This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of "Yiyi Xiangmei", performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr

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This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of "Yiyi Xiangmei", performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the three characters "Shi Yihong" on the huge billboard of Wanping Theater. It is the undoubted "number one" in the opera house and is treated like a corner player. Theater fans from all over the world come for her. Those who go to the theater love her singing, her figure, and her acting; those who do not go to the theater love her beauty and everything about her.

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

Sunday Luminous Cup cover character

She wears a dazzling halo in plum-style Tsing Yi on her head, but how many people know the weight of this halo. Choosing Meipai means choosing a life: you can’t relax for a moment, and you don’t want to relax.

competes with

for the first show of Farewell My Concubine, and it is hard to get a ticket at the Wanping Theater.

Besieged on all sides, Yu Ji knew in her heart that her fate was decided and the separation was imminent, but she still endured her grief and said that she would dance with the sword for the Overlord to relieve her sorrow. When the word "Your Majesty, please" is heard, the word "Your Majesty" is high-pitched, sweet and mellow. When it comes to the word "Please", it suddenly becomes low and tactful, and the sadness and sadness penetrate into people's hearts endlessly. In this sword dance, with Shi Yihong's cultivation as a swordsman, she could dance faster and make the sword dance more dazzling, but she didn't. Every time she turned around, every time she turned her wrist, she slowly lowered her waist and calmed down. , sad but not sad.

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

What is Meipai? It is excellent in singing, reciting and doing, and it is neutral and peaceful. Before Mr. Mei, Da Qingyi sang with her hands on her belly. It was Mei Lanfang who joined the performance, making the performance a comprehensive visual and auditory enjoyment. Shi Yihong said, "Logically speaking, if you study opera for half your life, you should take it easy and leisurely, but I feel that the more you learn, the harder it becomes." I often listen to the recordings of Mr. Mei's performances and watch the videos, and feel that I still have so much to improve. place.

One of Shi Yihong’s masters of the Mei School can be said to be Mr. Mei himself. She was born in Wudan, because she had learned gymnastics and martial arts when she was a child, and she was very good at singing, chanting, and fighting. However, her voice was narrow and thin, and sometimes she would break her voice when singing. Teacher Zhang Meijuan, known as "China's No. 1 Female Wudan", did not want such a good young talent to end up just enjoying her youth, so she sent her to find teacher Lu Wenqin who once played the piano for Mr. Mei Lanfang. Originally I just wanted to ask Teacher Lu to teach me how to pronounce my voice and adjust my voice. Who knows, on the first episode, Shi Yihong sang a part about a drunken concubine, and Teacher Lu said to Teacher Zhang: "Leave your child here with me, and I can give you one." Mei School Da Qingyi.”

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

Learn vocal music from Teacher Lu Wenqin

Teacher Lu does not have the oral and personal teachings from other teachers. Teacher Lu has studied the Mei School all his life and compiled a selection of Mr. Mei’s singing. This collection is a welcome gift for apprenticeship. Later, every time he taught a play, Shi Yihong was given a volume of Mr. Mei's recording and a music score, "You go back and learn, come back after you have learned it." Teacher Lu said that Mr. Mei is the highest standard. “The best way to learn is from the best.” At the beginning, I learned the adagio of "Yutangchun hurriedly moved forward with tears in her eyes" from "Yutangchun" for half a semester. Just one sentence, going back and forth, "It's boring, just like Wudan's practice of rounding off, but it's boring to learn this sentence." After finishing, I have all the Zhang accent, closed accent, high pitch and low pitch. "After all, I am still a teenager. Shi Yihong and Teacher Lu are acting like a baby. I am really tired of singing. Please teach me something new." Teacher Lu shook his head, "You really didn't work as hard as we did at that time, so you can't compare. If I felt that this line didn't sound right in the middle of the night, I would get up and look for comparisons between Mr. Mei's youth, middle age, and old age. You guys would study so hard. "?" Shi Yihong was speechless at the moment.

"You Dragon Plays with the Phoenix" excerpt

In addition to vocal music, teacher Lu Wenqin also cultivated Shi Yihong's aesthetics. Beauty is not beauty, but being subtle but not revealing is deep and elegant. In the past ten years, Teacher Lu has been like a sculptor, shaping the "Mei School Daqingyi" in his mind, and also engraved the gene of "competition" in his work, because learning from the Plum School is to pursue perfection.

She won all the awards at the age of 22, but because of Mei Lanfang as a benchmark, Shi Yihong said, I have no right to be narcissistic or complacent.

ranked "You Long Xi Feng" the week before.In this play, Shi Yihong will play the sixteen-year-old Sister Li Feng. In the character model, she has a chain on her body. This is the thing. She needs to use it just right and act like a girl. After rehearsing one day, when she got home at night, she was still walking in the hall, thinking about it until two o'clock in the morning. Ling Ke, who plays opposite Emperor Zhengde, lamented that playing opposite his sister, she felt like she was the little girl in the play.


Shi Yihong learned the word "standard" from the Mei family. Although he did not become a disciple of Mr. Mei Baojiu, he saw that Mr. Baojiu had a temperament that was influenced by the norms of the Mei family, both on and off the stage. All forms of presentation are standardized."

In 1994, Lu Yan watched "The Female Generals of the Yang Family" in Shanghai and liked it so much that after the show, she asked someone to take it backstage and said she wanted to meet Shi Yihong. Lu Yan's mother is Li Guifen, who is as famous as Yu Shuyan and Yan Jupeng. When she was six years old, Lu Yan moved to Shanghai with her parents from Beijing. After her father died, Lu Yan and her mother lived in the home of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. Due to the close friendship between his mother Li Guifen and Mei Lanfang's wife Fu Zhifang, Mei Lanfang and his wife recognized Lu Yan as their goddaughter.

