The 17-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is not as light as she was three years ago. This is also the reason why Quan Hongchan has not been in the same st

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7-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is no longer as light as she was 3 years ago. This is also the cycle of Quan Hongchan's Paris Olympics. An important reason why the state is not so stable. CCTV's "People in the Olympic Year" launched a special program about Quan Hongchan, which introduced how Quan Hongchan maintained her fighting spirit and broke through herself in the face of new difficulties during the Paris Olympics cycle.

The 17-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is not as light as she was three years ago. This is also the reason why Quan Hongchan has not been in the same st - Lujuba

Regarding the physical development period, Quan Hongchan said: "The movements are getting heavier and heavier, and I don't think it is so easy. Then the completion is very low, not as high as before." Chen Ruolin also talked about the difference after Quan Hongchan's physical development In the past, Quan Hongchan was tall and had a flexible body. She could do somersaults very quickly, giving her enough time to open her body and enter the water.

"It's like you have a pair of sandbags tied to your body and you jump. It's completely different. Another thing is the psychological change. She went from being nothing to becoming the Olympic champion all of a sudden. All the attention. Everyone is praising her and promoting her to this position. She will feel that, ah, I am invincible. I have gone through such a period and made many detours, so I want her to make fewer mistakes. "Chen Ruolin said.

The 17-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is not as light as she was three years ago. This is also the reason why Quan Hongchan has not been in the same st - Lujuba

Yes, from being unknown to being famous all over the world, and then encountering setbacks, there will inevitably be a gap in your heart. During the Paris Olympics, Quan Hongchan jumped and smashed 207c many times in the competition, which made her feel very sad.

In the 2023 National Diving Championship, Quan Hongchan cried on the shoulder of her senior brother Xie Siyu after losing to Chen Yuxi. "This is also the first time that I cried during a competition. I never cried during competitions when I was a child. At that time, I practiced 207, and then I failed to dance well. I was very sad." Quan Hongchan said.

The 17-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is not as light as she was three years ago. This is also the reason why Quan Hongchan has not been in the same st - Lujuba

Quan Hongchan could only practice 207c hard. Chen Ruolin said that she was also tortured. She didn’t know why during the competition, Quan Hongchan’s 207c seemed to be unable to jump. She had to find the feeling again and jumped from 3 to 4 to 10. point.

Quan Hongchan's 207c can sometimes get high scores, but sometimes it makes fish-like mistakes. Quan Hongchan said: "I was young once, but I can never feel young again." She revealed that she would also be anxious when training, always thinking about whether she would not be able to perform the movements well or whether she would be scolded. , what will happen if you don’t practice well.

The 17-year-old Quan Hongchan is actually still very young, but she does not feel like she did when she was young. This means that after her physical development, she is not as light as she was three years ago. This is also the reason why Quan Hongchan has not been in the same st - Lujuba

For divers, physical development is a major difficulty. Many people fail to overcome it, resulting in a decline in form. Zhang Jiaqi is past her prime, but she is actually only 20 years old. In her peak period, Zhang Jiaqi scored a high score of 439 points and was considered a top expert. Unfortunately, after her body developed, she fell behind among the three little ones in diving.

Tags: entertainment