"Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense." Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time. Although "Under the Stranger" is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged.

entertainment 4852℃

"Adaptation is not random fabrication, and joking is not nonsense." Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.

Although " Under the Stranger " has the original background, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged.

Moreover, the movie is a mass product, and it is impossible for everyone to be a party to the original work. In order to take care of the passerby audience, deletions, deletions, and additions of some plots are within the acceptable range to facilitate the viewing of passers-by, but it can be watched in advance, and it is good to watch. The plot of

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

movie version progresses very quickly, and some plots are passed over or brought forward in advance. Those who are not anime fans will really see it in a fog, and they can't figure out the relationship between the characters and the logic of the story.

For example, some characters appeared early, such as Quan Xing Si Kuang, Hu Jie and his son, Feng Xingtong, and Xu Xiang's dying narrations. The Alien Conference mentioned it but it did not whet the appetite at the end like the animated version.

Doing this can indeed squeeze all the important clues into the duration of a movie, but it also leaves a fatal flaw, that is, the story is too rushed, too sloppy, and the feeling of being rushed to the end is too strong.

What's more, Xia He, Liu Yanyan, and Feng Shayan have too many scenes, and Shen Chong actually becomes the biggest boss, but many of them are useless pens, and a third of them are ppts.

even weakened Sister Bao'er's combat effectiveness, and she had to rely on Feng Shayan and Zhang Chulan to save her. It was like Wu Ershan borrowed the IP of "Under One Person" in order to praise the "Feng Shen" actor.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

Just when you think that this is the only magic reform, Wu Ershan tells you that I don’t even want logic anymore.

A lot of the necessary foreshadowing in the film was deleted or not explained at all. For example, the reason why Zhang Chulan broke up with Feng Baobao was because his dignity was trampled on and he was not treated as a human being. Being a child has always been Zhang Chulan's pain.

In addition, I have been short of love since I was very young, so I have always longed for true love. When I meet a like-minded person, the famous scene is gone, and the comparison with this paragraph does not exist. The emotional driving force and the perception of gradualness are reduced.

But Feng Baobao didn’t know the reason. He thought he just wanted a woman, so he found someone to let him experience the happiness of a man. This made Zhang Chulan break his guard and felt that he was just a tool and he was a stranger, so he ran away.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

The film version was changed to listen to grandpa’s words, which makes sense, but Zhang Chulan’s autonomy has weakened, resulting in Zhang Chulan in the film only being funny.

’s ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, his unique understanding and empathy for people and things, and his learning to grow when encountering difficulties are all missing, but Zhang Chulan’s soul lies precisely in the latter.

Wu Ershan did not distinguish the priorities, nor did he understand the characters, let alone what the focus of "Under the Strangers" should be. Choice is the theme that runs through "Under the Strangers", and it also brings out how to live through choices. , but this was not seen in the film version.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

Looking at the whole movie, "Under the Strangers" is only the content of the first season of the animated version.

But the first season explained the background story and laid some foreshadowings. The really exciting story begins with the Luotian Dajiao in the second season, so the movie version might as well integrate the plots of the two seasons.

allows the audience to see the actions, scenes, and humor of Luo Tiandajiao, as well as the famous family’s arrest of Quan Xing, Quan Xing’s conspiracy, Tian Shishu’s murder, and finally the Tianshi’s descent from the mountain.

It’s refreshing and complete. The introduction to the second season is already there. Animation fans are satisfied and ordinary viewers also enjoy watching it, because the strongest thing about "Under One Person" is the gradual progress of the story, which is becoming more and more fascinating. Wuer Shanyang is short. Avoiding advantages is tantamount to adding unnecessary benefit to the situation.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

Or like the drama version of "Under the Stranger", we will compile a main line at the end.

explains the Jiashen Rebellion and the Thirty-Six Thieves clearly. Even if you haven’t watched the anime, you can still understand it. On the other hand, watching the movie version, it’s hard to explain in one sentence. How many people will be interested in the Alien Convention? Many passers-by may not know it. What is the Alien Conference?

And it is necessary for everyone to appear, a BGM for every scene, and "lying like a bow" at every turn? In this way, the original work looks like a deleted and weakened version of the animation. Passers-by look at it in confusion, and neither party is pleased.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

As a comic book movie, the degree of character restoration must be mentioned.

It is very challenging for a two-dimensional character to be interpreted by a real person. The understanding of the character, whether the acting skills are superb, and whether the appearance is similar. If there is a slight mistake, it will become embarrassing and overflow the screen.

Zhang Chulan, played by Hu Xianxu, did a good job in the facial arts part. The sense of proportion between seriousness and comedy was well grasped, and there was ruffianism, promiscuity, and sex, but Zhang Chulan did not show Zhang Chulan's forbearance, wisdom, and strategy.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

and Feng Zhenghao, Xu San, and Xu Si are also close to anime characters, but Feng Baobao is too dark and dull, just like a normal person pretending to be ignorant, and the traces of acting are too heavy, with only big and round eyes, dull and stupid The interpretation of silly temperament is wrong.

Although Sister Baoer is silly, she is not really stupid. It is just because she has lost her soul, has no memory of everything, and has no emotional understanding of the people around her. She is a lonely float in the world, desperately trying to reach the shore but unable to do anything.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

Later, in the process of getting along with Zhang Chulan and taking risks, the efforts of Gou Wazi, Xu San, and Xu Si were added.

Sister Baoer slowly opened her heart, and her world gradually regained its color. She no longer looked at problems directly. She was witty most of the time, and even burying people was no longer simple violence.

This is the change in the role of Sister Baoer before and after, and it is also the turning point of the plot towards the climax. But now Li Wanda has been played as a godless person who can only stare, losing her cuteness and cuteness. The difference between the second and third parts is also a bit confusing.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

Zhang Lingyu’s appearance is the biggest drawback. She has no moral integrity at all and is secretly sultry. She is unwilling to be a queen and has a cold appearance. Her pretentious behavior is extremely inconsistent. Her appearance and style do not match and look very awkward. .

Liu Yanyan, who has done a lot of drama, is not a very awkward hip-hop style person with a smoky voice, but a sweet girl who does not want to be restricted and wants freedom. She is not very familiar with the world and relies on the so-called maverick to show off. Personality, but the film version is very different from it.

'Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense.' Teacher Liu's words can be used at any time.      Although 'Under the Stranger' is based on the original work, appropriate adaptation is also acceptable. After all, it is really meaningless to copy anything unchanged. - Lujuba

However, if you ignore the original work and just watch "Under the Stranger" as a new genre film, it is actually not as bad as it is said on the Internet.

Many viewers want to relax and relieve their boredom when watching movies, and "Under the Stranger" fits the bill. It has a complete main line, and is hilarious and lively.

There is no absolute standard for the quality of a movie. A picture, a certain actor, or something that impresses the audience can be considered a good movie. There is no distinction between superior and inferior when watching a movie. We respect the feelings of every audience.

Tags: entertainment