage director and other behind-the-scenes workers, and Dong Qing was not seen.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

The third job is particularly important. If it goes well, it will also be the signature event of Dong Qing's official comeback. This is the "Shenzhen Hospital Conference" that will be held on August 10.

event officials released a promotional video more than two months ago specifying that the host is "CCTV, Dong Qing." This signal is also a key signal confirming Dong Qing's official comeback.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

This event will be held on August 10, but with only a few days left before the start of the event, the official deleted the promotional photo showing that the host is Dong Qing. The new promotional photo shows the time, location, and participants. None of the coffee-level characters have changed. The only thing that has changed is the name of the host, which was changed from "Dong Qing" to "Ouyang Xiadan".

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

As soon as the news came out, many netizens expressed regret, but there are still netizens calling on fans to be rational and star-chasing. In fact, many fans have been looking forward to Dong Qing's hosting program many days ago, and many fans are promoting this event. .

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

It is indeed a pity that Dong Qing has reached such an embarrassing situation.

In 1973, Dong Qing was born into an intellectual family in Shanghai. Influenced by her native family, especially her father's extremely strict requirements for her, Dong Qing has had a tough character since she was a child. This character also evolved into her unparalleled calm temperament and calm personality in her later hosting career.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

In middle school, Dong Qing’s literary talent was discovered and appreciated by her teacher. Despite her father’s strong opposition, she firmly pursued her literary dream and was eventually admitted to Zhejiang Art School.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

Dong Qing started her hosting career at Zhejiang TV Station. After that, she entered Shanghai Oriental TV Station and gradually rose to prominence by hosting "Saturday Date".

In 2002, she won the fifth national radio and television program host "Golden Microphone" award for hosting the "Shanghai-Sydney Two-way Concert", which encouraged her to join CCTV.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

At CCTV, Dong Qing, with his elegant and intellectual style, hosted important programs such as the Youth Singing Competition and "Happy China Tour", and gradually became a well-known host to audiences across the country. She hosts more than 100 shows every year, with the highest number reaching more than 130. She always maintains a full mental state and perfect performance, and her career is booming.

However, the glory of his career did not cover up the ups and downs of Dong Qing's love life. Her first love was a graduate student from Zhejiang University whom she met while studying in Hangzhou. Her subsequent relationships also failed to come to an end due to various reasons.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

After joining CCTV, she fell in love with the famous host Cheng Qian for many years. Although the two reached the stage of discussing marriage, they eventually broke up.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

After experiencing many failed relationships, Dong Qing longed for a happy love and marriage. She said frankly in the interview: "I have always felt that women are not beautiful when they lose love. Without the feeling of being loved, the spirit will not be rejuvenated."

This urgent thought made her meet Mi Chunlei, chairman of Lanhai Group. , fell in love quickly. Although Mi Chunlei was unattractive in appearance, his status in the business world and the sense of security he brought to Dong Qing made her choose this relationship.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

The relationship between the two was exposed in 2012, and controversies continued. Some people questioned that Mi Chunlei had not divorced during her relationship with Dong Qing, causing Dong Qing to fall into a whirlpool of public opinion.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

In 2014, when Dong Qing was studying at the University of Southern California, it was revealed that she actually went to the United States to have a baby. These controversies greatly affected Dong Qing's image.

By 2022, Mi Chunlei's company suffered a thunderstorm. He himself was "unable to perform his duties" and the company was on the verge of delisting. Faced with this situation, Dong Qing sold her property to pay off her husband's debts, which even affected the program "The Reader" she had worked so hard to produce. Since then, Dong Qing has almost disappeared from public view and disappeared.

Today, news finally spread that Dong Qing is coming back. However, with the "Shenzhen Hospital Conference" replacing Dong Qing, Dong Qing's comeback has become far away.

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

To this day, many people’s impression of Dong Qing is still based on the rumor that she sold her house to pay off her husband’s debt. Perhaps without meeting Mi Chunlei, Dong Qing would not have the pain to stop the recording of "The Reader", let alone leave her favorite hosting stage when she is about 50 years old!

Speaking of well-known CCTV hosts today, the male hosts include Sa Beining, Kang Hui, Bai Yansong, and Nigmaiti, while the female hosts are Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, and Dong Qing.      In CCTV, which is full of talents, there are only a few hosts who can hold up the title of 'CCTV's No - Lujuba

When he reaches middle age, Dong Qing retreats from the public eye, which is regrettable, and his comeback is far away. Perhaps only time will tell whether this host, who has accompanied everyone through 13 New Year's Eve nights at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, can return to the hosting stage in the future.

Tags: entertainment