Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by "cyber trolls" seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ

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Internet rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by "cyber trolls" seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu public security organs have adhered to the "full chain, full platform, and full field" coverage, continued to increase crackdowns and rectification efforts, and effectively safeguarded the order of cyberspace and the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Since this year, they have investigated a number of related crimes. case. now announces the 10 typical cases recently investigated as follows:

Case 1

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Nanjing Fan Moumou fabricated an Internet rumor that "a certain brand of car leaked the owner's privacy". In April this year, rumors and information related to data security such as "a certain brand of car data was leaked" and "the amount of information is too large" were circulated on the Internet. The companies involved rushed to refute the rumors overnight. After traceability investigation, the above-mentioned rumors were first fabricated and published by Fan Moumou from Nanjing after seeing "indecent photos of a certain brand of car" online, disrupting public order and damaging the corporate image. Fan Moumou has been administratively punished by the public security organ.

Case 2

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Wuxi Zha Moumou and others fabricated Internet rumors about "dangerous flood situation." In June this year, Zha Moumou and others, in order to gain attention and attract fans, edited videos of flood disasters in other places and cargo loading and unloading in local food cities. They spread rumors that "Wuxi has become the hardest hit area and emergency supplies have been delivered." This resulted in a large number of online videos. spread, causing negative social impact and disrupting public order. Zha Moumou and two others have been administratively punished by the public security organs.

Case 3

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

A case in which Han and others from Yancheng fabricated an Internet rumor that "a college entrance examination student failed and committed suicide by jumping into a river." In June this year, Han, Gu and others heard rumors that someone had committed suicide. Without verifying the authenticity, they made subjective assumptions related to the announcement of college entrance examination results and fabricated and spread "big news" on the Internet. An 18-year-old at xx Bridge, The rumor message that I jumped into the river after failing to get into college was actively forwarded by Shan and others, causing related rumors to spread widely, causing negative social impact and disrupting public order. Five people, including Han, Gu, and Shan, have been administratively punished by the public security organs.

Case 4

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Chen and others from Huai'an fabricated Internet rumors about "helping students study in high school". In May of this year, Lv and Chen (real estate agents) spread the so-called "can help borrowing money" through multiple online platforms such as WeChat Moments, Douyin, Toutiao, etc., in order to gain attention, attract followers and improve performance. "High schools in Huai'an" rumors and information, causing negative social impact and disrupting public order. Lu and Chen have been administratively punished by the public security organs.

Case 5

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Changzhou Yang made up an Internet rumor about "a bullying incident occurred in a middle school in Jintan". In May of this year, in order to gain attention and fans, Yang used AI software to automatically capture information about "students were scalded and bullied with boiling water poured on them" from other places, and grafted it to a middle school in Jintan, Changzhou for hype, causing negative social impact and disrupting public order. . Yang has been administratively punished by the public security organ.

Case 6

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

An Internet rumor case involving a certain Yu in Taizhou posing for a photo of "being blocked by a village bully and running over with his car." In June this year, when Yu was out fishing at night, in order to gain attention and attract fans, he and others staged photos of "I encountered a village bully blocking my car late at night" and "he lay on the front of the car and refused to let me go, so I had to run over him." "Rumor videos have led to a large number of spread on the Internet, causing negative social impact and disrupting public order. Yu has been administratively punished by the public security organ.

Case 7

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

A case of cyber violence involving Xue from Suzhou and Pan from Yangzhou for spreading other people’s private information. In May of this year, in order to gain attention and vent their emotions, Xue and Pan spread online the identity card number, mobile phone number, photo, household registration address, mailing address and other private information of Tan, a person involved in the "Fat Cat Incident", and carried out the Internet violence violates their personal rights. Xue and Pan have been administratively punished by the public security organs.

Case 8

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Nantong detected the case of Chen Moumou’s malicious attack and defamation of others on the Internet. In March this year, Chen used two mobile phones to chat with each other in order to attract fans, gain profits and vent his dissatisfaction. He fabricated a rumor that a network anchor "charged fans 20,000 yuan to rent a room to sleep with him" and attacked and insulted him. The relevant information is online Spread in large quantities and have a serious impact on the reputation and normal life of the parties concerned. Chen Moumou has been subject to criminal compulsory measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

Case 9

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Suqian detected the case of Song Moumou and others promoting and hyping the "Internet trolls". In February this year, Song Moumou and others opened a studio to recruit customer service, write scripts, solicit business under the guise of "media exposure", and use professional platform tools to provide others with paid services such as video production and volume control and review. "Military" services, illegal profits of hundreds of thousands of yuan. Song Moumou and two others have been subject to criminal compulsory measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

Case 10

Online rumors, online violence, and illegal crimes by 'cyber trolls' seriously disrupt social and public order and infringe on citizens' legitimate rights and interests. Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed special operations to crack down on rectification, Jiangsu publ - Lujuba

Zhenjiang detected the case of Jiang Mou and others who were “internet trolls” who were responsible for online control and review. In March this year, Jiang and others held a large number of "Navy" accounts, customized a variety of group control software for batch login and one-click operation, and provided false "redirects" for a fee to employees or groups in the entertainment, fandom, webcasting and other industries. "Like and comment" service to achieve the purpose of ranking and trending, making millions of dollars in illegal profits. Jiang and other eight people have been subject to criminal compulsory measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

Public security agency reminder

Source: Jiangsu Police

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