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

and Shi Yihong talked about their childhood, and Lu Yan called Mr. Mei "Father" in Shanghai dialect. Lu Yan made no secret that her father-in-law was the person she admired most. “Not only is he good at art and very patriotic, but he also has a noble personality. He always takes care of all his colleagues and is very kind to people.” A few years ago, Shi Yihong accompanied Traveling with Lu Yan, who is almost 90 years old, every detail along the way. Looking back, I feel that Lu Yan is taking care of everyone. "Being a person before acting, this is also the standard of the Mei family."

The opera house in Mei Lanfang's era had clear lines and strict rules. As time goes by, both Liyuan Bank and society as a whole have undergone earth-shaking changes. Some of the rules left by our ancestors have disappeared, but the essence remains. The ancient and strict inheritance is not only alive in "one table and two chairs".

On stage, I hold myself to Mei Lanfang's standards, study every one of his plays, and learn his singing, body and expression. The troupe world is a business that pays attention to moderation, and all the actors are self-disciplined. For decades, Shi Yihong maintained a regular schedule and moderate eating habits, which allowed him to have a slender waist and light steps on stage. After washing off the makeup, Shi Yihong's eyes were clear. She was calm and relaxed in the audience. She was like a spring breeze to both the assistants around her and the theatergoers. There is something going on in her heart and someone in her eyes. She knows very well that the love and affection on the stage is beautiful and indescribable, but it is not the color of the human world. During the filming of the TV series "Flowers", Wong Kar-wai invited her to play the role of "Teacher Shi". She was also from Shanghai, and she happily went. "Teacher Shi" is her but not her. She believes that only with a rich and full heart can one see the world. She has already had her own answers and "antidote" to secular life. She is relaxed on the outside and tight on the inside. She looks relaxed but is actually rigorous and prudent. The title of "Fairy Sister" given by drama fans really refers to more than just her looks.


This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

Love knows its origin and goes deep.

A few years after graduating from drama school, Shi Yihong also briefly experienced anxiety. There are only one or two performances a month, and there are only a few audiences in the audience - "There is no audience in the theater, which will really destroy an actor."

Fortunately, I have the surrender to art and Mr. Mei in my heart. Shi Yihong said that he Soon I found my confidence again. When there are no rehearsals, it’s like practicing at a theater school. It's not bright yet, and my eyes are bleary, so I start to hang my throat, tear my legs, lower my waist... I practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. I practice until it's a hot day wearing a costume with three layers inside and three layers outside. All the clothes inside are Even though he was soaked through, he still looked calm and composed, with not a drop of sweat on his face.

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

Take a photo with teacher Zhang Meijuan

She said that the broad and profound art of Peking Opera can be said to be the gathering of all the essence of traditional Chinese aesthetics and philosophy. The understanding of it can only be combined with one's own life experience, constantly rolling on the stage, and constantly seeing each other. Audiences will only understand when they are nourished in all aspects. When you are young, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but it cannot touch art.When you are young, your reputation is superficial, and your true success in art usually occurs after middle age. Therefore, she has no age anxiety and enjoys practicing day after day. She can clearly see the benefits of a self-disciplined life. In every performance, she calmly stood on the stage, opened her mouth and raised her hands. After years of tempering, her style and charm really shined.

She is a Gemini, has a strong heart and is naturally fearless. In the past few years, she has produced the "Wen Wu Kun Luan" series and the "Mei Shang Cheng Xun" series. She said that she has never been a forward-thinking character. "I don't think so much. If I don't work hard, there will be no perfection."

In the past, Meijiaban also had a record of performing a play for five consecutive days. This time, it was performed for seven days to pay tribute to Mr. Mei. Shi Yihong said, "This also fulfills a dream of mine and expresses my yearning for Mr. Mei's era." Actors rely on performances to prove their strength. Art is born on the stage. It is better to perform on stage once than to practice a hundred times.

This week, Shi Yihong presented a special performance of 'Yiyi Xiangmei', performing seven days of plum drama to pay tribute to Mei Lanfang's 130th birthday and Mei Baojiu's 90th birthday. When you drive to the inner ring elevated road of Zhongshan North Road, you can see the thr - Lujuba

Shi Yihong’s daily life after transferring to the Peking Opera class of Shanghai Opera School

People in the Liyuan industry like to talk about "karma". They believe that becoming a teacher and learning opera are all things that can only be accomplished by fate. Shi Yihong went to Zhejiang Road Primary School when he was a child. The first time he saw a play was at the Tianchan Stage. He can’t remember exactly which show he saw. He only remembers that he watched it with gusto and was filled with joy. Tianchan Stage is known as "the first Dangui stage". In 1913, Mei Lanfang came to Shanghai for the first time, and it was here that he amazed everyone with his book "Yu Tang Chun". Before coming to Shanghai, Mei Lanfang was a second-tier female actor. After becoming famous in Tian Chan, she became the top star. In 2013, the Shanghai Peking Opera Theater launched the five-day "Civil, Military and Kunlun Rebellion Shi Yihong" in Tianchan to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mei Lanfang's arrival in Shanghai to perform. On the day of the premiere, Mr. Mei Baojiu attended the "opening ceremony" in person. If there really is a time shuttle in the world, we can see Mei Lanfang appear on the stage, looking at the audience, giving entrusting looks and gestures. A lone beam of light shone on the seat. It was Shi Yihong, who was seven or eight years old, with a pair of curious phoenix eyes. It seemed that the fate had been decided at that moment.

Shi Yihong feels that he is a lucky person, because good art nourishes people, and Mei School nourishes people even more. (Wu Nanyao)

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