Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show "Ace and Ace" that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact

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Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Text | An Qing

Editor | 9527 Miaogujun

The long-awaited variety show "Ace and Ace" has finally received news of recording preparations recently. There will be a new lineup of guests in this season, and the audience is most excited about this season The expectation is actually Jia Ling's return.

There was no Jia Ling in the last season. Shen Teng was really tired to the naked eye. The new members couldn't carry them and the old members couldn't catch them. Shen Teng was particularly hardworking on the show, but the effect was very poor, not just Shen Teng himself." "Uncomfortable", the audience also felt uncomfortable watching it.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

At that time, Jia Ling could not appear because of the confidentiality of "Hot and Spicy", but now that Jia Ling's movie is a great success, it is time to put her return to the Ace Family on the agenda.

Moreover, Jia Ling has not appeared in public frequently since "Hot and Spicy" became popular. The audience not only misses her, but is also curious about her.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

However, although the success of the movie "Hot" happened half a year ago, the long tail effect of the movie is still continuing.

There are too many beautiful female stars in domestic entertainment. In this cultural environment where actors pursue self-discipline and pursue whiteness, thinness and beauty, there is too much lack of powerful female protagonists. Maybe Jia Ling herself did not expect that the success of "Hot and Spicy", except It established her right to speak in the film industry, skyrocketed her celebrity status, and made her popular in the fashion industry.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

This time, Jia Ling was even invited to participate in the magazine shoot. In addition to her, she was also in the same frame as the heroine of the original version of "Hot and Spicy" and "One Hundred Dollar Love".

In this era, women can always find resonance, especially women who are both powerful. When 38-year-old Sakura Ando and 42-year-old Jia Ling are in the same frame, the distance in language and culture did not stop the enthusiasm of the two when they met. Hug each other.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

"One Hundred Dollar Love" was a hit movie in Japan and won multiple awards. The success of the movie is inseparable from the strength of actor Sakura Ando.

Just like "Hot and Spicy", the heroine played by Sakura Ando also completed the counterattack of a useless little person in the movie. She performed the decadence of an ordinary person, and found the changes in the arc of the character between the decadent lifestyle and the high-spirited professional boxer.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

From the beginning to the end of the movie, Sakura Ando not only changed in figure, but also in her eyes and aura.

In contrast, the most eye-catching transformation in "Hot and Spicy" comes from Jia Ling's sudden weight loss of 100 pounds. The characters created by the two are similar, and what makes the audience admire them even more is their efforts for the characters. , a display of female power.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the movie "One Hundred Dollar Love" was already produced in 2014. Sakura Ando was only 28 years old at that time, but now Sakura Ando has entered the stage of a middle-aged woman, just let What is surprising is that Sakura Ando still remains bright and young in front of the camera.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

When she was in the same frame as Jia Ling, Ando Sakura was very small, but she was by no means white and thin. Her skin showed a healthy wheat color, with sufficient collagen on her face, and almost no traces of wrinkles left by time could be seen on her face. .

Compared with Jia Ling on the side, Sakura Ando doesn’t look like a woman who is only four years younger than Jia Ling. On the contrary, she looks about 30 years old, and her overall mental outlook is even better than the first half of "One Hundred Dollar Love" She is deliberately decadent and has more vitality.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

You must know that Sakura Ando at that time was ten years younger than she is now, which shows how well Sakura Ando has taken care of herself over the years.

Jia Ling, who is in the same frame as Ando Sakura, obviously has not been able to withstand the butcher's knife of time. Before losing weight, Jia Ling actually always looked young and cute. At that time, she was white and fat, and her whole person was beaming with joy. The skin also feels very shiny.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Nowadays, Jia Ling does not have the support of fat, and the outline of her face has become clearer, and the problem of falling face after losing weight has become more serious.In the

picture, Jia Ling will have many wrinkles on her face when she smiles, and the crow's feet around her eyes are quite obvious, especially when she meets Sakura Ando and hugs each other immediately. Jia Ling not only has serious crow's feet, but also has nasolabial folds around her mouth, Marionette lines are also very obvious.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

For Jia Ling of this age, she not only has the problem of sagging skin after losing weight quickly, but also has the problem of aging as she gets older. And it can be seen that compared with the state before the completion of the movie "Hot and Spicy", Jia Ling, who has not appeared in the public eye for a long time, is a little fatter than when the movie was released, and her arms are bigger than those of Sakura Ando next to her. More than a circle thick.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

When the camera is focused on Jia Ling's profile, it can be clearly seen that her jawline is not so clear. With a generous and completely relaxed smile, she even has a double chin problem.

Nowadays, Jia Ling still has the strength to keep exercising, but compared with a figure like Sakura Ando, ​​the slimmed-down Jia Ling still feels very bulky, and her whole body has the feeling of fatty muscles.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

In fact, since Jia Ling lost weight, the controversy about her figure has not stopped. There will always be people who think that Jia Ling looked more likeable and approachable before she lost weight. Nowadays, Jia Ling does feel a little more shrewd and alienated because of the changes in her figure.

But it can be seen from the interaction between Jia Ling and Sakura Ando that Jia Ling is still the same Jia Ling, still the cheerful and enthusiastic Jia Ling without any artist baggage.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Moreover, Jia Ling can handle various social situations with ease and relax, and she is not afraid of her wrinkles being seen by the audience even if the camera glares at her face. This shows that while many people are still paying attention to Jia Ling's appearance, she already has something better. With a strong spiritual core, her happiness definitely does not come from smooth skin, delicate skin and tender flesh.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

What supports her is her film works and her female power. Her fearlessness for the camera has reduced many women's anxiety about age and appearance. More importantly, it has allowed more people to pay attention to a woman's core and feel the power of women who are not bound by appearance.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Among the materials in the same frame as Ando Sakura this time, Jia Ling has a state that I particularly like. When Ando Sakura turned her back to Jia Ling, Jia Ling was standing at the door doing nothing. Her temperament, Jia Ling, who had no one to talk to at the moment, was a bit reserved and... It's embarrassing, but Jia Ling in the picture doesn't look embarrassed. She stands tall and straight, holds her head up and chest out. Her expression may be reserved but she definitely doesn't have stage fright.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Recalling the Jia Ling who always used her figure to tease her on the show, now Jia Ling is full of charm from the inside out.

And to be honest, most people are not used to this kind of Jia Ling, just because they are not used to it. "Ace and Ace" returns, and Jia Ling's unchanged character will still attract the audience.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 The variety show 'Ace and Ace' that the audience has been waiting for for a long time has finally received news of recording preparations. This season will have a new lineup of guests, and the audience's biggest expectation for this season is, In fact - Lujuba

Finally, what do you think of Jia Ling’s participation in the magazine shoot and her co-star status with Sakura Ando? Do you like her more before losing weight or after losing weight? Join the discussion in the comment section and share your views.

Tags: entertainment